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5 Years Playing Title
6 Years Playing Title
Aerodux x8
Almandine Garnet x19
Aluminum x19
Amber x14
Animated Pepe Emoji Package (Equipped)
Aquamarine x25
Aura of Happiness x5
Aura of Pleasure x35
Azurite x25
Bag of Abyss x2921
Basic Emoji Package
Beach Token x9
Black Destiny Core
Black Ink x65
Blight Card
Blood From the Void x5
Blood Titan x2
Bone Sigil x120
Bones x3
Brutus Card
Caesaris the Dark Medal x20
Cearense Head
Chaos Card
Chaotic Token x113
Christmas Title
Christmas Token
Claw of Nature
Cleric's Cross x3
Cosmos Soul x7
Crystal Gem of Nulgath x47
Crystal of Control
Crystal of Power
Cyber Gear x463
Cycle Token x50
Daily Login Megaphone x20
Dark Makai Defeated x500
Darkness Contract
Deep Void Eye x5
Demon Chalice
Demon Heart x2
Demon Soul x55
Desolich Bone (10% Drop)
Despair Blood x6
Dispel Power x6
Divine Cloth x6
Divine Ornament
Doomed Token x1531
DOX Penguin Defeated x2
Dracolich Bones
Draconian of Time Head x61
Dragon Fragment x72
Dragon of Time Token x13
Dragon Platinum Head x4
Dragon Sliver Head
Dwarven Secret
Element Sac x5
Emerald x19
Empowered Voidstone x48
Enchanted Stone x80
Essence of Geryon x36
Essence of Luxuria x4
Essence of Nulgath x6744
Essence of Slime x17
Essence of the Albino x2
Evolved Darkness Token x4
Exalted Artillery Shard x2
Exalted Artillery Title
Exalted Lord Token x50
Fragment of the Gods x97
Fragment Of Titanium
Free Megaphone x20
Frost Gem Fragment
Frostbound Crystal
Frostbound Token x23
Gem of Nulgath x14
Glacial x4
Golden Fragment x10
Golden Galactica Singularity x52
Gothmog's Horn x5
Green Whisp's Soul
Grimlord Blood x28
Grimlord's Token x6
Heart of the Dragon x12
High Golden Ingot x29
High Mithril Ingot x26
Hometown Coin x98
Hometown Coin x160
Hometown Key
Horc Aliance!
Icy Vordred Fragment
Infinity Fragment x3
Insurgent Knight Approval
Jade x19
Kel'Zhaax Imprisioned Soul x4
Key of Abyss
Laf Treasure Key
Lapis Lazuli
Legion Essence x532
Legion Token x1000
Lich Stone x100
Lingering Flame x90
Lost Soul x179
Loyalty Token x7
Maculated Energy x15
Makai Ticket x5
Master Musical Fragment x22
Master Note x3
Matter of the Dead x6
Mega Circle Medal x838
Megaphone x50
Mercutio Token x500
Milk Bear Animated Emoji Package
Mining Strength x12
Monster Christmas Token x29
Musical Fragment x517
Neo Debris x7
Nostine Defeated x100
Nulgath's Approval x26
Olympus Sigil x27
Orthoclase x17
Part of Dragon Beef x21
Penitent Essence x953
Pepe Emoji Package
Piece of a Dragon's Heart x12
Pieces of Dwarven Armor Breastplate
Pieces of Dwarven Armor Gaunlet x2
Pieces of Dwarven Armor Greave
Potion of Darkness x50
Potion of Dodge x50
Potion of Health x50
Potion of Mana x50
Potion of Power x50
Potion of Redness x50
Potion of Speed x50
Purgatory x3
Purgatory Essence x54
Purple Queen's Potion x50
PvP Trophy x8
Pyrope Garnet x19
Rare Essence x200
Ray Undead Skull x19
Restless Key
Rich Status
Rock Core x2
Rotten Steel x243
Rotten-Flesh x659
Ruby x19
Sand x171
Sanguine Of Darkness x15
Sapphire x25
Scrap of Necromancer's Cloth x31
Serpentine x14
Shadow Dust x169
Shadow Key
Sir Gawain's Gratitude x359
Snow Token x436
Soul Collector
Soul of a God x7
Soul of Blight x2
Soul Of Evil x25
Soul Of Evil Fragment
Soul of Olympus x2
Soul Shard x37016
Souls of Xlight x129
Space Stone
Sphene x19
Spider Wires
Spirit of Christmas x2
Spirit of Revontheus x53
Spodumene x17
Stack of Souls x100
Star Death x129
Star Ruby x19
Stareater Sphere
Thanatos's Dark Energy x9
Thunder Emerald x45
Token of Olympus x990
Token of Star x439
Totem of Void x7
Ultimate Darkness Token x5
Ultimated Exalted Contract
Ultra Wolfwing x2
Undead Relic x22
Undead Soul x10
Undefined 11 x7
Underworld Key x100
Valley Coin x2
Valsarian Scales x5
Very Important Player Title (Equipped)
Vial of Violence x37
Vibranium x25
Village Token x8
Void Crystal Shard x3
Void Debris x19
Void Energy Y
Void Shard x100
Void Soul x12
Void Soul x9
Void Sphere x5
Void Token x5
Void's Coin x6294
Wailed Frozen x200
Well Key
Xyv's Blue Card
Xyv's Yellow Card
CLASS Boost! (1 hour) x23
EXP Boost! (1 hour) x233
EXP Boost! (5 min)
GOLD Boost! (1 hour) x25
REPUTATION Boost! (1 hour) x25
FireBlood Weapon Enhancement
Wizard Armor Enhancement
Wizard Cape Enhancement
Wizard Helm Enhancement
CC Infernal Blade
Cursed Masamune
Default Sword
Galactic Awe
Grimlord Blade of Nulgath
Icy Frost Eater Of Wrath
Legion Burning Blade Of Abezeth
NarwhalSlayer Rapier
Prismatic dragon star
Sword Of Light Obliterating
Battle Berimbau
Big Spoon + Little Spoon
BladeMaster's Dual Weapons
CC Reverse Katana
Chaotic Samurai Breaker (Wearing)
Dual Custom Singularity Saw
Dual Grunge Gangsta Bat
Dual Legion Ancalagon Demise
Dual Tranquility
Fiery Ignition
Mini Stareaters
Money Staff and Shadow Slash
Random Item of Laf
Iron Hammer
Ultra Ugly Stick
Wounded Heart
Zardman's StoneHammer
Amenonuhoko (Equipped)
Legion Skull
The Christ Redeemer
The Lich King Stave
Alternative View Helm
Assault Mode Meliodas Hair
Bearded Frostval Fiend
Boxed Locks
Bright Star's Hair
BrightFrost Elf Locks
CC Captain Cool Hat
CC Headphones of Diohgo
CC Liberty Hair
Cr1tikal Hat
Crimson BoneLord Hair
CryptKeeper Plague Doctor
Dark-tic DragonSlayer Helm (Wearing)
Deep Diver Helmet
Doom The Master Hat
Envoy's Icy Morph + Hair
Frost Skywalker Hood (Equipped)
Frostval Nutcracker Girl Morph
Frostval Nutcracker Morph Hat
Grunge Gangsta Clipped Locks
Grunge Gangsta Hair
Icy Mirror Revontheus Morph
Icy Santy Hat
Jolly Frostval Caster Hair + far0
Mogloween Mystical Coif
NightFrost Elf Crown
NightFrost Elf Hood
Polar-din Morph Helm
Red Santy Hat
Rev Skull Mask
Sandsea Strider Beard
Sandsea Strider Protective Gear
Sans Undertale Morph
Scholar of the Nether Morph
Siren Poacher Hair
Sneevil Head Pilot
Snow Owl + Defender Helm
Ascendant Hammer Zodiac
Ascendant Scythe Zodiac
Ascendant Wand Zodiac
Ascended Crimson Paragon Flame
Backup Barbed Wire Bat
Blackhole Cape
Bright Star's Gleaming Accoutrements
Bright Star's Halo
Buffed Merlin Mage Cape
Crimson BoneLord Wrap
Crimson BoneLord Wrap and Seal
Deadly Daisy
Gold Dragon Revolution
Grimlord Mane of Nulgath
Icy Revontheus Soul Cape
Kyanos' Spirit + Portal
Looming Legion Paragon
Mahorc-Uraga Wheel
Metrea's Relic Scarf
Prismatic Dragon Phantasm (Wearing)
Rich Stroke Cape
Singularity Divine Cape (Equipped)
Super Full Moon Cape
Wolf Hunter Cape
Wolf Hunter Cloak
Ghost! (Black)
Ghost! (White)
Sword Spirit Summon Circle (Equipped)
Underworld Summon Ring
Asfargo's Third Eye Ring
PvP Necklace +1500
PvP Necklace +2000
PvP Necklace +2500
Vampire Lord Necklace
Very Important Player Ring (Equipped)
Arcane Soul Paragon
Cespect Battlepet
Dage In The Nulgath Bike
far0 the Originally Almighty
Flying Comet Moth Friend
Frostling Horror
Gems Assistant
Icy Vordred
Infernal Brain Child
Kitsune Giftbork
Maniac Minidage
Moth Pet
Nation Daimyo Battle Pet
Nation Daimyo Pet
Nulgath In The Dage Bike
PaladinSlayer's Stash
Paragon Greatsword Pet
Skull Warrior BattlePet
Sneevil BattlePet
Snow Fairy Pet
Soul Harvester Pet
Tainted Harbinger Blade Bank Pet
Treasure Egg (Equipped)
Vath Giftbork
Very Canadian Beaver
Warlic GiftBork Pet
Wrathful Skull Pet
Xanta's Chilly Rat
Xanta's Coal-Dust Rat
Xiang Giftbork
Classes & Armors
Abyssal Walker, Rank 10
Berserker Hunter, Rank 10
Chaosweaver, Rank 10 (Equipped)
ChronoVoid, Rank 10
Darkside, Rank 10
Dragon of Time, Rank 10
Evolved Singularity, Rank 10
Frozen Knight, Rank 10
Golden Chronomancer, Rank 10
Invisible No Class, Rank 4
Musician, Rank 10
Popstar Hatsune Miku, Rank 10
Singularity, Rank 10
Stellar Singularity, Rank 10
Unraveled Chaosweaver, Rank 10
CC Pirate Captain
Chaos Destroyer
Cr1tikal Hero
Crazy Clown
Cysero's Wedding Garb
Darkness Tuxedo
DoomKnight Overlord Armor
FP5 Fan
Galactic LightCaster
Icy Mirror Revontheus
Infinity Titan
Infinity Titan's Throne
Ken Kaneki
Legion Lich
Meliodas Half Demon Transform
Metrea's Crimson Presence
Paragon Naval Commander
Pink Diabolical Nulgath
Primordial Mahorc-Uraga
Prismatic Techno Vampire (Wearing)
Scholar of the Nether
Warlord of Void (Equipped)

Castles & Houses
Brightfall Fotress
Paragon Helm House (Equipped)
Pirate Treehouse
Floor & Wall Items
Love Shrub
Mood Slime
Scalebeard House Guard (R)
Void Elemental
Deady Sign I
Deady Sign II