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1 Year Playing Title
2 Years Playing Title
Abyssal Medallion x50
Abyssal Scale x100
Advanced Thunderball x2
Aeacus Empowered x195
Aerodux x27
Aether Dust x113
Aluminum x52
Archfiend Soul
Archfiend's Favor x376
Aura of Happiness x675
Aura of Pleasure x1000
Bag of Abyss x603
Basic Emoji Package
Block of Darkness x3
Bone Sigil x1245
BrutalDage Soul x3
Cearense Head x57
Challenger Medal x40
Chaos Card
Chaotic Token x21704
Chrono Essence x244
Chrono Pass
Claw of Darkness
Claw of Disease
Claw of Energy
Claw of Fire
Claw of Good
Claw of Ice
Claw of Light
Claw of Metal
Claw of Nature
Claw of Oceans
Claw of Poison
Claw of Stone
Claw of Wind
Coldfire Gem x100
Condensed Void x30
Corrupted Fragment x213
Crystal Gem x5
Crystal Gem of Nulgath x203
Daily Login Megaphone x15
Dark Crystal Shard x9
Demon Soul x200
Diamond of Nulgath x42
Diamond of Void
Divine Ornament
Dolaas's Fire
Doomed Token x8625
Dragon of Time Soul
Dragon of Time Token x28
Dwarfhold Master Key
Dwarven Secret
Essence of Luxuria x651
Essence of Nulgath x439
Essence of Shadow
Essence Of The Abyss x51
Essence Of Unknown x5
Exalted Artillery Title
Exalted Legion Token x137
Fragment Of Iron x5
Fragment Of Titanium x2
Fragments of Items x5
Free Megaphone x64
Futurelegion Clear
G Token x2
Galactica Singularity
Galaxy Core
Gem Fragment x19
Gem of Nulgath x307
Gem of Void x49
Glacial x2
Golden Fragment x10
Golden Galactica Singularity x51
Gorewyrm's Head x150
Gorewyrm's Tail x300
Greed Token x2
Green Whisp's Soul x56
Hatir's Fire x2
Head of Trox x2
High Golden Ingot x383
High Mithril Ingot x389
Infernal Dust
Infernal Fragment x16
Infernal Stone
K Token x9
Key of Abyss
Key of Vorefax
Krenos Thunderball x3
Legion Token x67242
Light Crystal Fragment x193
Light Fragment x2
Lingering Flame x204
Lost Soul x7
Loyalty Token x2
Maculated Energy x25
Mega Circle Medal x10000
Megaphone x2
Mercutio Token x500
Merge-LQS Purchase Pass x5
Milk Bear Animated Emoji Package (Equipped)
Mind Stone
Musical Fragment x7
Nation Dragon Scales
Nightmare Shard x13
Nulgath's Approval x471
Olympus Sigil x15
Paladin Armament x4
Penguin Slayer x2
Potion of Darkness x50
Potion of Dodge x50
Potion of Health x50
Potion of Mana x50
Potion of Power x50
Potion of Redness x50
Potion of Speed x50
Pride Thunderball
Purple Queen's Potion x50
Restless Key
Room Identificator
Sanity Lure x8
Scrap Metal x16
Shadow Dust x165
Shadow Extract x26
Shadow Guardian Defeated x2
Shadow Key
Shimmering Scroll x15
Sinned Energy x234
Sistine x10
Smaras Soul
Soul Collector
Soul of a God x8
Soul of Blight x15
Soul Of Evil x3
Soul of Nation x2
Soul of Olympus x18
Soul Orb x1760
Soul Shard x43648
Soul Stone
Spihoning Chaos
Spodumene x14
Star Death x17
Star Token I
Star Token II
Star Token IV
Stareater Fragment x7
Stareater Sphere x5
State Thunderball x3
Stone of Nulgath x31
Tainted Gem x15
Tethered Soul x4501
The Demon King's Representative
Thunder Emerald x338
Token of Olympus x116
Totem of Void x50
Ultimate Thunderball x3
Ultimated Exalted Contract
Ultra Blood Titan x25
Undefined 11 x194
Undefined 3 x156
Undefined 4 x136
Undefined 5 x190
Undefined 9 x98
Underworld Aliance x33
Vibranium x6
Void Box of a Hundred Evilness x2
Void Crystal Shard x309
Void Energy X x17068
Void Essence x214
Void Fiend Soul x500
Void Spell x15
Void's Coin x410
Voidstone x6
Well Key
Xithricita x8
Xithricita Fragment x266
Xyv's Blue Card
Xyv's Green Card
Xyv's Purple Card
You got Trolled!
CLASS Boost! (1 hour) x25
EXP Boost! (1 hour) x66
GOLD Boost! (1 hour) x25
REPUTATION Boost! (1 hour) x22
Binky's Uni-horn
ColdNii Sword
Cursed Masamune
Hanzo's Blade
Krenosa Soul Katana
Nightmare Pandora Sword
Nocturnal Blade of Malice
Taro of Purgatory
Aura Of Six
Dual Black Dimensional Katana
Dual Legendary Manslayer of Cicus
Dual Manslayer of Taro
Dual Natch Faust's Grimorie
Dual Nightmare Pandora Sword
Dual Shadowscythe of Z Blade (Equipped)
Natch Faust's Grimorie
SoulForge Hammer
Unarmed (Wearing)
Buffed Merlin Helm (Equipped)
CC Crown Locks
CC Paper Head
Doom The Master Hat
Evo Headphones Scarf
Forever Alone Morph
Ichigo Hell Skull Mask (Wearing)
Natch Faust's Hair
Tropical Vacationer Hair
Wild Shades
Wolk SWAG Face
Buffed Merlin Mage Cape (Equipped)
Underworld Eternal Flame (Wearing)
Yaksha BackScythe
Dracolich Lord Aura
Prismatic Dracolich Lord Aura (Wearing)
Shadowbound's Shade
Shenlong Flame
Simple Shadow Ground
Star-Eater's Void Collapse
White Lotus Emblem
Zenobia's BerryStain Splash
Asfargo's Third Eye Ring (Equipped)
PvP Necklace +1500
PvP Necklace +2000
Arcane Soul Paragon
Evolved Void Orb Pet
Legion Wizard Pet
Nulgath Birthday Gift
Oblivion Blade Of Nulgath Quest Pet (Equipped)
Silent Evil Spirit
Twilly Bank Pet
Classes & Armors
Archer Hunter, Rank 10
Astero, Rank 10
Dark Caster, Rank 10
Darkside, Rank 10
DragonLord, Rank 10
Dragonsworn, Rank 10
Fiend of Ralzic, Rank 5
Immortal Dark Caster, Rank 1
Infinite Dark Caster, Rank 1
Nephthys, Rank 10 (Equipped)
Rich, Rank 10
Shadow Hatsune Paragon, Rank 10
Timeless Dark Caster, Rank 1
Classy Windsor Wedding
Fallen Celestial Naval
Ichigo Hell Armor (Wearing)
Ken Kaneki (Equipped)
Mafia Flame Coat
Normal Void Highlord

Castles & Houses
2D Moistverse House
Icy Pirate Ship (Equipped)
Floor & Wall Items
Orbital Doom Strike Pillar II
Void Elemental
Void Makai
ZB8 in da House