Items |
Almandine Garnet x10 |
Amber x22 |
Anti-Lenci x12 |
Antidote Crystal Bottle |
Aquamarine x9 |
Archfiend's Favor x2000 |
Bag of Abyss x2700 |
Basic Emoji Package |
Chrono Pass |
Colorizer x31 |
Crystal Gem x3 |
Crystal Gem of Nulgath x250 |
Crystal of Balance x6 |
Crystal of Legion x6 |
Crystal of Power x3 |
Dark Crystal Shard x3 |
Darkness Contract |
Demon Chalice |
Demon Soul x28 |
Despair Blood x19 |
Despair King Heart x7 |
Divine Cloth |
Divine Fragment x30 |
Divine Ornament |
Dolaas's Fire x2 |
Draconian of Time Head x5 |
Dragon of Time Token x4 |
Dragon Platinum Head x18 |
Dragon Sliver Head x20 |
Dwarfhold Master Key |
Dwarven Secret |
Emerald x25 |
Essence of Nulgath x19024 |
Fortune Ticket x4 |
Fragment of Doom x55 |
Fragment of the Gods x10 |
Frozen Flame Gem x43 |
Frozen Flame Shard x243 |
Gem of Nulgath x67 |
Green Whisp Core x53 |
Grimlord's Token x20 |
Head of Fotia's x230 |
Head of the Boss x2 |
Heart of the Dragon x22 |
Heart Of Vordred |
High Golden Ingot x6185 |
High Mithril Ingot x7155 |
Holy Fire x28 |
Holy Umbra x28 |
Hometown Key |
Horc Aliance! |
Infernal Fragment |
Infernal Stone |
Jade x18 |
Jade Powder x2 |
Jade Powder’s Bag x9 |
Key of Vorefax |
Lapis Lazuli |
Legion Essence x27 |
Legion Token x4710 |
Lesser Mithril Ingot x83 |
Lich Soul x5 |
Light Hope x1300 |
Lingering Flame x29 |
Love Token x6 |
Loyalty Token x4 |
Maculated Energy x25 |
Magician Essence x45 |
Mega Circle Medal x13 |
Megaphone x532 |
Mercutio Token x258 |
Mind Stone x2 |
Mining Strength x15 |
Nostine Defeated x57 |
Ori's Emblem x28 |
Orthoclase x18 |
Paladin Armament x9 |
Paragon Essence x75 |
Part of Dragon Beef x10 |
Piece of a Dragon's Heart x12 |
Pieces of Dwarven Armor Breastplate x7 |
Pieces of Dwarven Armor Cuisse x8 |
Pieces of Dwarven Armor Gaunlet x5 |
Pieces of Dwarven Armor Greave x4 |
Pieces of Dwarven Armor Pauldron x4 |
Pieces of Dwarven Armor Sabaton x11 |
Pieces of Dwarven Armor Tasset x4 |
Potion of Darkness x50 |
Potion of Dodge x50 |
Potion of Health x50 |
Potion of Mana x50 |
Potion of Power x50 |
Potion of Redness x50 |
Potion of Speed x50 |
Purple Queen's Potion x50 |
Rare Essence x27 |
Restless Key |
Ruby x15 |
Rune Inscription Ink x8 |
Rusted Iron Chunks x1000 |
Sand x70 |
Sanguine Of Darkness x35 |
Sapphire x13 |
Shadow Dust x36 |
Shadow Key |
Shiba Emoji Package (Equipped) |
Silk Cloth Roll x50 |
Six Approval x1400 |
Soul Collector |
Soul of a God x4 |
Soul of Amara x7 |
Soul Of Evil Fragment x30 |
Soul of Guardian x14 |
Soul Shard x36462 |
Soul Stone x4 |
Space Stone x3 |
Sphene x13 |
Spider Wires x43 |
Spodumene x7 |
Stone of Nulgath x50 |
Thunder Emerald x5728 |
Thunder Gem x6 |
Time Essence x1262 |
Treasure Token x9 |
Undead Fluffy Bones x100 |
Undefined 11 x94 |
Undefined 3 x14 |
Undefined 4 x162 |
Undefined 5 x143 |
Undefined 6 x154 |
Undefined 7 x166 |
Undefined 9 x173 |
Underworld Aliance x2 |
Valsarian Scales x2 |
Ve Approval x850 |
Vibranium x8 |
Void Box of a Hundred Evilness |
Void Shard x100 |
Void's Coin x6529 |
Vordred Soul x30 |
Well Key |
CLASS Boost! (1 hour) x25 |
EXP Boost! (1 hour) x72 |
GOLD Boost! (1 hour) x25 |
REPUTATION Boost! (1 hour) x25 |
FireBlood Cape Enhancement |
FireBlood Weapon Enhancement |
Balor's Hatred |
Balor's Sword of Sorrow |
CC Chrono Revontheus Strave |
CC Infernal Blade |
Cicus April Fools Sword (Wearing) |
ColdNii Sword |
CryoTime Judgement |
Cursed Masamune |
Doom Lord Vordred Sword |
Enchanted Legacy Nation Blade |
Icy Vordred Sword |
Katana of Void |
Legacy Nation Blade |
Lovely Heart Sabre |
Lovesick Infernal Murakumo |
Masamune |
Nation Night Terror |
Sepulchure's Undead Blade |
Shadowscythe of Z Blade |
SoulTaker Of Darkness CC |
CC Axe of Darkness |
Frost Ironborn Axe (Equipped) |
Nation Night Dread |
Pink of Destiny |
Snowy Replica of Destiny |
Trophy Hunter Axe Evolved |
Abyssal Lighting Orbs of Nulgath |
Aura Of Six |
Battletech Anarchy Bazookas |
Blood Daggers of Diohgo |
Cyber Dryad Glaives |
Darkness Talons |
Dual Azure Balrog Blade |
Dual Begemmed Blade |
Dual Dark World Hourglass |
Dual Enchanted Infernal Cremation Staff |
Dual Heart Crusher Mace |
Dual Infernal Cremation Staff |
Dual Nation Night Screamer |
Dual Polar Royalty Rapier |
Dual Pufferfish Plushie |
Dual Underworld Hammer |
Emperor's Lightning |
Enchanted Legacy Nation Blades |
FrostWolf Daggers |
Galactic Discs of Light |
Infinity Energy |
Legacy Nation Blades |
Mahorc-Uraga Branched Knives |
Nation Night Dreads |
Nation Night Terrors |
Nightmare Fiend Sawblades |
Oni Flame Gauntlet's |
Nightmare Fiend Armblade |
Nightmare Fiend Gauntlet |
Supernova Fist |
Lovesick Infernal Obliterator |
Assault Mode Meliodas Bow |
Evolved Soulreaper Bow |
Sakura Bough Bow |
Battletech Anarchy Bazooka |
Dark World Hourglass |
Elegant Siren's Flame |
Goddess Of Love Spear |
Happy Birthday Hammer |
Iron Hammer |
Nightmare Fiend Sawblade |
Pink Formal Attack Cane |
Pink Formal Love Cane |
Playa Cane |
Red Rose Mace |
Summer Zilla Floatie |
Super Lucky Hammer |
Unarmed |
Zep's Umbrella |
Assault Mode Meliodas Polearm |
Lovesick Soul Scythe |
Nation Night Screamer |
Rew Blue Scythe |
Ultimate Oblivion Spear of Nulgath |
Enchanted Infernal Cremation Staff |
Void Avenger Scythe |
Lovestruck Paradise Wand |
Assault Mode Meliodas Hair |
Austere ShadowSlayer Hat-Locks |
Bark Caster Masked Hood |
Black Heart Manly Locks |
CC Compton Hat |
Concert Slick Cut |
Crystallis Voyager's Halo + Hair |
Dark BladeMaster Locks |
Dark Legion Vampire |
Dark Virtual Criminal Hair |
Devoted Chronomancer's Mask |
Doom Lord Vordred Helm |
Dwarven Crown (Equipped) |
Eagle-Eye Archer Helm |
Emo Cardboardbox Helm |
Emo Shocker Hair |
Emo Shocker Locks |
Enchanted Sol Invictus Guard |
Enchanted Sol Invictus Helm |
Enraged Skywalker Locks |
Enraged Skywalker Morph |
Evolved Clawsuit Beardless Helm |
Festive Ushanka + Locks |
FrostWolf Helm |
Golden Dragon Slayer Trophy |
Helm of Good & Evil |
Horc-a Horc-a Burning Love |
Irradiated Wanderer Mask (Wearing) |
Legacy Nation Hood Morph |
Legacy Nation Locks |
Legacy Nation Morph |
Legacy Nation Skull Morph |
Licht Hair(Girl Version) |
Licht Hair(Girl Version) w/ Mask |
Light Ve Morph |
Lily's Personal Shades |
Locks of Good & Evil |
Lover Boy Morph |
Nightmare Fiend Horns |
Nightmare Fiend Morph |
Prisma Hair Helm |
Prisma Locks Helm |
Sans Undertale Morph |
Simple Sepulchure's Helm |
Straight-Up Morph |
Straight-Up Morph + Locks |
Summer Zilla Shades Visage |
Sung Jinwoo Head |
Thronetaker's Crown + Hair |
Thunder King Face |
Toxic Biker Helm |
Tranças de Lutadora |
Transforming Emo Hair |
Twig SUS Morph |
Urban Assassin Skull Mask |
Ve Morph |
Wolfy Naval Horns |
Yokai Summoner Hair |
Yokai Summoner Helm + Scarf |
Akatsuki Cloud |
Archfiend Nulgath in Attendance |
Assault Mode Meliodas Wings |
Austere ShadowSlayer Cape |
Dwarven Royalty Cloak |
Enchanted Budding Love Hearts |
FrostWolf Cape |
God's Wrath (Equipped) |
Heart Crusher Rune |
Lae + Thay Eternal Flame |
Legacy Nation Cape |
Legacy Nation Cloak |
Lovely Deity Winglets |
Microfone Cape |
Nightmare Fiend Cape |
Nightmare Fiend Rune Cape |
Shadow of Sepulchure |
Thunder King Aura Cape II |
Wolfy Naval BattleGear |
Dark DoomWood DragonKnight Rune (Equipped) |
Rune of Love |
Sol Invictus Rune (Wearing) |
Asfargo's Third Eye Ring (Equipped) |
PvP Necklace +1500 |
PvP Necklace +2000 |
Simple Ring of Legion |
Enchanted Fiend's Orb Bank Pet |
Enchanted Legacy of Nulgath Sword Pet |
Evolved Blood Orb |
Icy Vordred (Equipped) |
Pearl of Light Lantern Pet |
Swaggy Pet |
Classes & Armors |
Abyssal Walker, Rank 10 (Equipped) |
Archer Hunter, Rank 10 |
Chaotic Fiend of Nulgath, Rank 10 |
Crystallis, Rank 10 |
DragonLord, Rank 10 |
Evil Class, Rank 1 |
Immortal Dark Caster, Rank 10 |
Insurgent Knight, Rank 10 |
Legendary Hero, Rank 10 |
Lovemancer, Rank 6 |
No Class, Rank 1 |
Void Highlord, Rank 10 |
Void Walker, Rank 10 |
Arcane Lovecaster |
Ascended Dragon of Time |
Austere ShadowSlayer |
Bark Caster |
Battletech Alchemist |
Battletech Anarchist |
Beige Bandit |
Black Hoodie |
Black Hoodie CC |
Black Panther Armor |
BlackDoom Warrior |
CC Pirate Captain (Wearing) |
Chill Hoodie Outfit |
Chronomancer of D'AWWW |
Crystallis Voyager |
Cupid Armor |
Cyber Rogue |
Dainty Alchemist |
Dark Denim Destroyer |
Deathfiend of Nulgath |
Doom Lord Vordred |
Dragon Alchemist |
Dread Crewmember |
Dungeon Destroyer |
Dwarf King and Queen (Equipped) |
Elemental Summoner |
Emo Shocker |
Erfrierung Armor |
Eternal Duality |
Evil Abada Outfit |
Fieldy's Outfit |
Formal Iori Yagami Armor |
FrostLight |
Green Crystal Naval Commander |
Half Spirit Legion |
Invisible Armor |
Jouster |
Ken Kaneki |
Kotaro's PJs |
Legion Platinum Paragon |
Legion Skater |
Legion Wolf |
Light Ve Attire |
Love Caster Armor |
Love Pyro |
Love Weaver |
Lover Boy |
Loyalty Paragon Armor |
Luffy Armor |
Mafia 2077 |
Nameless Warrior |
Nekomancer |
Nightmare Fiend |
Normal Void Highlord |
Obsidian Blade Master |
Obsidian Legion Vampire |
Onyx Legion Vampire |
PaintBender |
Presence of Nulgath |
Prismatic Mafia Coat |
Prismatic Poisonmaker's Apprentice |
Revontheus Wings Armor |
Sans Undertale |
Sepulchure's Armor |
Soul Harvester |
Sung Jinwoo |
T-Shirt & Tats Outfit |
TigerClaw Hoodie Outfit |
Toxic Flame Biker |
Urban Assassin |
Ve Attire |
Wintery Doomknight |
Wolfy Naval Commander |
Yin-Yang Street Wear |
Yokai Street Wear |
Yokai Summoner |
Castles & Houses |
Lovely Night House (Equipped) |
Floor & Wall Items |
Black Imp House Item |
Brutal Sneevil House Item |
OMGodZilla House Item |
Paragon House Item |
Sleeping Pixel (L) |
Sleeping Pixel (R) |
Sneevil Box House Item |
Deady Sign II |
Mounted Anarchy Bazooka |