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1 Year Playing Title (Equipped)
4kko Gold Token x2
Anubis Energy x2268
Aquamarine x25
Azurite x16
Bag of Abyss x938
Basic Emoji Package (Equipped)
Black Ink x86
Bone Sigil x90
Bravery Medal x15
BrutalDage Soul x5
Celestial Coins x2
Championfiend's Soul
Chaos Token x28
Christmas Title
Chrono Pass
Coffee Beans x2
Crystal Gem of Nulgath
Cyber Gear x75
Cycle Token x28
Daily Login Megaphone x20
Dark Crystal Shard
Demon Chalice
Demon Soul x2
Diamond of Nulgath x21
Divine Fragment x17
DOX Penguin Defeated x5
Dragon of Time Token x2
Emerald x25
Empowered Voidstone x8
Essence of Nulgath x2301
Essence of Shadow x3
Exalted Legion Token x211
Exalted Lord Token x11
Fiend Emblem x34
Fortune Ticket x4
Fragment Of Iron x4
Fragment Of Titanium
Fragments of Items
Free Megaphone x71
Gem Fragment x32
Gem of Nulgath x141
Heart of the Dragon
Key of Abyss
Klunk Defeated
Legion Token x11019
Lich Soul x14
Light Hope x50
Loyalty Token
Lucius Dungeon's Boss Key
Lucius Dungeon's Key
Magician Essence x15
Matter of the Dead x10
Megaphone x7
Mercutio Token x18
Metal Fragments x33
Musical Fragment x183
Mystic Gold x7
Oblivion's Gem x2
Orthoclase x25
Part of Dragon Beef x717
Pink Potion x5
Potion of Darkness x50
Potion of Dodge x50
Potion of Health x50
Potion of Mana x50
Potion of Power x50
Potion of Redness x50
Potion of Speed x50
Prove Your Loyalty #1
Prove Your Loyalty #2
Purple Queen's Potion x50
Pyrope Garnet x12
Quibble Fragment x10
Rayley 1st Trial Token
Restless Key
Ruby x25
Sailor Coin x7
Sapphire x25
Serpentine x9
Shadow Dust x150
Shadow Key
Shadow Token x10
Six Approval x100
Soul Collector
Soul of a God x5
Soul Of Evil x3
Soul Of Evil Fragment x10
Soul of Guardian x3
Soul Orb x5546
Soul Shard x105702
Souls of Xlight x1098
Sphene x18
Spodumene x25
Star Ruby x7
Stone of Nulgath x39
Sullen Soul Retrieved
Tainted Gem x7
Tenebris Soul Orb x33
The Secret 1
The Secret 5 x24
Token of Star x69
Totem of Nulgath
Troll Aliance!
Undefined 1 x2
Undefined 10 x6
Undefined 11 x2
Undefined 2 x4
Undefined 4 x4
Undefined 5 x2
Undefined 6 x4
Undefined 7 x6
Undefined 8 x2
Underworld Key x15
Uridrax Scales x3
Ve Approval x150
Vibranium x11
Village Token x135
Void Box of a Hundred Evilness
Void's Coin x2311
Yakagwa Token x2
Zyoo Golden Coin x4
CLASS Boost! (1 hour) x25
EXP Boost! (1 hour) x112
EXP Boost! (5 min)
GOLD Boost! (1 hour) x25
REPUTATION Boost! (1 hour) x25
FireBlood Armor Enhancement
Arena Guard Blade
Blinding Light of Destiny
Chaos Dragon Blade
Dark Astravian General Longsword
Doom Lord Vordred Sword
Doomed Fiend of Light Blade
Dragon Knight Blade
Drakath Blade
Fiend Champion's Blade
Golden Lion DragonBlade
Great SawBlade Of Eminence
Honorable Ninja Blade
Infinity Titan Sword
Mecha Dragon Commander Blade
Overlord's DoomBlade
Painsaw of Nulgath
PaladinSlayer Phoenix Blade
Pink Chainsaw Katana
Sepulchure's Undead Blade
Vordred's DOOM Blade (Equipped)
Vordred's Sword
Lunar Sand Axe
Trophy Hunter Axe Evolved
Vordred's Shadow Axe of Destiny
Destiny Blade and Shield
Dual Rainbow Pride Fan
Dual Vordred's Knight Reaver
Golden Slicers
Hollowborn Bodyguard Claws
Winged Astral Dragonknight Fist
Mud Spurter
Crystals Of Love
Iron Hammer
Vordred's Knight Reaver
Fiend Champion's Spear
Golden Rixty Polearm
Death Stave
Ghostly Staff
Stained Glass Faerie's Key Staff
Undead Mage's Fire Staff
Astral Dragonknight Morph
Black Dragonslayer Helm
Chaos Queem Crown
Chaotic WarMage Helm
Chibi Fa's Twintails
Cowl of Thanatos
Crimson GunSlinger Hat
Cute n' Cuddly Moglin Helm
Doom Lord Vordred Helm
Enraged Bestial Paragon Helm
Evolved Blood Guard
Evolved Fiend Helm
Evolved Void Helm
Evolved Warlord Cowl
Fiend Champion Horns
Fiend of Light Helm + Locks
Golden Blood Of Nulgath Guard
Golden Titan Helm
Hollowborn Bodyguard Helm
Honorable Ninja Hood
Imperial Lich Lord Horns
Infinity Titan Helm Morph
Infinity Titan Locks + Crown Morph
Legion Fiend's Crested Helm
Legion Titan Crown
Mecha Dragon Commander Morph
Nulgath Face Morph
Open Benediction Helm
Paragon of Light Helm
Paragon Of Parity Helm
Purple Rvoid Rider Helm
Raptor Rider's Skull
Sepulchure's Helm
Sparkling Pomegranate Flopper
Vordred's Helm
Vordred's Shadow Hood (Equipped)
Astral Dragonknight Wings
Astravian General Wings
Cape des Coeurs
CC Paragon Cape
Celestial Nightsky Cloak
Chaos Cloak
Destiny Cloak
Doom Lord Vordred Cape
Evolved Clawg Cape
Evolved Fiend Cape
Evolved Void Cape
Fiend Champion's Cloak + Spikes
Fiend of Light Wings + Tail
Floating Golden Oblivion Blades
Golden Cleric Wings
Grimlord Cloak of Nulgath
Guardian Shadow
Hangin' Around Pink Moglin
Hollowborn Treasure Hunter Bag
Infinity Stones
Legion Titan Cloak
Mecha Dragon Commander Battle Gear
NecROMANCE Hip Sheath
Pretty Pink Sparkles
Raptor Rider's Backblades
Sheathed Katanas
Vordred's Cape
Vordred's Knight Spiked Cloak (Equipped)
Wings Of Holiness
Guiding Star (Equipped)
Underworld Recharging Ring
Asfargo's Third Eye Ring (Equipped)
PvP Necklace +1500
PvP Necklace +2000
Simple Ring of Nation
Arcane Soul Paragon
Dreadhound Rider Battlepet
FrostWyrm Rider Battle-Pet
Golden Eye Pet
Golden Mini Nulgath Pet
Infinity Titan BattlePet
Legion Wizard Pet
Oblivion Blade Of Nulgath Quest Pet (Equipped)
Oblivion of Nulgath
Purple Rvoid Pet
Shadow of the Legion Bank Pet
Void Grenwog
Classes & Armors
Astero, Rank 10 (Equipped)
Berserker Hunter, Rank 10
Dark Caster, Rank 10
Darkside, Rank 10
DoomKnight Overlord, Rank 10
DragonLord, Rank 10
Elemental Dracomancer, Rank 1
Fiend of Ralzic, Rank 6
Frozen Knight, Rank 1
Infinity Titan, Rank 10
Knight Warlord, Rank 1
PaladinSlayer, Rank 1
Pirate Captain, Rank 9
Popstar Hatsune Miku, Rank 10
Profane, Rank 1
Astral Dragonknight
CC Paragon Plate
Dark Astravian General
Dark Shadow Knight
Doom Lord Vordred
Enraged FiendHunter
Evolved Blood of Nulgath
Evolved Fiend Of Nulgath
Evolved Void of Nulgath
Evolved Warlord of Nulgath
Fiend Champion of Adimonde
Golden Blood Of Nulgath Armor
Golden Titan
Hollowborn Bodyguard
Honorable Ninja
Imperial Lich Lord
Infinity Titan
Infinity Titan's Throne
Legion Titan
Mecha Dragon Commander
Nulgath Armor
Paragon Of Parity
Purple Rvoid Rider(Male Only)
Risen Sun Ninja
Safiria Rose Tribute Armor
Sepulchure's Armor
Storm Kimono
Totaly Pink Moglin Morph
Vordred's Armor
Vordred's Knight (Equipped)

Castles & Houses
Bone Castle House
Chateau Swaggy (Equipped)
Dragonrune House
Hachiko Hotel
Infinity Titan Base
Lovely Night House
Lovely Noon House
Technocaster House
Vacation Castle of Nulgath
Floor & Wall Items
7th Head of Orochi
Altar of Caladbacon
Altar Of Vordred
BBQ and Table
Black Imp House Item
Bookshelf of Adam1a1
Cemani Dricken House Item
Chaos Egg
Coat rack
Coconut Treeant House Item
Covered Table
Covered Table with Cake
Daimyo Off Duty
Dark Dragon Summoner Guard
Dark Dragon Summoner's Portal
Dark Magician Girl Aura House Item
Deal Bot 2.0 House Item
Desk of Doom
Dr. Worm
Eternal Dragon's Treasure Pile
Fragment of Doom Statue (L)
Freaki Tiki House Item
Frost Goblin House Item
Frost Golem House Item
GIANT Mushroom Guard (R)
Gold Dragon Statue (R)
Golden Celestial Templar Guardian
Guard Duty Daimyo
Infinity Titan Gauntlet
Jaan al Ard
Jimmy The Eye
Judgemental Spectator Guard
Karrot House Guard (L)
King's Throne
Lesser Groglurk House Item
Locked Chest
Long Feast Table
Love Shrub
Mahoraga House Item
Maleagant House Item
Master Duelist Cape House Item
Mood Slime
Mop and Bucket
Mysterious Stranger Bank Vault
Nova Empyrean House Item
Nulgath House Item
Pactagonal Knight Statue (Left)
Paragon House Item
Pillar of Fire
Pit the Guitarist
Platinum Celestial Templar Guardian
Pull-Chain Toilet
Red Rug
Round Wooden Table
Royal Bed
Royal Couch
Shadow Kitchen
Shadows Of Doom
Smoothie Bar
Star Festival Feast Table
Stone Fireplace
Table of Food
Tea For Two
Tea For Two II
Technocaster Rogue House Item
Teleporter pad
Titan Paladin Statue XL
Toxic Cauldron
Valky NPC
Void Elemental
Void Fiend House Item
Void Knight
Void Makai
Void Monk
Wandering Soul I
Wandering Soul II
White Toilet (Left)
2024 New Year's Ball
Basic Wall Lamp
Bubble Potion Shelf
Chaorrupted Root Lamp (R)
Chaos Castle Banner (R)
Chaos Eye Lamp (L)
Fishing Plaque
Mounted Ribcage Guitar
Portal to Worried Twilly
Rifle Rack
Ring of Gems
White Sink