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4kko Gold Token x2
6 Years Playing Title (Equipped)
Aether Dust
Amber x17
Anti-Lenci x9
Approval of Nulgath x82
Archfiend's Favor x386
Armored Grenwog Trophy
Bag of Abyss x2700
Basic Emoji Package
Baxel Approval
Beach Token x17
Beginners Guide Title
Black Ink x293
Blood Titan x5
Blue Whisp Core x10
Bone Sigil x860
BrutalDage Soul x3
Caesaris the Dark Medal
Chaotic Token
Chicken Beef x3
Chickencow Egg
Cleric's Cross x10
Colorizer x24
Cosmos Soul
Crystal Gem x6
Crystal Gem of Nulgath x57
Cyber Gear x23
Cycle Token x50
Daily Login Megaphone x20
Dark Crystal Shard x6
Dark Makai Defeated x380
Dark Remnants x27
Death x4
Demon Chalice
Demon Soul x1000
Diabolical Token x176
Diamond of Nulgath x28
Dimensional Key [No Load]
Dispel Power x6
Divine Fragment x30
Doomed Token x659
Draconian of Time Head x100
Dragon Fragment x480
Dragon of Time Scales x135
Dragon of Time Token x4
Dragon Platinum Head x603
Dragon Purple Shard
Dragon Sliver Head x56
Dragon Token
Dragon Tri Shard x12
Easter Chocolate
Element Sac
Empowered Voidstone x408
Essence of Nulgath x1253
Essence of Shadow
Essence of Slime x333
Essence Of Unknown x200
Evolved Frag Wailed
Ff Elemental Defeated x20
Fragment Of Iron x5
Fragment Of Titanium x5
Fragments of Items x12
Free Megaphone x39
Free Water for Pet x2
Frozen Flame Gem x39
Frozen Flame Shard x194
Galaxy Core
Gem of Nulgath x45
General Defeated x3
Glacial x3
Greed of Past x5
Greed Token
Green Whisp Core x12
Grimlord's Token x20
Happiness Potion x5
Hatir's Fire x2
Heart of the Dragon x3
Holy Fire x20
Holy Umbra x21
Holy Unstable Energy
Hometown Coin x136
Hometown Coin x10
Hometown Key
Jinjurick Token x3
Korn VIP Backstage Pass
Krenos Gem x5
Krenosa Fragment x17
Legion Essence x369
Legion Token x104630
Lich Soul x74
Lucius Dungeon Point x2
Lucius Dungeon's Boss Key
Lucius Dungeon's Key
Maculated Energy x25
Makai Ticket x280
Master Musical Fragment x26
Master Note x5
Matter of the Dead x75
Mega Circle Medal x7
Mercutio Token x500
Metal Fragments x4
Milk Bear Animated Emoji Package
Mirror Cohort Conquered x135
Musical Fragment x488
Mystic Gold x89
Mythsong Token x2
Nation Dragon Scales x11
Nightmare Grenwog Trophy x7
Ninja Token x3
Nostine Defeated x16
Nulgath's Approval
Oblivion's Gem x2
Orthoclase x12
Oversoul Fiend Shard
Panda Emoji Package
Paragon Essence x24
Penguin Slayer x5
Phoenix Energy x6
Potion of Darkness x3
Potion of Dodge x5
Potion of Health x5
Potion of Mana x5
Potion of Redness x3
Potion of Speed x2
Pride Thunderball x3
Project: Dimensional Key
Puregold Bar x5
Purgatory Essence x10
Purple Queen's Potion x9
Rare note
Restless Key
Rose Emblem x4
Rusted Iron Chunks x79
Sand x20
Second Chance Coin x2
Shadow Dust x33
Shadow Key
Shiba Emoji Package (Equipped)
Shinkansen Tickets x2
Small Meat x75
Songstone x10
Soul Collector
Soul of a God x43
Soul of Blight
Soul of Guardian
Soul of Legion x5
Soul of Nation
Soul of Shadow x50
Soul of Soul x6
Soul Orb x1008
Soul Shard x57559
Spire Thunderball x15
Spirit of Revontheus x100
Spodumene x2
State Thunderball x3
Stone of Nulgath x16
Swindle Approval
Swindle Recipe
Tanuki Token x50
The Secret 5 x7
Thunder Gem x3
Token of Naval x862
Token of Olympus x15
Top Hat
Totem Shard of Nulgath x284
Ultimate Thunderball x4
Undefined 1 x20
Undefined 10 x20
Undefined 11 x14
Undefined 2 x20
Undefined 3 x22
Undefined 4 x15
Undefined 5 x34
Undefined 6 x10
Undefined 7 x28
Undefined 8 x10
Underworld Aliance
Valsarian Scales x15
Vertigo Soul
Village Token x2
Void Box of a Hundred Evilness
Void Crystal A
Void Crystal B x2
Void Energy X x13
Void of Nulgath Token x360
Void's Coin x3672
Vordred Soul x30
Warrior Helms
Well Key
Xithricita Fragment x10
Xyv's Yellow Card
CLASS Boost! (1 hour) x25
EXP Boost! (1 hour) x52
GOLD Boost! (1 hour) x16
REPUTATION Boost! (1 hour) x25
FireBlood Armor Enhancement
FireBlood Cape Enhancement
FireBlood Helm Enhancement
FireBlood Weapon Enhancement
Blinding Light of Destiny
Bloodletter of Nulgath
Cursed Masamune (Wearing)
Empowered Insurgent Knight Sword
Legion Burning Blade Of Abezeth
Overlord's DoomBlade
Paridot katana
SoulKeeper Blade
SoulTaker Of Darkness CC
Frost Ironborn Axe (Equipped)
Hello Kitty
Katanas of Renunciation
Mahorc-Uraga Branched Knives
Archfiend Samurai Helm
Conical Hat
Dark Flaming Legion Skull
Evolved Shadow Helm
Frost Skywalker Hood (Equipped)
Ghostly Silverplate Conical Hat (Wearing)
Helm of the Highlord
Hero's Hair + Glasses
Infernal Naval Tricorn
Kakarotting Hair
Kakarotting Halo
Lover Boy Morph
Prisma Hair Helm
Prismatic Chronocide Morph
Punk Cap Bun
Reho's ULTRA Bongo Cat Hat
Sans Undertale Morph
Sepulchure Helm CC
Shadowed Drow Helm
Akatsuki Cloud
Argentina Spirit Cape
Blood Harvest Moon
Classier Clocks Cape
Flames of Shimazu (Wearing)
Frost Skywalker Cape (Equipped)
Legion Seraph Rune Cape CC
Mahorc-Uraga Crown
Rich Stroke Cape
Shadow Of Scream
Shadow of Sepulchure
The Hidebehind
Silent Angel's Sigil (Equipped)
Asfargo's Third Eye Ring (Equipped)
PvP Necklace +2000
Simple Ring of Nation
Arcane Soul Paragon
Brutal Servant Pet
Caladbolg Bank Pet
Evolved Blood Orb
Horse Pet of DDTANK
Icy Vordred (Equipped)
Nully Claws Pet
Oblivion Blade Of Nulgath Quest Pet
Platinum Twilly's Gift Pet
Platinum Zorbak's Gift Pet
Classes & Armors
Alpha Pirate, Rank 10
Archer Hunter, Rank 10
Chaotic Fiend of Nulgath, Rank 10
Chunin, Rank 10 (Wearing)
Darkside, Rank 10
Demon Slayer, Rank 10
Evolved PumpkinLord, Rank 10
Fiend of Ralzic, Rank 10
Flame Dragon Warrior, Rank 7
Frozen Mage, Rank 10
Golden Chronomancer, Rank 10 (Equipped)
Immortal Dark Caster, Rank 10
Legendary Hero, Rank 10
Legion Symbiote, Rank 10
Love Caster, Rank 10
Lovemancer, Rank 10
Musician, Rank 10
Popstar Hatsune Miku, Rank 10
PVP, Rank 10
Void Walker, Rank 10
Archfiend Samurai
Black Pierce Vamp
Blood of Nulgath
Brilliant Naval Commander
Chaos Doom Robe
Demon Samurai
Doom Lord Vordred
Drakath the Eternal
Electrifying Summer Zilla
Evolved Blood of Nulgath
Evolved Shadow of Nulgath
Frost Skywalker (Equipped)
Ghostly Silverplate (Wearing)
Hollow Revenant
Inked Inverse Coast Rocker
Mafia 2077
Normal Void Highlord
Omni Samurai
Presence of Nulgath
Sepulchure Armor CC
Tattooed Victorian Mafia Coat
Thin Guy
Void Highlord Armor

Castles & Houses
2D Moistverse House
Akiban Onsen (Equipped)
Love House
Paragon Helm House
Technocaster House
Winter Dragon Cave
Zazul's House
Floor & Wall Items
Altar of Caladbacon
Altar Of Caladbolg
Altar Of Vordred
Ambitious EbilCorp Zorbak
Dark Caster's Tome
Djiini Guard V (Left)
Executive Assistant V House Item
GIANT Mushroom Guard (R)
Glowing Guardian Statue
Golden Egg
Magma Blazebeard House Item
Major Mushroom Guard (R)
Oversoul Fiend Vampire House Item
Shadow Egg
Super Prince House Guard (L)
Super Prince House Guard (R)
Technocaster Rogue House Item
Void Fiend House Item
ARTX Shelf
Cr1tikal Meme Poster
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