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Almandine Garnet x10
Amber x22
Anti-Lenci x12
Antidote Crystal Bottle
Aquamarine x9
Archfiend's Favor x2000
Bag of Abyss x2700
Basic Emoji Package
Chrono Pass
Colorizer x31
Crystal Gem x3
Crystal Gem of Nulgath x250
Crystal of Balance x6
Crystal of Legion x6
Crystal of Power x3
Dark Crystal Shard x3
Darkness Contract
Demon Chalice
Demon Soul x28
Despair Blood x19
Despair King Heart x7
Divine Cloth
Divine Fragment x30
Divine Ornament
Dolaas's Fire x2
Draconian of Time Head x5
Dragon of Time Token x4
Dragon Platinum Head x18
Dragon Sliver Head x20
Dwarfhold Master Key
Dwarven Secret
Emerald x25
Essence of Nulgath x19024
Fortune Ticket x4
Fragment of Doom x55
Fragment of the Gods x10
Frozen Flame Gem x43
Frozen Flame Shard x243
Gem of Nulgath x67
Green Whisp Core x53
Grimlord's Token x20
Head of Fotia's x230
Head of the Boss x2
Heart of the Dragon x22
Heart Of Vordred
High Golden Ingot x6185
High Mithril Ingot x7155
Holy Fire x28
Holy Umbra x28
Hometown Key
Horc Aliance!
Infernal Fragment
Infernal Stone
Jade x18
Jade Powder x2
Jade Powder’s Bag x9
Key of Vorefax
Lapis Lazuli
Legion Essence x27
Legion Token x4710
Lesser Mithril Ingot x83
Lich Soul x5
Light Hope x1300
Lingering Flame x29
Love Token x6
Loyalty Token x4
Maculated Energy x25
Magician Essence x45
Mega Circle Medal x13
Megaphone x532
Mercutio Token x258
Mind Stone x2
Mining Strength x15
Nostine Defeated x57
Ori's Emblem x28
Orthoclase x18
Paladin Armament x9
Paragon Essence x75
Part of Dragon Beef x10
Piece of a Dragon's Heart x12
Pieces of Dwarven Armor Breastplate x7
Pieces of Dwarven Armor Cuisse x8
Pieces of Dwarven Armor Gaunlet x5
Pieces of Dwarven Armor Greave x4
Pieces of Dwarven Armor Pauldron x4
Pieces of Dwarven Armor Sabaton x11
Pieces of Dwarven Armor Tasset x4
Potion of Darkness x50
Potion of Dodge x50
Potion of Health x50
Potion of Mana x50
Potion of Power x50
Potion of Redness x50
Potion of Speed x50
Purple Queen's Potion x50
Rare Essence x27
Restless Key
Ruby x15
Rune Inscription Ink x8
Rusted Iron Chunks x1000
Sand x70
Sanguine Of Darkness x35
Sapphire x13
Shadow Dust x36
Shadow Key
Shiba Emoji Package (Equipped)
Silk Cloth Roll x50
Six Approval x1400
Soul Collector
Soul of a God x4
Soul of Amara x7
Soul Of Evil Fragment x30
Soul of Guardian x14
Soul Shard x36462
Soul Stone x4
Space Stone x3
Sphene x13
Spider Wires x43
Spodumene x7
Stone of Nulgath x50
Thunder Emerald x5728
Thunder Gem x6
Time Essence x1262
Treasure Token x9
Undead Fluffy Bones x100
Undefined 11 x94
Undefined 3 x14
Undefined 4 x162
Undefined 5 x143
Undefined 6 x154
Undefined 7 x166
Undefined 9 x173
Underworld Aliance x2
Valsarian Scales x2
Ve Approval x850
Vibranium x8
Void Box of a Hundred Evilness
Void Shard x100
Void's Coin x6529
Vordred Soul x30
Well Key
CLASS Boost! (1 hour) x25
EXP Boost! (1 hour) x72
GOLD Boost! (1 hour) x25
REPUTATION Boost! (1 hour) x25
FireBlood Cape Enhancement
FireBlood Weapon Enhancement
Balor's Hatred
Balor's Sword of Sorrow
CC Chrono Revontheus Strave
CC Infernal Blade
Cicus April Fools Sword (Wearing)
ColdNii Sword
CryoTime Judgement
Cursed Masamune
Doom Lord Vordred Sword
Enchanted Legacy Nation Blade
Icy Vordred Sword
Katana of Void
Legacy Nation Blade
Lovely Heart Sabre
Lovesick Infernal Murakumo
Nation Night Terror
Sepulchure's Undead Blade
Shadowscythe of Z Blade
SoulTaker Of Darkness CC
CC Axe of Darkness
Frost Ironborn Axe (Equipped)
Nation Night Dread
Pink of Destiny
Snowy Replica of Destiny
Trophy Hunter Axe Evolved
Abyssal Lighting Orbs of Nulgath
Aura Of Six
Battletech Anarchy Bazookas
Blood Daggers of Diohgo
Cyber Dryad Glaives
Darkness Talons
Dual Azure Balrog Blade
Dual Begemmed Blade
Dual Dark World Hourglass
Dual Enchanted Infernal Cremation Staff
Dual Heart Crusher Mace
Dual Infernal Cremation Staff
Dual Nation Night Screamer
Dual Polar Royalty Rapier
Dual Pufferfish Plushie
Dual Underworld Hammer
Emperor's Lightning
Enchanted Legacy Nation Blades
FrostWolf Daggers
Galactic Discs of Light
Infinity Energy
Legacy Nation Blades
Mahorc-Uraga Branched Knives
Nation Night Dreads
Nation Night Terrors
Nightmare Fiend Sawblades
Oni Flame Gauntlet's
Nightmare Fiend Armblade
Nightmare Fiend Gauntlet
Supernova Fist
Lovesick Infernal Obliterator
Assault Mode Meliodas Bow
Evolved Soulreaper Bow
Sakura Bough Bow
Battletech Anarchy Bazooka
Dark World Hourglass
Elegant Siren's Flame
Goddess Of Love Spear
Happy Birthday Hammer
Iron Hammer
Nightmare Fiend Sawblade
Pink Formal Attack Cane
Pink Formal Love Cane
Playa Cane
Red Rose Mace
Summer Zilla Floatie
Super Lucky Hammer
Zep's Umbrella
Assault Mode Meliodas Polearm
Lovesick Soul Scythe
Nation Night Screamer
Rew Blue Scythe
Ultimate Oblivion Spear of Nulgath
Enchanted Infernal Cremation Staff
Void Avenger Scythe
Lovestruck Paradise Wand
Assault Mode Meliodas Hair
Austere ShadowSlayer Hat-Locks
Bark Caster Masked Hood
Black Heart Manly Locks
CC Compton Hat
Concert Slick Cut
Crystallis Voyager's Halo + Hair
Dark BladeMaster Locks
Dark Legion Vampire
Dark Virtual Criminal Hair
Devoted Chronomancer's Mask
Doom Lord Vordred Helm
Dwarven Crown (Equipped)
Eagle-Eye Archer Helm
Emo Cardboardbox Helm
Emo Shocker Hair
Emo Shocker Locks
Enchanted Sol Invictus Guard
Enchanted Sol Invictus Helm
Enraged Skywalker Locks
Enraged Skywalker Morph
Evolved Clawsuit Beardless Helm
Festive Ushanka + Locks
FrostWolf Helm
Golden Dragon Slayer Trophy
Helm of Good & Evil
Horc-a Horc-a Burning Love
Irradiated Wanderer Mask (Wearing)
Legacy Nation Hood Morph
Legacy Nation Locks
Legacy Nation Morph
Legacy Nation Skull Morph
Licht Hair(Girl Version)
Licht Hair(Girl Version) w/ Mask
Light Ve Morph
Lily's Personal Shades
Locks of Good & Evil
Lover Boy Morph
Nightmare Fiend Horns
Nightmare Fiend Morph
Prisma Hair Helm
Prisma Locks Helm
Sans Undertale Morph
Simple Sepulchure's Helm
Straight-Up Morph
Straight-Up Morph + Locks
Summer Zilla Shades Visage
Sung Jinwoo Head
Thronetaker's Crown + Hair
Thunder King Face
Toxic Biker Helm
Tranças de Lutadora
Transforming Emo Hair
Twig SUS Morph
Urban Assassin Skull Mask
Ve Morph
Wolfy Naval Horns
Yokai Summoner Hair
Yokai Summoner Helm + Scarf
Akatsuki Cloud
Archfiend Nulgath in Attendance
Assault Mode Meliodas Wings
Austere ShadowSlayer Cape
Dwarven Royalty Cloak
Enchanted Budding Love Hearts
FrostWolf Cape
God's Wrath (Equipped)
Heart Crusher Rune
Lae + Thay Eternal Flame
Legacy Nation Cape
Legacy Nation Cloak
Lovely Deity Winglets
Microfone Cape
Nightmare Fiend Cape
Nightmare Fiend Rune Cape
Shadow of Sepulchure
Thunder King Aura Cape II
Wolfy Naval BattleGear
Dark DoomWood DragonKnight Rune (Equipped)
Rune of Love
Sol Invictus Rune (Wearing)
Asfargo's Third Eye Ring (Equipped)
PvP Necklace +1500
PvP Necklace +2000
Simple Ring of Legion
Enchanted Fiend's Orb Bank Pet
Enchanted Legacy of Nulgath Sword Pet
Evolved Blood Orb
Icy Vordred (Equipped)
Pearl of Light Lantern Pet
Swaggy Pet
Classes & Armors
Abyssal Walker, Rank 10 (Equipped)
Archer Hunter, Rank 10
Chaotic Fiend of Nulgath, Rank 10
Crystallis, Rank 10
DragonLord, Rank 10
Evil Class, Rank 1
Immortal Dark Caster, Rank 10
Insurgent Knight, Rank 10
Legendary Hero, Rank 10
Lovemancer, Rank 6
No Class, Rank 1
Void Highlord, Rank 10
Void Walker, Rank 10
Arcane Lovecaster
Ascended Dragon of Time
Austere ShadowSlayer
Bark Caster
Battletech Alchemist
Battletech Anarchist
Beige Bandit
Black Hoodie
Black Hoodie CC
Black Panther Armor
BlackDoom Warrior
CC Pirate Captain (Wearing)
Chill Hoodie Outfit
Chronomancer of D'AWWW
Crystallis Voyager
Cupid Armor
Cyber Rogue
Dainty Alchemist
Dark Denim Destroyer
Deathfiend of Nulgath
Doom Lord Vordred
Dragon Alchemist
Dread Crewmember
Dungeon Destroyer
Dwarf King and Queen (Equipped)
Elemental Summoner
Emo Shocker
Erfrierung Armor
Eternal Duality
Evil Abada Outfit
Fieldy's Outfit
Formal Iori Yagami Armor
Green Crystal Naval Commander
Half Spirit Legion
Invisible Armor
Ken Kaneki
Kotaro's PJs
Legion Platinum Paragon
Legion Skater
Legion Wolf
Light Ve Attire
Love Caster Armor
Love Pyro
Love Weaver
Lover Boy
Loyalty Paragon Armor
Luffy Armor
Mafia 2077
Nameless Warrior
Nightmare Fiend
Normal Void Highlord
Obsidian Blade Master
Obsidian Legion Vampire
Onyx Legion Vampire
Presence of Nulgath
Prismatic Mafia Coat
Prismatic Poisonmaker's Apprentice
Revontheus Wings Armor
Sans Undertale
Sepulchure's Armor
Soul Harvester
Sung Jinwoo
T-Shirt & Tats Outfit
TigerClaw Hoodie Outfit
Toxic Flame Biker
Urban Assassin
Ve Attire
Wintery Doomknight
Wolfy Naval Commander
Yin-Yang Street Wear
Yokai Street Wear
Yokai Summoner

Castles & Houses
Lovely Night House (Equipped)
Floor & Wall Items
Black Imp House Item
Brutal Sneevil House Item
OMGodZilla House Item
Paragon House Item
Sleeping Pixel (L)
Sleeping Pixel (R)
Sneevil Box House Item
Deady Sign II
Mounted Anarchy Bazooka