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1 Year Playing Title
Bag of Abyss x670
Basic Emoji Package (Equipped)
Beach Token x15
Blood From the Void x4
Bones x14
Christmas Title (Equipped)
Cleric's Cross x2
Cyber Gear x63
Daily Login Megaphone x2
Daimond of Klunk x10
Deimos's Soul Fragment x3
Demon Power! x100
Divine Fragment x5
Dolaas's Fire
Doomed Token x7
Emblem of Nulgath x104
Essence of Nulgath x633
EXP Elixir for Pet x8
Fear Toxic Blood x3
Fiend Emblem x15
Frozen Flame Gem x32
Frozen Flame Shard x94
Grimlord Blood x2
Legion Essence x9
Loyalty of Nulgath x537
Mega Circle Medal x2
Penguin Slayer
Penitent Essence x3
Piece of the Shard x3
Potion of Darkness x23
Potion of Dodge x29
Potion of Health x19
Potion of Mana x21
Potion of Power x13
Potion of Redness x40
Potion of Speed x23
Purple Queen's Potion x11
Sailor Coin x3
Scrap of Cloth x25
Shadow Dust x2
Soul of a God x4
Soul Of Evil
Soul Shard x866
Spirit of Revontheus x8
Tanuki Token x58
Token of Star x80
Void's Coin x555
CLASS Boost! (1 hour) x10
EXP Boost! (1 hour)
GOLD Boost! (1 hour) x8
REPUTATION Boost! (1 hour) x12
Behemoth Blade of Shadow
Binky's Uni-horn
Blessed Blade of Power
Bloodmoon Faerie's Claymore
Bramble Blame Blade
Brilliant Star Sword
Cyber Hanzamune Blade
Dark Dragon Heart Render
Dark Harbinger Blade
Dragon's DoomKnight Blade
DragonBlade of Nulgath
Dread Captain Sword
Enraged Pyromancer's Sabre
Guardian Shadow Weapon
Ivory Defiler of the Ancients
Legion OathKeeper Blade
Melody Of The Rose
Paragons Greatsword
Sepulchure's Undead Blade
Silver Pyromancer's Sabre
Stellar Royalty's Rapier
Stellar Royalty's Sheathed Sword
Stellar Royalty's Sword
Tainted Harbinger Blade v2
Toxic Alchemist's Royal Sword
Toxic Alchemist's Venom Blade
Toxic Diviner Blade
Abyssal Lighting Orbs of Nulgath
Abyssal Reaver Katanas
Aurelian Swords
Bloodmoon Faerie's Claymores
Bramble Blame Blades
CC FrostWolf Daggers
ChronoReaper Axes
Dreadnought Battle Gear
Dual Avatar's Flame Sabre
Dual Chaos Dragon Blade
Dual Classic Grim Star Sword
Dual Dark Eons Broadsword
Dual Dark Harbinger Blades
Dual Death's Requiem Staff
Dual Flames Star Swords
Dual Legion Fiend’s Bane
Dual Number 0 - Inert Beacon
Dual Number 75 - Gunblade
Enraged Pyromancer's Sabres
Eternal Manifestation Swords
Fellow Player Skateboards
Legion SoulSeeker
Overdriven Knight Swords
Starry Samurai's Swords
Stellar Royalty's Swords
Sullied Blame Blade and Bangle
Toxic Alchemist's Noxious Blades
Toxic Alchemist's Venom Blades
Undeathly SoulReaper of Nulgath
Eternal Manifestation Gauntlets
Negative Plazmatron
Enraged Pyromancer's Bow
Cysero's SUPER Hammer
Kotaro Attack Plushie
Number 0 - Inert Beacon
Abyssal Reaver Spear
Rew Blue Scythe
Shadow Spear of Nulgath (Equipped)
Toxic Alchemist's Noxious Lance
AdventureQuest Reign Staff
Surfboard of the Legion
Audioroid Headset
Avatar's Flame Guard
Avatar's Flame Skull
Bloodmoon Faerie Prince Morph
Bloodmoon Faerie Princess Morph
Bloodmoon Faerie's Hair
Bloodmoon Faerie's Locks
Bloodmoon Faerie's Winged Locks
Burning Wrath Skull
Canadian Top Hat
Canadian Top Hat + Locks
Dark Crown of Envy
Dark Skeletal Dragon Bone Mask
Dark Spikes of Envy
Dawn Duelist's Hat + Hair
Dawn Duelist's Hat + Locks
Dawn Duelist's Hat + Morph
Doomed Camlan Warden Hair
Dreadnought Helm
Dzeza Magus Visage
Enchanted Shaded Tropical Fedora Morph
Enraged Pyromancer's Hood
Evolved Worshipper's Morph (Equipped)
Frostbringer's Hair
Frostbringer's Helmet + Locks
Glare of the Beast Paragon
Golden Enchanted Pyromancer's Hood
Harbingers Horns Helm
Helm of the Ascended Paragon
Jus Divinum Major Helmet
Legion Bandana
Lich King Helm
Madara Hair
Mourner's Ponytail
Mouse Ears + Locks
Naval Christm-mander Hair
Neko Waif-er
Obsidian Naval Paladin Tricorn
Otherworldly Legion Deathstare Helm
Overdriven Evocator Hooded Morph
Overdriven Knight Bascinet
Paragon of DOOM's Helm
Penitent Keeper Hood
Ptolomea Necromancer Blindfold Morph
Ptolomea Necromancer Blindfold Visage
Ptolomea Necromancer Morph
Rancherito Helm
Revontheus Legacy Heterochromia
Revontheus Visage
Scowling Black Sun Penacho Skull
Seraphic Technocaster Antenna
Seraphic Technocaster Hair
Seraphic Technocaster Locks + Helm
Seraphic Technocaster Scarf
Shadow Guard of Nulgath
ShadowScythe Paragon's Helm
Silver Enchanted Pyromancer's Hood
Simple Sepulchure's Helm
Skeletal Dragon Bone Mask
Skull of the Harbinger
Stellar Prince's Hair
Stellar Prince's Morph
Stellar Princess' Locks
Stellar Princess' Morph
Suki's Holiday Hair
Toxic Alchemist's Bandana
Toxic Alchemist's Bandana + Locks
Toxic Alchemist's Scarf
Toxic Alchemist's Scarf + Locks
Underworld Sentinel Hair
Vhall’s Armet
Worshipper Face of Nulgath
Wrath of Xan Skull
Acheron Usurper Lord Cape
Archfiend Cloak of Nulgath
Audioroid Sound Waves
Aura of Revontheus
Bloodmoon Faerie Sparkles
BroodFiend Spines
Dark Energy Cape
DeathLord Cloak of Nulgath
Enchained Oneiros
Enchanted Xan's Guardian
Enraged Pyromancer's Wrap
Ethan's Cape
Fiend Champion's Cloak + Spikes
Fiend's Devouring Flame
Frostbringer's Rune Cape
Galactic Path
Guardian Shadow
Ivory Usurper Lord Halo Cape
Legion Scroll Cape
Lich King Cape
Maddening Beacon
Paragon of DOOM's BackSword
Paragon of DOOM's Cloak
Rose Aura of the Ascended (Equipped)
Shadow of Sepulchure
ShadowScythe Paragon's BackSpikes
ShadowScythe Paragon's Cloak
ShadowScythe Paragon's Cloak + Sword
Stellar Royalty's Rune
Underworld Sentinel Shroud and Blade
Void General Oversight
Warfiend's Backblades + Cape
Enchanted Constellation Rune (Equipped)
Asfargo's Third Eye Ring
PvP Necklace +1500
PvP Necklace +2000 (Equipped)
Carnage BattlePet
Cerberus Pup BattlePet
Dage's Collection Chest 2018
Dark Makai of Nulgath
Dark Sepulchure BattlePet
Kaiju Rider Quibble Bank
Legion Knight BattlePet
Oblivion of Nulgath
Paladin Fiend BattlePet
Revontheus Pet
Shadow Fire BattlePet
Skexis's Guard BattlePet
Voidfire Sprite (Equipped)
Wandering Soul BattlePet
Classes & Armors
CardClasher, Rank 3
Fiend of Ralzic, Rank 5
Immortal Dark Caster, Rank 10
Knight Warlord, Rank 10
Necromancer, Rank 1
Paladin, Rank 9
Shadow Hatsune Paragon, Rank 10 (Equipped)
Beach Party Wear
Blazing Naval Commander
Blessed Knight
Brilliant Naval Commander
Broodfiend of Nulgath
Card Clasher Armor
Carnage Voids of Nulgath
CC Alpha Pirate Armor
ChronoLord Naval Commander
Dark Harbinger
Dawn Duelist
Deathfiend of Nulgath
DoomKnight Naval Commander
Draconic DoomKnight
Enraged Pyromancer
Eren Outfit
Ethan Depressivo
Ethan's Kingly Attire (Equipped)
Evolved Worshipper of Nulgath
Fat Panda
Fellow Player
Frost Legion Nightmare
Galactic Naval Commander
Grimlord of Nulgath
Hockey Star Captain
Icy Naval Commander
Kirito & Asuna Armor
Legion DoomKnight
M4tr1x Naval Commander
Mafia 2077
Overdriven Underworld Knight
Paragon Dreadnought
Pastel RainBow Outfit
Ptolomea Necromancer
Shadow of Nulgath
So's Swimsuit
Soul Reaper
Underworld Sentinel
Unpowered Ken Kaneki
Void Knight
Void Naval Commander
Void of Nulgath

Castles & Houses
Enchanted Nulgath Nation House (Equipped)
Floor & Wall Items
Burning Bombadier House Item
Void Elemental
Void Knight
Void Monk
Underworld Prophecy Mural