Items |
7 Years Playing Title |
Approval of Nulgath x46 |
Archfiend's Favor x501 |
Aura of Happiness x75 |
Aura of Pleasure x186 |
Bag of Abyss x15 |
Basic Emoji Package |
Blood Darksteel |
Bone Shard x100 |
Bone Sigil x350 |
Bones x26 |
Broken Bones x300 |
BrutalDage Soul x61 |
Cataclysm Power x5 |
Celestial Coins x5 |
Celestial Energy x127 |
Chaos Sovereign Title |
Chicken Beef x2 |
Christmas Title |
Christmas Token x38 |
Chrono Pass |
Chronolord Essence x14 |
Condensed Void x7 |
Crystal Gem of Nulgath x86 |
Crystal of Balance x6 |
Crystal of Power |
Daily Login Megaphone x20 |
Dark Crystal Shard x168 |
Darklord Token |
Darklord’s Relic |
Darklord’s Seal |
Deimos's Soul Fragment x47 |
Demon Chalice |
Demon Soul x297 |
Despair Blood |
Diabolical Token x9 |
Diamond of Nulgath x770 |
Dispel Power x2 |
Divine Cloth x2 |
Divine Fragment x6 |
Divine Ornament |
Dolaas's Fire |
Doomed Token x85 |
Doomwood Cohort Conquered x3910 |
Draconian Heart x156 |
Draconian of Time Head x2850 |
Dragon Cohort Conquered x60 |
Dragon Heart x6 |
Dragon of Time Scales x289 |
Dragon of Time Token x42 |
Dragon Platinum Head x42 |
Dragon's Time Heart |
Drakon Shadow Souls |
Drone Token x3 |
Empowered Voidstone |
Essence Of Darklord x22 |
Essence of Geryon x3 |
Essence of Luxuria x105 |
Essence of Nulgath x61 |
Essence Of The Abyss x6 |
Essence Of Unknown x14 |
Exalted Shadow Kitty Token x73 |
EXP Elixir for Pet x5 |
Fortune Ticket x375 |
Fragment of Mirror Realm x73 |
Fragments of Items x6 |
Free Megaphone x100 |
Frost Gem Fragment x6 |
Frostbound Crystal |
Frostbound Token |
Frozen Flame Gem x41 |
Frozen Flame Shard x176 |
Futurelegion Clear |
Futuristic Token x20 |
Gab Tenma Emoji Package (Equipped) |
Galactica Singularity x2 |
Gem of Nulgath x119 |
Gem of Void x6 |
Golden Ticket x159 |
Green Whisp's Soul x2 |
Head of Fotia's x26 |
Heart of the Dragon x3 |
Highlord's Gaze |
Hometown Coin x60 |
Key of Abyss |
Key of Vorefax |
Laf Treasure Key x2 |
Legion Essence x1100 |
Legion Token x39170 |
Light Hope x450 |
Lord of Order Token x75 |
Loving Title |
Loyalty Token x70 |
Lucius Dungeon's Boss Key |
Lucius Dungeon's Key |
Maculated Energy x5 |
Master Legion Token x20 |
Master Musical Fragment x158 |
Mega Circle Medal x1190 |
Megaphone x90 |
Mercutio Token x371 |
Metal Fragments x26 |
Mind Stone |
Moon Essence x100 |
Mystic Gold x493 |
Mythical Soul |
Nation Draconian Soul x3 |
Nation Dragon Scales x1500 |
Neo Debris x26 |
Nulgath's Approval x445 |
Oblivion's Gem x8 |
Old Dwarf Class Ticket |
Orthoclase x23 |
Oversoul Fiend Shard |
Part of Dragon Beef x23 |
Penitent Essence x814 |
Phoenix Energy x10 |
Pink Destiny Core |
Pirate Cohort Conquered x20 |
Potion of Dodge x5 |
Potion of Health x5 |
Potion of Mana x5 |
Potion of Power x4 |
Potion of Redness x5 |
Potion of Speed x10 |
Pumpkin Lord Soul |
Purple Queen's Potion x20 |
Restless Key |
Rich Status |
Shadow Dust x163 |
Shadow Key |
Shadow Token x3 |
Six Approval x450 |
Small Meat x40 |
Smaras Soul x6 |
Snow Token x119 |
Soul Collector |
Soul of a Dragon x5 |
Soul of a God x679 |
Soul Of Evil x25 |
Soul Of Evil Fragment x4 |
Soul of Legion x5 |
Soul of Shadow x50 |
Soul Orb x9 |
Soul Relic x218 |
Soul Shard x94408 |
Spirit Cohort Conquered x205 |
State Thunderball x5 |
Stone of Nulgath x60 |
Sun Essence x100 |
Swindle Approval x4 |
Swindle Recipe |
Tainted Gem x60 |
Tethered Soul x193 |
The Secret 5 x30 |
Thunder Emerald x3 |
Token of Star x1000 |
Toro Animated Emoji Package |
Totem Shard of Nulgath x1000 |
Trigoras Essence x160 |
Ultimate Thunderball x7 |
Undead Relic x42 |
Undead Soul x100 |
Undefined 1 x20 |
Undefined 10 x20 |
Undefined 11 x52 |
Undefined 2 x20 |
Undefined 3 x9 |
Undefined 4 x18 |
Undefined 5 x72 |
Undefined 6 x7 |
Undefined 7 x28 |
Undefined 8 x20 |
Undefined 9 x91 |
Underworld Aliance |
Unshackle |
Ve Approval x1000 |
Vertigo Soul x85 |
Very Important Player Title (Equipped) |
Vibranium x3 |
Void Box of a Hundred Evilness |
Void Crystal A |
Void Crystal B |
Void Debris x5 |
Void Fiend Soul |
Void of Nulgath Token x623 |
Void Shard x100 |
Void Soul x15 |
Void Spell x2 |
Void Sphere x10 |
Void Token x2 |
Void's Coin x1883 |
Warped Energy x72 |
Well Key |
Xithricita x4 |
CLASS Boost! (1 hour) x25 |
EXP Boost! (1 hour) x110 |
GOLD Boost! (1 hour) x25 |
REPUTATION Boost! (1 hour) x25 |
FireBlood Armor Enhancement |
FireBlood Helm Enhancement |
Black Anxiety (Wearing) |
Blade of Ashes |
Custom Singularity Saw |
Demonic Caster Sword |
Devilish Sancity |
Divine Lightning Hero |
Dragon Blade of Gold |
Golden Blade of Sancity |
Golden Caladbolg |
Golden Heart Sabre |
Icy Vordred Sword |
Legendary Manslayer of Cicus |
Monolith Katana |
National Treasure Map |
Oni To Koji's Sheated Katana |
Pumpkin DragonBlade |
Victory Of Ragnarok |
Xmas bloodletter |
Blinding Clock of Time |
TechnoReaper of D00m |
Dual Abyssal Crystal Spear |
Dual Cursed Energy |
Dual Pumpkin Ragnarok |
Enchanted Heroic Titan's Greatswords |
Evolved Fiend Talons |
Fists of Fierceness |
Golden Arm Blades |
Money Staff and Shadow Slash |
Mujin Blades |
Obsidian Katanas |
Oni To Koji's Katanas |
Tiger's Fang Gauntlet |
Dread Captain's Pistol |
Assault Mode Meliodas Bow |
Cursed Energy |
Custom Hammer |
Dark World Hourglass |
Enchanted Illy Plushie |
Green StarGuitar |
Grunge Gangsta Bat |
Key From Another Dimension x2 |
Nobara's Hammer |
Pink Unarmed |
Sack of Gems |
SoulForge Hammer |
Unarmed |
Zardman's StoneHammer |
Abyssal Crystal Spear |
Amenonuhoko |
Christmas Soul Reaper (Equipped) |
Evolved Shadow Spear of Nulgath |
Lovesick Soul Scythe |
Nulgath Soulreaper |
Red Pitchfork |
Scalpula Debris Scythe |
Time Reaper Scythe |
Twilight's Arcana PoleArm |
Warseeker's Scythe |
Cyber Spear |
Nightmare Stave |
Gem Cane |
Winter Revelry Scepter |
Abyssal Crystal Hair |
Ascended Crimson Paragon Horns |
BattleReady Crew Cut |
CC Vamp Baron Hat |
Crystallis VoidSlayer Hair |
Dark Heart Manly Locks (Wearing) |
Doom The Master Hat |
Gem Crown |
Horned Mystical Warrior Coif |
Horselord's Horns |
LoneWolf Samurai Scarf |
Muusa's Beach Hat |
Ratatwilly Chef Rider Morph |
Roronoa Zoro Morph |
Sleek Gothic Locks Visage |
Stained Glass Faerie's Winged Hair |
Swag Hat |
Time Reaper Helm |
Underworld Mecha Ghoul's Helm |
Void Vampire Guard's Locks |
Warlord Of Void Guard (Equipped) |
Abyssal Crystal Portal Weapons |
Bright Star's Halo |
CC Revontheus Cape (Wearing) |
CC Shadow Assassin's Puppeteer and Blade |
Dage's Armageddon (Equipped) |
Dark Guard's Winged Wrap |
Flickering Blue Embers |
Frost Wings of Lily |
Human Clock Countdown |
Meliodas Half Demon Claw Wing |
Microfone Cape |
The Fallen Evolution Cape (3) |
Ghost! |
Shining! |
Sword Spirit Summon Circle |
Asfargo's Third Eye Ring |
Very Important Player Ring (Equipped) |
Brutal Servant Pet |
Classic Pirate Quibble Bank Pet |
Djinn Night Prince Bank Pet |
Icy Christmas Sneevil |
Necronaut Head Pet |
Rich Sneevil Pet (Equipped) |
Soul Harvester Pet |
Treasure Egg |
Classes & Armors |
Abyssal Crystal, Rank 10 |
Abyssal Walker, Rank 10 |
ArchVoid Of Nulgath, Rank 10 |
Asta Demon, Rank 10 |
Black Chronomancer, Rank 10 |
Bloodborne Vampire, Rank 10 |
Chaos Sovereign, Rank 10 |
Chaosweaver, Rank 10 |
Cupid, Rank 10 |
Divine Soul Hero, Rank 10 |
Dragon of Time, Rank 10 |
Evolved Exalted Fiend, Rank 10 (Equipped) |
Evolved Musician, Rank 10 |
Evolved Singularity, Rank 10 |
Exalted Fiend, Rank 10 |
Fire Guardian, Rank 10 |
Frozen Mage, Rank 10 |
General Cavemancer, Rank 10 |
God of Moglins, Rank 10 |
Golden Chronomancer, Rank 10 |
Headless Horseman, Rank 10 |
Legendary Hero, Rank 10 |
Legion DarkLord, Rank 10 |
Legion Symbiote, Rank 10 |
Legion Time Master, Rank 10 |
Lord of Darkness, Rank 10 |
Lord Of Order, Rank 10 |
Loyal Commander, Rank 10 |
Revenant, Rank 10 |
Rich, Rank 10 |
Shadow Icemage, Rank 10 |
ShadowWinter, Rank 10 |
Singularity, Rank 10 |
Snowman, Rank 10 |
Soul Servant, Rank 10 |
Star Lord, Rank 10 |
Stareater, Rank 10 |
Stellar Singularity, Rank 10 |
Thunder Lord Old, Rank 10 |
TimeKiller, Rank 10 |
Ultimate Exalted Fiend, Rank 10 |
Undead Sand, Rank 10 |
Unraveled Chaosweaver, Rank 10 |
Vanta Blademaster, Rank 7 |
Void Highlord, Rank 10 |
Void Walker, Rank 10 |
Abyssal Angel Naval Commander |
Abyssal Crystal Armor (Wearing) |
Annoying Disaster |
Archfiend Samurai |
Brilliant Naval Commander |
Celestial Naval Commander |
Creature 10 |
Crystallis VoidSlayer |
Custom DC |
Dark Wolf Armor |
Darkness Tuxedo (Equipped) |
Divine Soul Hero Armor |
Drow Marshal |
Enchanted Demon Armor |
Evolved TimeKiller |
Floating Witch |
Formal Skeleton |
Formal Void Warrior |
Galactic Naval Commander |
Ghostly Naval Commander |
Grand Pirate King |
Icy Naval Commander |
Infernal Naval Commander |
LoneWolf Samurai |
Meliodas Half Demon Transform |
Oni To Koji's Armor |
Rabid Spring Rockstar |
Rotting Naval Commander |
Satoru Gojo |
Shadow of Vengeance Warrior |
Shadow Slayer Armor |
Shaman Slayer of Gibazil |
Skyguard Naval Commander |
The Flash T-shirt |
Thunderborn Battlegear |
TigerClaw Hoodie Outfit |
TimeKiller Armor |
Toji and Worm |
Trox Plate |
Turdraken Hunter |
Umbral Fiend Soldier |
Vamp Baron |
Void Naval Commander |
Castles & Houses |
Djinn Palace House (Equipped) |
Keep |
Love House |
Moon Base |
Paragon Helm House |
Technocaster House |
Tree House |
Floor & Wall Items |
Altar of Caladbacon |
Altar Of Caladbolg |
Altar Of Ragnarok |
Altar Of Sanguine |
Ancient Treasure Chest (L) |
Blue-Eyes Dragon House Item |
Djiini Guard I (Right) |
Djiini Guard II (Left) |
Djiini Guard II (Right) |
Djiini Guard III (Right) |
Djiini Guard IV (Left) |
Eternal Dragon's Treasure Pile |
Rotating Floor Map |
Stray Foam |
Titan Vindicator Statue XL |
Void Elemental |
Portal to Worried Twilly |