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4 Years Playing Title
Aerodux x107
Aether Dust x1775
Almandine Garnet x25
Amber x18
Aquamarine x24
Aura of Happiness x600
Aura of Pleasure x400
Azurite x15
Bag of Abyss x2700
Basic Emoji Package (Equipped)
Black Knight Essence x8
Block of Darkness x12
Blood Gem of the Archfiend x4
Blue Whisp Core x4
Bone Sigil x220
Bones x257
Broken Bones x4
Bronze Trophy Title
BrutalDage Soul x16
Cape Fragment x25
Cataclysm Power x133
Celestial Clouds x81
Celestial Coins x12
Celestial Essence x15
Celestial Hound Soul x5301
Challenger Medal x40
Chaos Card
Chaotic Token x12379
Chicken Beef x60
Chrono Pass
Citrine x4
Claw of Darkness
Claw of Disease
Claw of Energy
Claw of Fire
Claw of Good
Claw of Light
Claw of Metal
Claw of Stone
Claw of Wind
Cleric's Cross x522
Cloth x30
Corrupted Fragment x640
Crystal Gem of Nulgath x87
Crystal of Balance x6
Crystal of Legion x6
Crystal of Power
Crystal of Reanimation x84
Daily Login Megaphone x20
Dark Crystal Shard x54
Dark Remnants x21
Darkness Contract
Darkness Token x5
Demon Chalice
Demon Soul x38
Diamond of Nulgath x203
Diamond of Void x54
Dimensional Key [No Load]
Disciple Soul x13
Dispel Power x5
Divine Cloth x9
Divine Ornament
Divine Soul
Doomed Oblivion Defeated (1%)
Doomed Token x24
Dove Feather x19
Draconian of Time Head x2641
Dragon of Time Scales x662
Dragon of Time Token x42
Dwarven Secret
Emerald x20
Eminence of Shadows's Title
Empowered Voidstone x15
Enchanted Stone x300
Essence Of Darkness x2
Essence of Luxuria x1599
Essence of Nulgath x362
Essence of Shadow x12
Essence of Slime x372
Essence Of The Abyss x5
Essence of the Holy x140
Essence Of Unknown x65
Exalted Artillery Title
EXP Elixir for Pet x100
Forger x201
Fragments of Items x5
Futurelegion Clear
Galactica Singularity x8
Galaxy Core
Gem of Nulgath x37
Gem of Void x139
General Defeated x4
Golden Fragment x10
Golden Galactica Singularity x330
Gorewyrm's Head x150
Gorewyrm's Tail x300
Green Whisp Core x4
Grimlord Blood x586
Grimlord's Token x20
Heart of the Dragon x6195
High Golden Ingot
High Mithril Ingot x278
Holy Fire x30
Holy Umbra x14
Holy Unstable Energy
Hometown Key
Jade x20
Key of Abyss
Key of Vorefax
Legion Token x995000
Lich Soul x30
Light Elemental Essence x10
Light Ornament x2
Light Token x5000
Lingering Flame x184
Lost Soul x6
Loyalty Token x3
Maculated Energy x25
Magician Essence x4
Master Legion Token x200
Mega Circle Medal x1383
Mercutio Token x147
Milk Bear Animated Emoji Package
Miltonius x2
Mystic Gold x191
Mythical Soul x3
Nation Dragon Scales x154
Neo Debris x85
Nostine Defeated x60
Oblivion's Gem x18
Olympus Sigil x11
Orthoclase x14
Paladin Armament x25
Paragon Essence x75
Part of Dragon Beef x30
Penguin Slayer x30
Potion of Darkness x5
Potion of Dodge x5
Potion of Health x5
Potion of Mana x5
Potion of Power x5
Potion of Redness x5
Potion of Speed x2
Project: Dimensional Key
Purple Queen's Potion x5
Pyrope Garnet x15
Rare note x2
Red Feathers x2
Restless Key
Room Identificator
Ruby x25
Rusted Iron Chunks x144
Sand x10
Sanguine Of Darkness x24
Sanity Lure x727
Sapphire x24
Scrap Metal x13
Scrap of Cloth x25
Serpentine x3
Shadow Bone Fragment x7
Shadow Doom Soul x85
Shadow Dust x150
Shadow Eterium x18
Shadow Key
Shadow Legend Soul x799
Shadow Ore x34
Shadow Undead Defeated
Shadow Warrior Soul
Shimmering Scroll x2
Sinned Energy x7
Sinned Ink x154
Small Meat x1280
Smaras Soul x7
Soul Collector
Soul of a God x43
Soul of Blight x20
Soul of Nulgath x4
Soul of Olympus x9
Soul of Soul x6
Soul Orb x18
Soul Stone x8
Souls of Xlight x12
Space Stone
Sphene x20
Spihoning Chaos
Spodumene x6
Stack of Souls
Star Death x194
Star Ruby x3
Stareater Sphere x52
Tainted Gem x110
Taro Soul x18
Terrorfiend Tail x14
Thunder Emerald x162
Time Essence x122
Time Stone
Token of Olympus x43
Token of Star x1000
Top Hat
Totem of Void x5
Ultimated Exalted Contract
Undefined 1 x8
Undefined 10 x20
Undefined 11 x14
Undefined 2 x14
Undefined 3 x10
Undefined 4 x14
Undefined 5 x14
Undefined 7 x14
Undefined 8 x6
Undefined 9 x16
Underworld Key
Valsarian Scales x58
Valuable Box x4
Vibranium x25
Void Crystal A x4
Void Crystal Shard x330
Void Debris x10
Void Energy X x15773
Void Energy Y x50
Void Shard x100
Void Soul x5
Void Spell x55
Void Sphere x10
Void's Coin x15933
Voidstone x6
Well Key
Xyv's Blue Card
Xyv's Green Card
Xyv's Purple Card
Xyv's Yellow Card
You got Trolled!
CLASS Boost! (1 hour) x25
EXP Boost! (1 hour) x172
GOLD Boost! (1 hour) x25
REPUTATION Boost! (1 hour) x25
REPUTATION Boost! (10 min)
FireBlood Armor Enhancement
FireBlood Cape Enhancement
FireBlood Weapon Enhancement
FireBlood Weapon Enhancement
Binky's Uni-horn
Cursed Masamune
Duel Master
Manslayer of Taro
Oni To Koji's Sheated Katana
Oni To Koji's Spirit Katana
Paridot katana
Ultimate DragonBlade (Equipped)
Azure Flaming Fists
Dragon's Breath Katanas
Dual Cursed Energy
Dual Duel Master
Dual Exalted Hammer of Fulfilled Fate
Dual Fiend Singularity
Dual Fiendish Stormbringer Spear
Dual Galactic Spear of Light
Dual Grand Antaeus Spear
Dual Kota Bear 022 (S) Mace
Dual Lightning Strikes
Dual Manslayer of Taro
Dual Oblivion Of Highlord Spear
Infinity Titan Reality Gauntlets
Lorosian Hunter Sabers
Oni To Koji's Dagger
Oni To Koji's Katanas
Orochi Blademaster's Wakizashis
Orochi Katana and Wakizashi
Reverse Blademaster's Wakizashis
Shadow Claws Of Nulgath
Elegaic Mage's Gauntlet
Elegaic Mage's Gauntlets
Shadowbound Claws (Wearing)
Voracious Gauntlet
Voracious Gauntlets
Water Pistol
Kota Bear 022 (S) Mace
SoulForge Hammer
Prismodian Guard's Polearm
Scarlethorn Revontheus Spear
Shadow Galactic Spear
Elegaic Mage's Broom
Mystical Elegy Staff
Alucard's Hat
Crimson GunSlinger Hat
Enchanted Shaded Tropical Fedora Morph (Wearing)
Enchanted Tropical Shades
Grimlord Face of Nulgath
Head of the Legion Beast (Equipped)
Oni To Koji's Locks + Blind
Proto Paragon Helm
Scarlethorn Revontheus Scarf
Supremo Hitman's Flaming Hair
Oblivion Juggernaut Cape (Equipped)
Oni To Koji's Angry Guardian
Oni To Koji's Flame
Oni To Koji's Guardian
Storm of Kunai (Wearing)
Supreme Scarlethorn Weapons
Supremo Hitman's Demon Cape
Blade Destiny Circle
Enchanted DragonRune
Obsidian Swirling Shadow (Equipped)
Oni To Koji's Ground Rune
Serenity Of Eden City
Simple Shadow Ground
Summoning Ring of Madness
Asfargo's Third Eye Ring
King Drago's Ring
Very Important Player Ring (Equipped)
Brutal Servant Pet
Dark Makai of Nulgath
Legion Soulseeker BattlePet
Legion Wizard Pet
Necronaut Head Pet
Necrotic Of Nulgath Sword Pet (Equipped)
Nulgath Birthday Gift
Oversoul Fiend Vampire BattlePet
Sneevil Nulgath
Soul Harvester Pet
SoulKeeper Sword Pet
Taro Blademaster Guardian
Ultimate Paragon Servant
Undead Mage Fire BattlePet
Undead Shadow BattlePet
Underworld Daimyo Battle Pet
Underworld Daimyo Pet
Classes & Armors
ArchVoid Of Nulgath, Rank 10
Dwarf Champion, Rank 10 (Wearing)
Eminence Of Shadows, Rank 10
Legion Time Master, Rank 10
Light Caster, Rank 10
Shadow Hatsune Paragon, Rank 10
Stareater, Rank 10 (Equipped)
Alucard's Armor
Annoying Disaster (Wearing)
Darkon Legacy
DoomKnight Naval Commander
Elegaic Mage
Energy Dark Caster
Eros' Outfit
Immortal Lich King's Gift
Immortal Summoner
Oni To Koji's Armor
Proto Paragon Armor
Scarlethorn Revontheus (Equipped)
Soul Harvester

Castles & Houses
Infinity Titan Base
Moglin Hut (Equipped)
Winter Dragon Cave
Floor & Wall Items
Altar Of Caladbolg
Archfiend Klunk House Item
Blue-Eyes Dragon House Item
Cursed Corn House Item
Dark Magician Girl Aura House Item
Fa Gamer House Item
Infinity Titan Gauntlet
Judgemental Spectator Guard
Lesser Groglurk House Item
Mahoraga House Item
Master Duelist Cape House Item
Mysterious Stranger Bank Vault
Nation Draconian House Item
Nulgath House Item
Oversoul Fiend Vampire House Item
Paragon House Item
Tantalocust House Item
Taro House Item
Void Elemental
Void Makai
Void Monk