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1 Year Playing Title
2 Years Playing Title
3 Years Playing Title
4 Years Playing Title
Almandine Garnet x13
Aluminum x438
Amber x13
Ancient Cohort Conquered x477
Antidote Crystal Bottle
Apollo's Exalted x5
Aura of Pleasure x88
Bag of Abyss x316
Balloon Shard x481000
Basic Emoji Package
Beginners Guide Title
Black Knight Essence x5
Blood From the Void x26
Blue Whisp Core x150
Blue Whisp's Soul x100
Bone Shard x49
Bone Sigil x1200
Bones x676
BrutalDage Soul x145
Cataclysm Power x3
Cearense Head x6
Celestial Clouds x30
Celestial Coins
Challenger Medal x40
Chaos Card
Chaos Gemerald Shard x8
Chaotic Token x1241
Christmas Title
Chrono Essence x117
Chrono Pass
Claw of Nature
Cleric's Cross x8
Cloth x30
Colorizer x2
Conquest Wreath x2
Corrupted Fragment x28
Crystal Gem x8
Crystal of Balance x6
Crystal of Chaos x3
Crystal of Legion x6
Crystal of Power
Crystal Shard x3
Cycle Token x50
Daily Login Megaphone x2
Dark Crystal Shard x24
Dark Makai Defeated x500
Dark Remnants x100
Darkblood Cohort Conquered x226
Darkness Contract
Darkness Token x13
Demon Chalice
Demon Power! x42
Demon Soul x30
Diamond of Nulgath x105
Diamond of Void x13
Dimensional Key [No Load]
Dispel Power x3
Divine Ornament
Doomed Oblivion Defeated (1%)
Doomed Token x170
Doomwood Cohort Conquered x2190
Draconian Heart x300
Dragon Cohort Conquered x20
Dragon Fragment x500
Dragon Heart x7
Dragon of Time Token
Dragon Token x102
Dwarfhold Master Key
Dwarven Secret
Element Sac x5
Essence of Luxuria x2
Essence of Nulgath x10
Essence of Shadow x9
Essence of Slime x11
Evolved Darkness Token x30
Exalted Artillery Title (Equipped)
Exalted Legion Token x12
EXP Elixir for Pet x25
Fragments of Items
Frozen Flame Shard x12
Futurelegion Clear
Gem Fragment x4
Gem of Void x127
General Defeated x22
Golden Fragment x10
Golden Galactica Singularity
Gorewyrm's Head x141
Gorewyrm's Tail x300
Green Whisp Core x257
Green Whisp's Soul x250
Grim Cohort Conquered x28
Grimlord Blood x2000
Grimlord's Token x20
Hatir's Fire
Head of Fotia's x16
Head of Trox x2
Head of Void x2
Heart of the DeepVoid
High Golden Ingot x274
High Mithril Ingot x531
Holy Fire x432
Holy Umbra x430
Holy Unstable Energy
Hometown Coin x30
Hometown Key
Jade Powder x7
Jade Powder’s Bag
Key of Abyss
Key of Vorefax
Klunk Defeated x3
Krenosa Fragment x9
Legion Brutus Medal x6
Legion Essence x854
Legion Token x2694
Lesser Gold Ingot x21
Lesser Mithril Ingot x3
Lich Stone x100
Lingering Flame x35
Lost Soul x31
Loyalty Token x3
Maculated Energy x25
Marvel Emoji Package
Master Legion Token x300
Matter of the Dead x12
Mega Circle Medal x2553
Megaphone x24
Mercutio Token x500
Mind Stone
Mirror Cohort Conquered x5
Mystic Gold x6
Mythical Soul
Neo Debris
Nightmare Grenwog Trophy
Nostine Defeated x95
Nulgath's Approval x50
Oblivion's Gem x5
Ori's Emblem x7
Orthoclase x4
Paladin Armament x100
Paragon Essence x23
Penguin Slayer x30
Penitent Essence x36
Pepe Emoji Package (Equipped)
Piece of a Dragon's Heart x10
Pirate Cohort Conquered x100
Potion of Darkness x5
Potion of Dodge x5
Potion of Health x5
Potion of Mana x5
Potion of Power x3
Potion of Redness x5
Potion of Speed x5
Prismatic Core
Project: Dimensional Key
Puregold Bar
Purple Queen's Potion x5
PvP Trophy x7
Pyrope Garnet x10
Red Destiny Core
Restless Key
Room Identificator
Ruby x15
Rusted Iron Chunks x456
Sand x10
Sand Elemental Soul x150
Sand Frask x25
Sandye x183
Sanguine Of Darkness x28
Sanity Lure x2
Scrap of Cloth x25
Shadow Dust x155
Shadow Guardian Defeated x232
Shadow Key
Silk Cloth Roll x5
Sinned Energy x9
Sinned Ink x27
Small Meat x170
Soul Collector
Soul of a God x45
Soul of Amara x3
Soul of Blight x2
Soul Of Evil x4
Soul of Guardian x3
Soul of Olympus x3
Soul Relic x4
Soul Shard x76296
Spirit Cohort Conquered x220
Star Death x15
Star Token I
Stareater Fragment x17
Tainted Gem x65
Tethered Soul x3987
Thanatos's Dark Energy
Thunder Emerald x552
Thunder Gem x4
Token of Naval x55
Token of Olympus x290
Token of Star x1000
Top Hat
Totem of Nulgath
Totem of Void x5
Ultimate Darkness Token x5
Undead Relic x5
Undead Soul x5
Underworld Aliance x22
Underworld Key x16
Valsarian Scales x59
Vertigo Soul x136
Void Crystal Shard x261
Void Debris x8
Void Energy X x12345
Void Energy Y x9
Void Essence x108
Void Shard x100
Void Soul x11
Void Spell x7
Void Token
Void's Coin x409
Vordred Soul x16
Wailed Frag x100
Wailed Frozen x26
Well Key
Xithricita x46
Xithricita Fragment x12
Xyv's Blue Card
CLASS Boost! (1 hour) x25
EXP Boost! (1 hour) x117
GOLD Boost! (1 hour) x25
REPUTATION Boost! (1 hour) x14
FireBlood Armor Enhancement
FireBlood Helm Enhancement
Demon Sword Lostvayne
BladeMaster's Dual Weapons
Dual Ankhseram Curse Blade
Dual Flametaro (Equipped)
Dual Warpforce Cyber Sword
Legion Skull Masher
Paragon of DOOM's Daggers
ShadowScythe Paragon's Daggers
Paragon of DOOM's Gauntlet
ShadowScythe Paragon's Gauntlet
SoulDevourver Gauntlet
Ankhseram Curse Book of END
Iron Hammer
SoulForge Hammer
Unarmed (Wearing)
Ankhseram Curse Polearm
Creator's Berserker
Cyber Demise of the Gods
Heavenward Staff
CC Rainbow Revontheus Wand
Ankhseram Hood
Buffed Merlin Helm (Equipped)
CC Evolved Blood Helm
Creator's Dread Mask
Creator's Masked Hood
Creator's Vision Hair (Wearing)
Creator's Vision Locks
Creator's Vision Locks Morph
Creator's Vision Morph
Cyber Face of the Devourer
Cyber Fangs of the Devourer
Deady Hoodie Hood
Deady Hoodie Locks
Dwarven Crown
Guard's Shag
Male Fuzzy EarMuffs
Mertic Hair
Nigthmare Helm
Paragon of DOOM's Guard
Paragon of DOOM's Hair
Paragon of DOOM's Helm
Paragon of Joy Helm
ShadowScythe Paragon's Guard
ShadowScythe Paragon's Hair
ShadowScythe Paragon's Helm
Space Voyager Visor
Sword Spirit Halo Hair
Sword Spirit Halo Locks
Sword Spirit Knight Hair
Sword Spirit Knight Locks
Sword Spirit Winged Circlet
Sword Spirit Winged Laurels
Zyoo's '-' Bag
Abyssal Pyromancer's Flame Cape
Alastor's Shadow Cape
Ankhseram Curse Wings
Ascended Crimson Paragon Flame
Black Noble Cloak
Buffed Merlin Mage Cape (Equipped)
Cloaked Spirits of the Sword
Creator's Arsenal
Cunning Tail
Cyber God's Banners
Cyber God's Glory
Cyber God's Horns
Cyber God's Portal
Dwarven Royalty Cloak
Evolved Darklove Fire
First Formal Chrono Mage Cape
Knightly Spirit Cloak
Knightly Spirit Cloak and Armaments
Kyanos' Spirit + Portal
Mertic Wings
Paragon of DOOM's BackSword
Paragon of DOOM's Cloak
Paragon of DOOM's Cloak + Spikes
Paragon of DOOM's Cloak + Sword
Paragon of DOOM's Spikes
Paragon of Joy Cloak
Paragon of Joy Folded Wings
Paragon of Joy Winged Cloak
Prisma Pop Bubbles
Sanctified Wings
ShadowScythe Paragon's BackSpikes
ShadowScythe Paragon's BackSword
ShadowScythe Paragon's Cloak
ShadowScythe Paragon's Cloak + Spikes
ShadowScythe Paragon's Cloak + Sword
Spirits of the Sword
Sword Spirit Knight's Sheathed Armaments
Asfargo's Third Eye Ring (Equipped)
Pineapple Ring
PvP Necklace +1500
PvP Necklace +2000
Simple Ring of Legion
Vampire Lord Necklace
Air Spirit BattlePet
Arcane Soul Paragon
Brilliant Sword of Cosmic Fate Companion
Forgotten Soul BattlePet
Golden Cute Octopus
HyperRaindow (Equipped)
Legion Wizard Pet
Paragon of DOOM Pet
Pearl of Light Lantern Pet
ShadowScythe Paragon's Pet
Soul Harvester Pet
Twig's Sweetest Dream Collection
Classes & Armors
Darkside, Rank 10
Dragon of Time, Rank 10 (Equipped)
Dragonsworn, Rank 10
Legion Symbiote, Rank 1
Nephthys, Rank 10
Revenant, Rank 2
Archon Creationist
Badger Brigade Armor
Bound Cyber Devourer of Gods
Buffed Merlin Armor (Equipped)
CC Rainbow Revontheus
Cyber Devourer of Gods
Cyber Lycan Transformation
Cyclop Raider
Deady Hoodie
Dwarf King and Queen
Energy Dark Caster
Final Armor V2
Golden Prometheus Caster
Legendary Creationist
Mertic Of Shax
Paragon of Joy Plate
Prismatic Mafia Coat (Wearing)
Sage of Revontheus
Shadow Malani Warrior
Skeleton Ronin
Undead Berserker

Castles & Houses
Bright Fortress
Enchanted Nulgath Nation House
Legion Fortress
M4tr1x Castle of Nulgath (Equipped)
Vacation Castle of Nulgath
Floor & Wall Items
Altar of Caladbacon
Altar Of Ragnarok
Eternal Dragon's Treasure Pile
King's Throne
Void Elemental
Chaos Portal