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1 Year Playing Title
2 Years Playing Title
3 Years Playing Title
4 Years Playing Title
5 Years Playing Title
6 Years Playing Title
Black Knight Orb
Bone Shard x99
Chilled Horror Fragment x3
Crystal of Balance
Daily Login Megaphone x6
Divine Ornament
EXP Elixir for Pet x10
Gem Fragment x19
Golden Fragment x10
Head of Fotia's x19
Lingering Flame x281
Loyalty Token x10
Purgatory Essence x6
Token of Olympus
CLASS Boost! (1 hour) x9
EXP Boost! (1 hour) x2
GOLD Boost! (1 hour) x8
REPUTATION Boost! (1 hour) x2
Galactic Awe
Icy Vordred Sword
FrostWolf Daggers
Battle Trumpet
Blinding Maraca of Destiny
Iron Hammer
Unarmed (Wearing)
Scarlethorn Revontheus Spear (Equipped)
Pink Amenouhoko
Boreal Cavalier Locks + Scarf (Wearing)
BrightFrost Elf Hood + Locks
Buffed Merlin Helm (Equipped)
Encanto Sambista Hat
Exodus Guardian's Horns
FrostWolf Helm
Mariachi Hero Hair
Mariachi Hero Hat
Mariachi Hero Locks
Sambista Helm
Sombrero de Charro Morph
Banished Spirit
Black Knight Cloak (Wearing)
FrostWolf Cape (Equipped)
Mariachi Hero Guitar Cape
Mariachi Hero Maracas Cape
Exodus Guardian's Portal (Equipped)
Asfargo's Third Eye Ring (Equipped)
Cespect Battlepet
Chaonslaught Caster BattlePet
Ice Sword BattlePet
Mariachero Trum Pet
Mariachi Memet
UIoDA Chest
Classes & Armors
Arachnomancer, Rank 6
Chunin, Rank 1
Drakel Warlord, Rank 1
Elemental Dracomancer, Rank 8
Good Class, Rank 5
Immortal Dark Caster, Rank 10 (Equipped)
Knight Warlord, Rank 5
Black Knight
Black Panther Armor
Encanto Sambista Armor (Wearing)
Exodus Guardian
Ken Kaneki (Equipped)
Mariachi Hero
Sambista Armor
¡Mariartix! Charro Outfit

Castles & Houses
Villa (Equipped)
Floor & Wall Items
Exodus Titan Guard