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1 Year Playing Title
Approval of Nulgath x40
Archfiend's Favor x838
Aura of Happiness x1000
Aura of Pleasure x1000
Bag of Abyss x145
Basic Emoji Package (Equipped)
Chicken Beef x27
Christmas Token x50
Claw of Nature
Crystal Gem of Nulgath x60
Crystal of Balance x6
Crystal of Legion x6
Daily Login Megaphone x20
Demon Chalice
Diamond of Void x3
Divine Fragment x5
Divine Ornament
Doomed Token x1068
Dwarven Secret
Empowered Voidstone x268
Essence of Geryon x99
Essence of Luxuria x1999
Essence of Nulgath x6017
Essence Of The Abyss
Essence of the Holy x7
Essence of Unholy x9
Exalted Legion Token x57
EXP Elixir for Pet x110
Fragment of Doom x90
Free Megaphone x27
Frostbound Crystal
Gem Fragment x25
Gem of Nulgath x237
Gem of Void x3
Golden Fragment x10
Grimlord Blood x3000
Grimlord's Token x20
Hometown Key
Infernal General Defeated x3
Legion Token x2021
Lingering Flame
Loyalty Token x7
Maculated Energy x25
Mega Circle Medal x10000
Nation Draconian Soul
Nation Dragon Scales x88
Nation Scripture x3
Nightmare Shard x12
Overfiend Fragment x12
Oversoul Fiend Shard x2
Paragon Essence x75
Part of Dragon Beef x58
Potion of Darkness x50
Potion of Dodge x50
Potion of Health x50
Potion of Mana x50
Potion of Power x50
Potion of Redness x50
Potion of Speed x50
Purple Queen's Potion x50
Shadow Dust x151
Sinned Energy x1000
Small Meat x1070
Smaras Soul x154
Snow Token x148
Soul of a God x7
Soul Of Evil
Soul Of Evil Fragment x2
Soul Shard x73965
Spirit of Christmas x308
Star Death x500
Stone of Nulgath x20
Taro Soul x36
The Secret 5 x10
Thunder Emerald x2040
Totem of Void x51
Totem Shard of Nulgath x1000
Treasure Token x63
Undefined 1 x20
Undefined 10 x20
Undefined 11 x110
Undefined 2 x20
Undefined 3 x88
Undefined 4 x37
Undefined 5 x112
Undefined 6 x260
Undefined 7 x180
Undefined 8 x20
Undefined 9 x260
Vial of Violence
Village Token x57
Void Crystal Shard x18
Void Energy Y x11
Void of Nulgath Token x600
Void's Coin x35000
CLASS Boost! (1 hour) x25
EXP Boost! (1 hour) x116
EXP Boost! (5 min)
GOLD Boost! (1 hour) x25
REPUTATION Boost! (1 hour) x25
REPUTATION Boost! (10 min)
Icy Vordred Sword
Oblivion Blade of Nulgath
Dual Manslayer of Taro
Dual Ultima Balmud (Equipped)
Evolved Bloodletters of Nulgath
Frost Skywalker Hood (Equipped)
Grimlord Face of Nulgath
Frost Skywalker Cape (Equipped)
Shenlong Flame
Simple Shadow Ground
Zenobia's BerryStain Splash
Asfargo's Third Eye Ring (Equipped)
PvP Necklace +1500
PvP Necklace +2000
Chaos Moth BattlePet
Icy Vordred
Oblivion Blade Of Nulgath Quest Pet (Equipped)
Twilly Bank Pet
Classes & Armors
Astero, Rank 10
DragonLord, Rank 10
Enforcer, Rank 10
Fire Guardian, Rank 10 (Equipped)
Snowman, Rank 10
ClawSuit Naval Commander (Equipped)
Grimlord of Nulgath
Soul Harvester
Wolf Hunter

Castles & Houses
Hidden Pirate Base (Equipped)
Floor & Wall Items
Fragment of Doom Statue (L)
Fragment of Doom Statue (R)
Nation Draconian House Item
Shadows Of Doom
Sleeping Pixel (L)
Sleeping Pixel (R)
Void Fiend House Item
2024 New Year's Ball