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4 Years Playing Title
Aerodux x157
Almandine Garnet x25
Aluminum x708
Amber x25
Approval of Nulgath x116
Aquamarine x25
Archfiend Soul x72
ArchVoid Crystal
Artificial Soul x10
Azkorath Soul
Azurite x25
Basic Emoji Package (Equipped)
Basic Health Potion x3
Beast Hunter Approval
Black Destiny Core
Block of Darkness x61
Blood Darksteel
Blood From the Void x20
Blue Whisp's Soul x100
Bone Sigil x272
Bravery Medal x500
Broken Bones
BrutalDage Soul x102
Brutus Card
Cearense Head x60
Celestial Coins x5
Celestial Essence
Chaotic Token x16734
Chicken Beef x6
Chocolate Bar x2
Chrono Essence x58
Chrono Pass
Citrine x2
Claw of Good
Claw of Metal
Claw of Poison
Cleric's Cross x9999
Corrupted Legion Destroyer Medal
Crimson Shadow Energy x3
Crystal Gem x115
Crystal of Balance x6
Cursed Box Fragment x2
Cycle Token x79
Daily Login Megaphone x20
Daimond of Klunk x20
Damnation Crystal x6
Darklord Token x4
Darklord’s Relic
Darklord’s Seal x10
Darkness Contract
Darkness Token x3
Deep Void Eye x2
Demon Chalice
Despair Blood x100
Diabolical's Token x10
Diamond of Nulgath x567
Dimensional Key [No Load]
Disciple Soul x8
Divine Cloth x24
Divine Fragment x30
Divine Ornament
Divine Soul x150
Dolaas's Fire x5
Doomed Oblivion Defeated (1%)
Doomed Token x29
Dove Feather x18
Draconian Heart x300
Dragon Fragment x4716
Dragon Heart x50
Dragon of Time Token x35
Dragon Sliver Head x500
Dragon Token
Dwarfhold Master Key
Dwarven Secret
Dwarven Sharpening Tools
Emerald x25
Empowered Voidstone x61
Enchanted Stone x120
Entity Orb x25
Essence Of Darklord x73
Essence of Geryon x26
Essence of Nulgath x229
Essence of Shadow x219
Essence of Slime x500
Essence Of The Abyss x8
Essence of the Albino x65
Essence of the Holy x2
Exalted Legion Token x20
Exalted Lord Token x50
Exalted Shadow Kitty Token x824
EXP Elixir for Pet x499
Forger x387
Frag. Crystal x100
Frag. Crystal Fire x4
Frag. Crytal Purple x10
Fragment Of Iron x4
Fragment of the Gods x100
Fragment Of Titanium x4
Fragment Of Warlord x4
Fragments of Items x5
Free Megaphone x100
Frostbound Crystal
Frostbound Token x135
Frozen Flame Gem x34
Frozen Flame Shard x274
G Token x4
Galactica Singularity x2
Galaxy Core
Gem Fragment x12
Gem of Nulgath x2
Gem of Void x33
Golden Blood of Nulgath
Golden Destiny Core
Golden Fragment x10
Gorewyrm's Head x150
Gorewyrm's Tail x300
Gothmog's Horn
Grace Orb x4
Green Whisp Core x92
Green Whisp's Soul x250
Grenwog Trophy
Grimlord Blood x1322
Grimlord's Token x20
Groglurk Blood x3
Hatir's Fire x4
Head of Fotia's x30
Heart of the DeepVoid x2
Hellshadow Dust x1000
High Golden Ingot x42
High Mithril Ingot x39
Holy Fire x703
Holy Umbra x736
Holy Unstable Energy
Hometown Coin x100
Hometown Key
Honor Stone
Immeasurable Purgatory Energy x2
Infernal Dust
Infernal Fragment
Infernal General Defeated x7
Infernal Sneegath Claw x4
Infernal Stone
Infinity Fragment
Insurgent Knight Approval x2
Jade x25
Key of Abyss
Key of Vorefax
Lapis Lazuli x25
Legion Brutus Medal x100
Legion Essence x1100
Legion God Soul x3
Legion Revenant
Legion Token x848500
Lich Stone x100
Light Elemental Essence x725
Light Token x5000
Lingering Flame x13
Lost Soul x29
Loyalty Token x53
Maculated Energy x25
Marshmeowllows x3
Marvel Emoji Package
Master Legion Token x16
Matter of the Dead x75
Mega Circle Medal x334
Mercutio Token x500
Merge-LQS Purchase Pass x5
Metal Fragments x39
Mining Strength
Mirror Cohort Conquered x500
Molten Shadow x1000
Mystic Gold x331
Mythical Fragment of Soul x3
Nation Dragon Scales x9
Nation Scripture x3
Nation Token x7600
Nightmare Shard
Nostine Defeated x63
Oblivion's Gem x10
Oddities Token x441
Orb of Crystallis
Orthoclase x11
Overlord Essence x1118
Paladin Armament x74
Paragon Essence x68
Part of Dragon Beef x4900
Penguin Slayer x5
Penitent Essence x950
Pink Destiny Core
Poison Sneak Defeated x17
Potion of Mana x5
Potion of Power
Potion of Redness
Potion of Speed x3
Powerful Health Potion x2
Project: Dimensional Key
Prove Your Loyalty #1
Pumpkin Lord Soul
Purple Destiny Core
Purple Queen's Potion x5
Purtagory Blood Essence x17
PvP Trophy x14
Pyrope Garnet x25
Rare Essence x200
Ray Undead Skull x2500
Reality Stone x2
Red Destiny Core
Restless Key
Rests of Ghost x3
Revenant Token x5823
Rock Core
Roentgenium Of Archfiend x2
Ruby x25
Sacred Relic x101
Sand Elemental Soul x150
Sandye x5
Sanguine Of Darkness x3
Sanity Lure
Sapphire x25
Scrap Metal x63
Scrap of Cloth x25
Scrap of Necromancer's Cloth x13
Serpentine x15
Sesakid x18
Shadow Bone Fragment x2
Shadow Doom Soul
Shadow Dust x200
Shadow Eterium x5
Shadow Eternal Essence x1000
Shadow Fragment x1000
Shadow Guardian Defeated x1662
Shadow Key
Shadow Legend Soul x181
Shadow Orb x1000
Shadow Ore x10
Shadow Power x10
Shadow Soul x64
Shadow Spiral x2
Shadow Vortex x6
Shadowfire Gem x1000
Shadowstone x19
Shimmering Scroll x4
Shinkansen Tickets x2
Silver Destiny Core
Silver Trophy Title
Singularity Token x300
Sinned Energy x47
Sinned Ink x243
Small Meat x190
Smaras Soul x75
Soul Collector
Soul of a God x226
Soul of Blight
Soul Of Evil x89
Soul Of Evil Fragment
Soul of Guardian x30
Soul of Olympus x5
Soul of Torture x9999
Soul of Underworld Keeper x50
Soul Orb x409
Soul Relic x10
Soul Shard x52523
Souls of Xlight x9999
Sphene x15
Spirit of Revontheus x69
Spodumene x25
Star Death x2
Star Ruby x14
Star Token I
Star Token II
Stareater Fragment x18
Stareater Sphere
State Thunderball x8
Stone of Nulgath
Strogia Token x177
Swindle Approval x57
Swindle Bag x3
Tainted Gem x292
Tanuki Token x100
Tenebris Soul Orb x39
The Secret 2
The Secret 5 x17
Thunder Emerald x39
Thunder Gem x201
Time Essence x234
Token for 10x Golden Tickets
Token for 1x Golden Tickets x13
Token for 5x Golden Tickets
Token of Naval x310
Token of Olympus x23
Token of Star x1000
Tomb Shark x50
Top Hat
Totem of Nulgath
Totem Shard of Nulgath x1000
Trigoras Essence x20
Undead Relic x6
Undead Soul x100
Undefined 1 x20
Undefined 10 x20
Undefined 11 x94
Undefined 2 x20
Undefined 3 x102
Undefined 4 x116
Undefined 5 x67
Undefined 6 x20
Undefined 7 x20
Undefined 8 x20
Undefined 9 x104
Underworld Aliance x13
Unknown Energy
Uridrax Scales x3
V Token x100
Vaccine P1
Vaccine P2
Valley Coin x290
Valsarian Scales x9
Ve Approval x20
Vertigo Soul x50
Very Important Player Title (Equipped)
Vibranium x21
Village Token x400
Vindicator Badge x11
Void Box of a Hundred Evilness x10
Void Crystal A x9
Void Crystal Shard x63
Void Debris x4
Void Energy X x13600
Void Energy Y x2
Void Essence x25
Void Fiend Soul x5
Void of Nulgath Token x532
Void Ore x5
Void Shadow Essence x102
Void Soul x5
Void Soul x10000
Void Spell x6
Void's Coin x34977
Vordred Soul x30
Vorefax Essence x2
Voucher of Nulgath
Wailed Frag x100
Wailed Frozen x200
Well Key
Xithricita x17
Xithricita Fragment x169
Xyv's Blue Card
You got Trolled!
CLASS Boost! (1 hour) x25
EXP Boost! (1 hour) x250
EXP Boost! (5 min)
GOLD Boost! (1 hour) x25
REPUTATION Boost! (1 hour) x24
FireBlood Cape Enhancement
Ultimate DragonBlade (Equipped)
Dual Shadowscythe of Z Blade
Time Dimensional Hourglass
Buffed Merlin Helm
Warlord Of Void Guard (Equipped)
Supreme Laf's Katanas Power (Equipped)
Asfargo's Third Eye Ring (Equipped)
PvP Necklace +1500
PvP Necklace +2500
Spectator Ring
Very Important Player Ring
Birthday Cake Pet
Brutal Servant Pet
Copper Void Hourglass Pet
Dark Sprites
Fastguy BattlePet
Hollow Knight Pet
Icy Vordred
Necromancer's Assistant
Nulgath Birthday Gift
Nulgath's Prize Quest
Revontheus Baby Rewards
Sneevil Nulgath
Soul Harvester Pet
Twilly Bank Pet
Ultimate Paragon Servant (Equipped)
Classes & Armors
Astero, Rank 10
Darkside, Rank 10
Demon Lord, Rank 10 (Equipped)
Shadow Icemage, Rank 1
Stareater, Rank 10
Vampire Of Purgatory, Rank 10 (Wearing)
Whispering Of Shadows, Rank 10
ClawSuit Naval Commander (Equipped)
Infinity Titan
Infinity Titan's Throne
Revontheus Armor
Warlord of Void (Wearing)

Castles & Houses
Legion Retreat (Equipped)
Paragon Helm House
Winter Dragon Cave
Floor & Wall Items
Altar of Caladbacon
Altar Of Caladbolg
Chibi Zazul House Item
Cursed Doll-Head House Item
Dinner Plate
Eternal Dragon's Treasure Pile
Jaan al Ard
Mood Slime
Salt Shaker
Star Festival Feast Table
The Jailer (R)
Void Elemental
2024 New Year's Ball
Deady Sign I
Deady Sign II
Floating DoomStar
Micro DIE Fighter (L)
Micro DIE Fighter (R)