Items |
4kko Gold Token x3 |
Aeacus Empowered x2 |
Approval of Nulgath x44 |
Archfiend's Favor x56 |
Ashray Blood Sample x6 |
Bag of Abyss x2700 |
Beach Token x8 |
Beast Hunter Approval |
Beginners Guide Title |
Blood Clock Energy |
Blood From the Void x3 |
Blood Titan |
Bone Sigil x100 |
Bones x223 |
Christmas Title |
Cleric's Cross x6 |
Cloth x30 |
Conquest Wreath |
Corrupted Sneevil x8 |
Crystal Gem x4 |
Crystal Gem of Nulgath x4 |
Crystal of Legion x6 |
Cursed Sealant Capsule |
Cycle Token x50 |
Dark Crystal Shard x19 |
Dark Remnants x36 |
Death x2 |
Demon Chalice |
Demon Soul x45 |
Diamond of Nulgath x82 |
Dimensional Key [No Load] |
Divine Fragment |
Divine Ornament |
Doomed Token x27 |
Dragon Fragment x260 |
Dragon Heart |
Empowered Voidstone x444 |
Essence of Nulgath x311 |
Essence of Slime x17 |
Exalted Crown |
Fire Token x11 |
Fragment Of Iron x13 |
Fragment of the Gods |
Fragment Of Titanium x17 |
Free Megaphone x74 |
Futurelegion Clear |
Futuristic Token x730 |
Gem Fragment x9 |
Gem of Nulgath x10 |
Glory Knight Orb |
Heart Of Vordred |
Holy Fire x24 |
Holy Umbra x22 |
Holy Unstable Energy |
Hometown Coin x240 |
Hometown Coin x20 |
Hometown Key |
Hot Token x24 |
Ice Token x4 |
Legion Essence x208 |
Legion Token x225 |
Lich Stone x100 |
Light Fragment x5 |
Love Legion Token x3 |
Love Token x318 |
Maculated Energy x12 |
Mega Circle Medal x7 |
Mercutio Token x107 |
Milk Bear Animated Emoji Package (Equipped) |
Miltonius x2 |
Mystic Gold x65 |
Nation Scripture |
Oblivion's Gem |
Paladin Armament x101 |
Paragon Essence x17 |
Penguin Slayer x16 |
Penitent Essence x3 |
Potion of Darkness x50 |
Potion of Dodge x50 |
Potion of Health x50 |
Potion of Mana x50 |
Potion of Power x49 |
Potion of Redness x50 |
Potion of Speed x50 |
Project: Dimensional Key |
Purple Queen's Potion x50 |
Revenant's Spellscroll |
Scrap of Cloth x25 |
Shadow Dust x153 |
Shark Fin x27 |
Soul of a God x2 |
Soul Of Evil Fragment |
Soul Orb x6960 |
Soul Shard x12228 |
Stone of Nulgath x26 |
Strogia Token |
Tainted Gem x33 |
Tethered Soul x10 |
The Secret 5 x16 |
Token Boat x36 |
Token for 1x Golden Tickets |
Token of Star x221 |
Token of Vindication x9 |
Top Hat |
Tormenting Energy |
Totem Shard of Nulgath x134 |
Ultra Blood Titan |
Undead Fluffy Bones x3 |
Undefined 1 x20 |
Undefined 10 x20 |
Undefined 11 x12 |
Undefined 2 x13 |
Undefined 3 x10 |
Undefined 4 x3 |
Undefined 5 x9 |
Undefined 6 x16 |
Undefined 7 x21 |
Undefined 8 x20 |
Undefined 9 x14 |
Uridrax Scales x3 |
Vertigo Soul x71 |
Vial of Violence x2 |
Village Token x10 |
Virdi Undead Paladin Soul |
Void of Nulgath Token x60 |
Void's Coin x1727 |
Vordred Soul x30 |
CLASS Boost! (1 hour) x8 |
EXP Boost! (1 hour) x4 |
GOLD Boost! (1 hour) x6 |
GOLD Boost! (15 min) |
REPUTATION Boost! (1 hour) x10 |
Blinding Light of Destiny |
Bloodgroove |
Bloodletter of Nulgath |
Bonebreaker Star Sword (Equipped) |
Bounded Bat Sword |
Bright Astravian Rapier |
CryoTime Judgement |
Dark Astravian Rapier |
Doom Lord Vordred Sword |
Edge Of The Void |
Elucidator |
Enchanted Phoenix Golden |
Enchanted Phoenix Platinum |
Evolved Void Sword |
Fluid Chaos's Sword |
Frost Sword |
Infernal Blade of Malice |
Manslayer of Taro |
Mirrored Drow's Star Sword |
Mirrored Knight's Star Sword |
Mirrored Mana Star Sword |
Mogloween Discords |
Nocturnal Blade of Malice |
Salvation Blade of Nulgath |
Sandsea Strider Khopesh |
Spinal Debris Sword |
Star Sword |
Sword of the Forsaken |
Toxic Knight's Blade |
Underworld Sword of Loyalty |
Unidentified 66 |
Void Knight's Blade |
Werepyre Slayer Sword |
Lunar Sand Axe |
Blood Daggers of Diohgo |
Bright Astravian Rapiers |
Dark Astravian Rapiers |
Darkness Talons |
Dual Manslayer of Taro |
Dual Shadow-letter |
FrostWolf Daggers |
Spinal Debris Swords |
Gilded Gauntlet of Madness |
Gilded Gauntlets of Madness |
Reaper's Crossbow |
Dragon Bow |
Iron Hammer |
Key From Another Dimension |
Time Dimensional Hourglass |
Evolved Shadow Spear of Nulgath |
Flame Dragon Polearm |
Legion Skull |
Scalpula Debris Scythe |
Taco on a Stick |
Void Ripper Scythe |
CTRLler Staff |
Ghostly Staff |
Mutated Rebirth Staff |
The Lich King Stave |
Undead Mage's Fire Staff |
Sparkler |
Ascended Love Horns Male |
Beardless Hair Of The Dark |
Beast Maker Helm |
Big Sombrero |
Conical Hat |
Creature 10 Horned Locks |
Creature 10 Horns |
Creature 10 Mask |
Creature 10 Morph |
Creature 10 Visage |
Crimson Crypt Crown |
Dark Heart Manly Locks |
Doom Lord Vordred Helm |
Festive Locks of the Northlands |
Festive Northern King's Crown |
Festive Northern Queen's Crown |
Flame Draconian Morph |
Flame Dragon Morph |
Lich King Helm |
NecROMANCE Locks |
Northern Duchess' Coronet |
Reaper's Scream |
Red Dragon Festival Helm |
Snorkling Wolf |
Summer Zilla Visor Visage |
Taco Admiral Hat |
Void Ripper Helm |
Werepyre Slayer Helm |
Wolf Hunter Hood (Equipped) |
Worshipper Visage of Nulgath |
Zombie Top Hat (Ruined) |
Archfiend Cloak of Nulgath |
Backblades and Cloak Combo |
Bounded Bat Cape |
Creature 10 Half Wing |
Creature 10 Tail |
Creature 10 Wings |
Creature 10 Wings & Tail |
Crimson Silk Cape |
Doom Lord Vordred Cape |
Elite Void Spiked Cape |
Explosive Rocket Backpack |
Flame Dragon Wings |
FrostWolf Cape |
Guardian Shadow |
Human Clock Bezel |
Human Clock Countdown |
Human Clock Face |
Human Clock Synchronization |
One Eyed Crawler Cape |
Quiver with Love |
Shadow of Sepulchure |
Void Knight's Cape |
Werepyre Slayer Wings |
Wolf Hunter Cape (Equipped) |
PvP Necklace +1500 |
PvP Necklace +2000 (Equipped) |
Cespect Battlepet |
Chibi Nulgath Bank Pet |
Darkblood Blade Pet |
Evolved Blood Orb |
Evolved Primal Orb |
Evolved Shadow Orb |
Evolved Void Orb Pet |
Fairy Godmother |
Frostval Swindle |
Icy Vordred |
Nulgath's Prize Quest |
Oblivion Blade Of Nulgath |
Oblivion Blade Of Nulgath Quest Pet (Equipped) |
Paragon Pet |
Pearl of Light Lantern Pet |
Portable Arcade |
The Lich King Pet |
Zilla Summer Chibi |
Zorbak BabyDragon |
Classes & Armors |
Alpha Pirate, Rank 10 |
Arachnomancer, Rank 1 |
Astero, Rank 10 (Equipped) |
Barber, Rank 5 |
Bikini, Rank 1 |
Blood Vampire, Rank 10 |
Chunin, Rank 1 |
Dark Caster, Rank 10 |
Darkside, Rank 10 |
Deadpool, Rank 1 |
DragonLord, Rank 10 |
Drakel Warlord, Rank 1 |
Elemental Dracomancer, Rank 1 |
Fiend of Ralzic, Rank 1 |
Frozen Mage, Rank 5 |
Golden Chronomancer, Rank 8 |
Immortal Dark Caster, Rank 10 |
Immortal NightSlayer, Rank 7 |
Knight Warlord, Rank 1 |
Legion Symbiote, Rank 10 |
Legion Time Master, Rank 10 |
Love Caster, Rank 10 |
MogBot, Rank 5 |
Mysterious, Rank 2 |
Necromancer, Rank 1 |
Paladin, Rank 10 |
PaladinSlayer, Rank 10 |
Profane, Rank 1 |
PumpkinLord, Rank 8 |
Alpha Pirate Armor |
Arcanist Robes |
Blazing Naval Commander |
Brilliant Naval Commander |
ChronoLord Naval Commander |
Creature 10 |
Crimson Cryptlord Armor |
Dark Shadow Knight |
DoomKnight Naval Commander |
Dragon Alchemist |
Elite Void |
Evolved Void of Nulgath |
Festive Symbiote |
Forest Guardian Armor |
FrostWolf |
Galactic Naval Commander |
Gilded Cupid's Toga |
Golden Plate of the North |
Icy Naval Commander |
Ken Kaneki |
Mariachi Armor |
Potato Sack |
Rotting Naval Commander |
Shadowalker |
Slammin' Swimwear |
Soul Harvester |
Tacomancer |
The Lich King Armor |
Void Naval Commander |
Void Paladin |
Werepyre Slayer |
Wolf Hunter (Equipped) |
Yellow Symbiote |
Castles & Houses |
Love House |
Pirate Treehouse (Equipped) |
Floor & Wall Items |
Huggy-Bear |
Love Shrub |
Mood Slime |
Stray Foam |
Void Elemental |
Void Makai |
Void Monk |
Wandering Soul II |
Mounted Anarchy Bazooka |