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2 Years Playing Title (Equipped)
Basic Emoji Package (Equipped)
Black Knight Essence x2
Bone Sigil x139
Chaos Token x294
Chicken Beef x95
Christmas Coin x3
Chrono Essence x72
Cold Token x25
Commander Token
Crystal of Balance x4
Crystal of Chaos x6
Crystal of Legion x6
Crystal Shard x8
Daily Login Megaphone x20
Dark Remnants x7
Demon Chalice
Demon Heart
Dispel Power x2
Divine Cloth x2
Divine Fragment x10
Divine Ornament
Doomed Fiend Defeated (1%)
Doomed Token x382
Dragon Fragment x12
Dragon Heart x2
Empowered Voidstone
Exalted Crown
EXP Elixir for Pet x829
Ff Elemental Defeated x2
Fortune Ticket x24
Fragment of Doom x5
Fragment of Mirror Realm
Fragment of the Gods
Fragments of Items
Free Megaphone x63
Futurelegion Clear
Futuristic Legion x6
Futuristic Token x310
Golden Fragment x7
Hatir's Fire
Hollow Soul x8
Hometown Key
Key From The Heaven
Key of Vorefax
Legion Token x1023
Lord of Order Token x3
Love Token x115
Loyalty Token x84
Makai Ticket x6
Mystic Gold x3066
Pastel Grenwog Watergun
Penitent Essence x12
Poison Sneak Defeated x9
Potion of Darkness x5
Potion of Dodge x5
Potion of Health x5
Potion of Mana x5
Potion of Power x5
Potion of Redness x5
Potion of Speed x5
Project: Dimensional Key
Purple Queen's Potion x5
Ragged Cloth Scrap
Razorclaw Defeated
Restless Key
Revenant's Spellscroll
Shadow Dust x150
Shinkansen Tickets x2
Soul of a God x7
Soul of Soul x10
Soul Orb x603
Soul Shard x9862
Survivor of Friday 13th
Token for 10x Makai Tickets x2
Token for 1x Makai Tickets
Token for 5x Makai Tickets x8
Ultimated Exalted Contract
Xyv's Blue Card
Yakagawa Forest Purified
CLASS Boost! (1 hour) x25
EXP Boost! (1 hour) x250
GOLD Boost! (1 hour) x25
REPUTATION Boost! (1 hour) x25
Blade of the Cosmic Winds
Blade of the Pumpking Legion
Bramble Blame Blade
Brilliant Sword of Cosmic Fate
CC Infernal Blade
Chaotic Destruction DB
Cosmic Spirit of the Sword
Criosphinx Sun Sword
Decima Render
Defiler of the Ancients
Desert Black Moon Blade
Dimmed Overdriven Knight's Blade
Great SawBlade Of Eminence
Jade Bushido Katana
Knight's Sword of Brilliant Honor
Lord of Order Blade
Overdriven Knight Sword
Permafrost Chaos Champion's Blade
Sepulchure's Undead Blade
Sullied Blame Blade
Sphinx's Secret Axe
Battlegear of Vindication
Blades of the Cosmic Winds
Bramble Blame Blade and Shield
Bramble Blame Blades
Bramble Ivory Blame Blades
Brilliant Swords of Cosmic Fate
Colorful Grenwog Waterguns
Cosmic Spirits of the Sword
Crispy Maize Maces
Defilers of the Ancients
Desert Black Moon Blades
Dimmed Overdriven Knight's Blades
Dual Anubian Skyfall Spear
Dual Colorful Grenwog Battle Cane
Dual Colorful Grenwog Cane
Dual Death's Requiem Spear
Dual Grand Antaeus Broadsword
Dual Heavenward Staff
Dual Immortal Sacrificer Tepoztopilli
Dual Malignant Death Scythe
Dual Overworld Chronomancer Staff
Dual Possessed Kokytos Staff
Great SawBlades Of Eminence
GryphonClaw Knight's Blades
Ivory Blame Blade and Bangle
Ivory Defilers of the Ancients
Knight's Swords of Brilliant Honor
Oasis Storm Armblades
Overdriven Knight Swords
Sullied Blame Blade and Bangle
Sullied Blame Blade and Shield
Sullied Blame Blades
Sullied Ivory Blame Blades
Vengeful Soul Sickles
Cysero's Smithing Mitt
Eternal Manifestation Gauntlets
Goalie Gloves
Helsgrove Guardian's Dual ArmClaws
Shadowbound Claw
ShadowScythe Paragon's Gauntlet
TimeReaper Claws
Colorful Grenwog Watergun
Assault Mode Meliodas Bow (Equipped)
Anubian Sky Sceptre
Bunch of Radishes
Football Mace
Good Football Mace
Anubian Skyfall Spear
Death's Requiem Spear
Immortal Sacrificer Tepoztopilli
Lord of Order Polearm
Colorful Grenwog Cane
Death's Requiem Staff
Heavenward Staff
Overworld Chronomancer Staff
Possessed Kokytos Staff
Angry Broccoli Female Morph
Boreal Cavalier Hair + Scarf
Boreal Cavalier Locks + Scarf
Classier Rabbit Top Hat
CryptKeeper Plague Doctor
Dead Morice Helm
Doom Lord Vordred Helm
Feathered Underworld Sacrificer Helm
High Lord of Order Helm
Ivory Usurper Lord Horns
Lord of Order Helm
Lord of Order Horns
Lucky Masked Hair
Lunarian Astromancer Helmet
Lunarian Astromancer Helmet and Locks
Maizelord Hood
Masked Penitent Ivory Keeper Helm
Masked Penitent Keeper Helm
Meliodas Half Demon Transform Morph (Equipped)
Mourner's Hair
Overconfident Radish Morph
Overconfident Radish Morph Locks
Overdriven Evocator Hooded Morph
Overdriven Evocator Hooded Visage
Overdriven Knight Armet
Overdriven Knight Bascinet
Overworld Chronomancer Hood
Penitent Ivory Keeper Guard Helm
Penitent Keeper Helm
Permafrost Chaos War Mask
Princess of Vegetables Morph
Ptolomea Necromancer Blindfold Morph
Ptolomea Necromancer Blindfold Visage
Ptolomea Necromancer Morph
Ptolomea Necromancer Visage
Simple Sepulchure's Helm
Sphinx Commander Helm
Sphinx Desher Helm and Hair
Sphinx Sentinel Helm
Super Prince Morph
Super Princess Crown
Sword Spirit Halo Hair
Sword Spirit Halo Locks
Sword Spirit Knight Hair
Sword Spirit Knight Locks
Sword Spirit Winged Circlet
Sword Spirit Winged Laurels
Underworld Eminence Flaming Helmet
Underworld Sacrificer Helm
Underworld Samurai Helm
Underworld Sentinel Ponytail
Usurper Lord Horns
Vindicator Captain's Hood
Vindicator General's Hood
Acheron Usurper Lord Cape
Acheron Usurper Lord Halo Cape
Acheron Usurper Lord Regalia
Blessed Rune of Vindication
Cloaked Spirits of the Sword
Deathly Prophecy Altar
Glorious Wings of Eminence
Green Aura
Immortal Bloodletter Deity
Ivory Usurper Lord Halo Cape
Knightly Spirit Cloak
Knightly Spirit Cloak and Armaments
Lord of Order Bladed Wrap
Lord of Order Double Wings + Wrap
Lord Of Order Wings
Lord of Order Wings + Wrap
Lord of Order Wrap
Lunarian Asteroid
Malignant Death
Meliodas Half Demon Claw Wing (Equipped)
Noble Anubian Tail and Keys
Overworld Chronomancer Cape
Permafrost Chaos Wings XL
Phantima, Maiden of Woe
Resting Anubian Skyfall Spear
Sandsea Keys of Life
Sphinx Sentinel Cape
Sphinx Sentinel Cape and Blades
Spirits of the Sword
Sword Spirit Knight's Sheathed Armaments
Undeath Dominion Core
Year of the Rabbit Companion
Sword Spirit Summon Circle
Asfargo's Third Eye Ring
PvP Necklace +1500
PvP Necklace +2000
Sheevra Necklace
Sheevra Ring (Equipped)
Arcane Soul Paragon
Brilliant Sword of Cosmic Fate Companion
Cerberus Pup BattlePet
Colorful Grenwog far0
Dandelion Puff Kiwi Birb
Ghostly Football Pet
Giefurious Pet
Giftbox Pet 2019
Grand Antaeus Companion Broadsword
Immortal Lich King Pet
Kiwi Birb
Legion Knight BattlePet
Maniac Minidage
Mourner BattlePet
Overdriven Evocator BattlePet
Overdriven Knight BattlePet
Overworld Hourglass Pet
Prime Drakath Pet (Equipped)
Volleyball Team A Mascot Pet
Volleyball Team B Mascot Pet
Classes & Armors
Arachnomancer, Rank 10
Astero, Rank 10
Berserker Hunter, Rank 10
Bikini, Rank 10
CardClasher, Rank 10
Chaos, Rank 10
Chaotic Fiend of Nulgath, Rank 10
Chunin, Rank 10
Dark Caster, Rank 10
Darkside, Rank 10
Deadpool, Rank 10
Demon Slayer, Rank 10
DragonLord, Rank 10
Dragonsworn, Rank 10
Drakel Warlord, Rank 10
Elemental Dracomancer, Rank 10
Evil Class, Rank 10
Fiend of Ralzic, Rank 10
Firemancer, Rank 10
Flame Dragon Warrior, Rank 10
Grenwog Slayer, Rank 10
Heavenly Archangel, Rank 10
Immortal Dark Caster, Rank 10
Infinite Dark Caster, Rank 10
Knight Warlord, Rank 10
Legendary Hero, Rank 10
Legion Symbiote, Rank 10
Legion Time Master, Rank 10
Loyal Commander, Rank 10 (Equipped)
Necromancer, Rank 10
Paladin, Rank 10
PaladinSlayer, Rank 10
Popstar Hatsune Miku, Rank 10
Profane, Rank 10
PVP, Rank 10
Rustbucket, Rank 10
Shadow Hatsune Paragon, Rank 10
Sorcerer, Rank 10
Timeless Dark Caster, Rank 10
Undead Sand, Rank 10
Acheron Usurper Lord
Adventurous Rookie Outfit
Autumnal Civilian
Badger Brigade Armor
Beast Hunter Evolved
Bluefin Shark Diver
Caustic NecroRocker
Chaos Doom Robe
Dark Dracolich Lord
Dawn Vindicator General
Doom Lord Vordred
DoomKnight Overlord Armor
Football Stripes Uniform
Football Uniform
Great White Shark Diver
Immortal Lich King's Gift
Ivory Acheron Usurper Lord
Ken Kaneki
Lord Of Order Armor
Lord of the Dead
Lunarian Astromancer
Mariachi Hero
Meliodas Half Demon Transform (Equipped)
Overconfident Radish
Overdriven Evocator
Overdriven Underworld Knight
Overworld Chronomancer Armor
Penitent Ivory Underworld Keeper
Permafrost Chaos Champion
Ptolomea Necromancer
Sepulchure's Armor
Shadowbound Voyager
Skeletal Sacrificer
Snowvers' Onesie
Soul Harvester
Sphinx Sentinel
Super Prince of Vegetables
Sword Spirit Knight
Sword Spirit Shield Knight
Underworld Eminence Titan
Vindicator Captain
Volleyball Hero
¡Mariartix! Charro Outfit

Castles & Houses
M4tr1x Castle of Nulgath (Equipped)
Pumpkin House
Floor & Wall Items
GIANT Mushroom Guard (L)
Laryn the Lead Singer
Major Mushroom Guard (R)
Sluagh Mellori House Item
Sluagh Warrior House Item
Valky NPC
ARTX Shelf