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Big Meat x4
Bravery Medal x60
Dark Makai Defeated x6
Essence of Slime x117
Frag. Crystal x14
Part of Dragon Beef
Soul Shard x170
Behemoth Blade of Light
Chaos Caladbolg (Equipped)
Demon Skull Blade
Eternal PainSaw
Eye of Astaroth Blade
PainSaw of Eidolon
Polished Dragon Blade
Archfiend DragonLord's Axe
Archfiend Dragonlord's Horns
Archfiend Dragonlord's Morph
Archfiend Dragonlord's Visor
Chaorrupted Cavern Mask
Dark Flaming Legion Skull
Helm of Brutal Annihilation
Undead Legend Crown
Zealith Reaver Helm (Equipped)
Archfiend DragonLord's Accoutrements
Dragon Wings
Shroud of Storms (Equipped)
Baby Demon Dragon
Baby Red Dragon (Equipped)
Fiend Dragon Blade Battlepet
Fiend Dragon's Companion
Classes & Armors
Drakel Warlord, Rank 10 (Equipped)
Elemental Dracomancer, Rank 10
Necromancer, Rank 10
Archfiend DragonLord
Chaos Slayer Helm
Legion Judge
Undead Legend
Undead Legion OverLord
Zealith Reaver (Equipped)