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Advanced Thunderball x2
Almandine Garnet x6
Anti-Lenci x4
Aquamarine x10
Basic Emoji Package (Equipped)
Black Destiny Core
Black Ink x8
Blood From the Void
Blue Whisp Core x12
Blue Whisp's Soul x9
Bones x64
Cearense Head x14
Chaos Token x45
Christmas Title
Corrupted Legion Destroyer Medal
Crystal Gem x15
Crystal Green
Crystal of Legion x6
Cyber Gear x81
Cycle Token x37
Daily Login Megaphone x20
Daimond of Klunk x18
Dark Bloodstone
Dark Makai Defeated x497
Demon Chalice
Demon Soul x55
Divine Cloth
Divine Ornament
Doomed Token x231
DOX Penguin Defeated
Draconian Heart x89
Draconian of Time Head x3
Dragon Armor Part x19
Dragon Fragment x498
Dragon Heart x5
Dragon of Time Scales
Dragon Platinum Head x6
Dragon Sliver Head x180
Element Sac x5
Emerald x2
Empowered Voidstone
Enchanted Stone x20
Essence of Nulgath x233
Essence of Shadow
Essence of the Albino x11
Essence Of Unknown x10
Exalted Legion Token x25
Fear Toxic Blood x17
Frag. Crystal x2
Frag. Crytal Purple
Free Happiness Potion x4
Free Megaphone x26
General Defeated
Golden Destiny Core
Golden Fragment x6
Golden Magic Iron
Golden Snowballs x6
Green Whisp Core x101
Green Whisp's Soul x47
Grimlord Blood x73
Grimlord's Token x5
Holy Unstable Energy
Hometown Coin x4
Hometown Coin x8
Hometown Key
Isekai Fragment x73
Isekai Token x100
Jade x2
Krenos Gem x6
Krenos Thunderball x3
Krenosa Fragment x12
Lapis Lazuli
Legion Brutus Medal
Legion Essence x80
Legion Token x1902
Lesser Thunderball
Lich Stone x82
Lost Soul x75
Loyalty Token x5
Maculated Energy x15
Master Legion Token x15
Matter of the Dead x15
Megaphone x3
Mercutio Token x41
Metal Fragments x30
Monster Christmas Token x13
Mystic Gold x27
Mythical Fragment of Soul x5
Night Crystal Dragon
Nulgath's Approval x10
Olympus Sigil x15
Orthoclase x3
Paragon Essence x50
Potion of Darkness x5
Potion of Dodge x5
Potion of Health x5
Potion of Mana x5
Potion of Power x5
Potion of Redness x5
Potion of Speed x5
Pride Thunderball x7
Puregold Bar x5
Purple Destiny Core
Purple Queen's Potion x5
Pyrope Garnet
Quibble Fragment x25
Rare Essence x8
Reality Stone
Relic Of The Demon King
Restless Key
Ruby x9
Sand x114
Sand Elemental Soul x49
Sapphire x17
Scales x443
Scrap of Cloth x25
Second Chance Coin x4
Sesakid x2
Shadow God Fragment x3
Shadow Key
Silver Destiny Core
Soul Collector
Soul of Guardian x5
Soul of Legion
Soul of Olympus x23
Soul Relic
Soul Stone
Sphene x2
Spire Thunderball x11
Spirit of Revontheus x22
Spodumene x3
Stack of Souls x77
Star Ruby x3
State Thunderball x2
Strogia Token x72
Styx Shard x4
Tainted Gem
Teasure Kathool x31
Tethered Soul x300
The Secret 1
The Secret 2
Token Boat x33
Token of Olympus x907
Token of Star x127
Top Hat
Totem of Nulgath
Troll Aliance!
Ultimate Thunderball x5
Undead Energy x174
Undead Essence x45
Undead Soul x7
Undead's Soul x31
Underworld Aliance
Underworld Key x29
Valsarian Scales x2
Vertigo Heart x10
Vertigo Soul x83
Void Soul x2
Vordred Soul
Wailed x4
Wailed Frag x30
Wailed Frozen x31
Warrior Helms
Water for Pet x9
Well Key
Wer Divine Flame Shade
CLASS Boost! (1 hour) x22
EXP Boost! (1 hour) x13
REPUTATION Boost! (1 hour) x2
Blessing Malthael
Katana of Flames
Lambent Light
Re's Dual Sharp Cutters
Re's Short Stabbers
Aurora Caller's Bow
Abraxos Scythe
Assault Mode Meliodas Polearm
Evolution Shadow Spear (Equipped)
Franxx Spear Blue
Re's Long Stabber
ShadowEater Lance
Time of Dying Scythe
Aurora Caller's Staff
Darkside Staff
Fishin' Rod
Pink Amenouhoko
Aquamer Hair
Assault Mode Meliodas Hair
Aurora Caller's Hat
Aurora Caller's Helm
Avatar of Death Helm
Blessing Naval Hair
Bydis' Face (Equipped)
CC Dark Necrotic Helm
Crystallis Voyager's Halo + Hair
Death Alive Hair
Doom Ranger Hat
Emo Shocker Hair
First Mate’s Locks
Galactic Pirate’s Tricorn
Marshmello Helm
Prismatic Cutesy Ears + Locks
Re's Shades
Skeletanoo Face
Spooky Skull Morph + Locks
Unlucky Hoodie Locks
Vampirate Hair Scarf
Zhilo Hair
Assault Mode Meliodas Wings (Equipped)
Aurora Caller's Cape
Aurora Caller's Rune
Aurora Caller's Wings
Avatar of Death Cape
CC Shadow Flame Wings
Chains of Mental Control
Dark Lion Guardian
Enchanted Eldritch BackBow
Eternal Wings of Good
Evolved Darklove Fire
Gate Of Light Forge
Giant Yokai Dokuro Cape
Portal to Purgatory
Shadow of Grim
Shadowed Cryomancer's Wrap
Summoner’s Sheathed Blade
Weird tails
Asfargo's Third Eye Ring
Pineapple Ring (Equipped)
PvP Necklace +2000
Kid Cell (Battle Pet)
Mini Elemental Pet
Soul Harvester Pet
Classes & Armors
Dark Caster, Rank 10
Darkside, Rank 1
Invisible No Class, Rank 2 (Equipped)
Musician, Rank 10
Aquamer Scallywag
Aurora Caller
Avatar of Death
Bark Caster
Blessing Naval
CC Alpha Pirate Armor
Celestial Pirate Commander
Chaos Caster Armor
Dark Rainwalker
Death Alive
Demoniac Armor
Draco Tenebris
Dreadful Victorian Garb
Elite Shadowslayer
Emo Shocker
Enchanted Fancy Suit
Eternal Duality
Evolved PumpkinLord Armor
Expendable Rogue
Fieldy's Outfit
First Mate (Equipped)
Football Mammoth Uniforn
Full Body Flames
Intergalactic Thief
Ken Kaneki
Legacy of Nulgath
Masquerade Vesture
Nulgath Naval Commander
Obscure's Crew Armor
Ringermaster Zazul
Royal Shadowslayer
Ruka Sarashina
ShadowEater Samurai
Sheevra Armor
Shimazu's Warrior
Skull Slayer Armor
Solar Protector
Spooky Kid
The Lich King Armor
Unchained Rocker Armor
Urban Assassin
Werepyre's Shadow Armor
Yin-Yang Street Wear
Yokai Street Wear

Castles & Houses
Aussie Opera House (Equipped)
Paragon Helm House
Floor & Wall Items
7th Head of Orochi
Arena Speaker (L)
Void Elemental
Void Knight
Void Makai
Void Monk
Void Wyrm
Deady Sign I
Deady Sign II