Items |
5 Years Playing Title |
Aeacus Empowered x166 |
Almandine Garnet x22 |
Amber x23 |
Animated Pepe Emoji Package |
Approval of Nulgath x1000 |
Aquamarine x22 |
Archfiend Blade Energy |
Archfiend's Favor x1964 |
Armor Fragment |
Aura of Happiness x1000 |
Aura of Pleasure x1000 |
Ayu's Tears |
Azurite x22 |
Bag of Abyss x2838 |
Basic Emoji Package |
Blood Gem of the Archfiend x12 |
Bone Shard x38 |
Bone Sigil x14133 |
Broken Bones x3 |
BrutalDage Soul x169 |
Candy Corn x62 |
Cape Fragment x7 |
Celestial Hound Soul x127 |
Chaos Card |
Chaos Token x1000 |
ChaosWeaver Title |
Chaotic Token x18568 |
Chicken Beef x7 |
Chocolate Bar x46 |
Chrono Pass |
Citrine x6 |
Claw of Metal |
Cloth of Infinity |
Corrupted Dragon Core |
Crystal Gem of Nulgath x41 |
Crystal of Balance x6 |
Crystal of Legion x6 |
Daily Login Megaphone x20 |
Damnation Bag x20 |
Damnation Crystal x2 |
Dark Crystal Shard x274 |
Dark Makai Defeated x318 |
Darklord’s Seal x33 |
Darkness Contract |
Darkness Token x11 |
Deep Void Eye x5 |
Demon Bones Fragment x2 |
Demon Chalice |
Despair King Heart x120 |
Diamond of Nulgath x434 |
Divine Cloth x14 |
Divine Fragment x30 |
Divine Ornament |
Dolaas's Fire x2 |
Doomed Token x1406 |
Dove Feather x11 |
DOX Penguin Defeated x425 |
Dragon Fragment x500 |
Dwarven Secret |
Element Sac x5 |
Emerald x22 |
Eminence of Shadows's Title |
Essence Of Darklord x5 |
Essence Of Light x21 |
Essence of Luxuria x1999 |
Essence of Nulgath x8286 |
Essence of Shadow x3 |
Essence Of The Abyss x1000 |
Exalted Artillery Title |
Exalted Legion Token x43 |
EXP Elixir for Pet x445 |
Fool Treasure Chest x5 |
Forger x500 |
Fragment of Doom x100 |
Fragment Of Titanium x5 |
Fragment Of Warlord x508 |
Frostbound Token x17 |
Futurelegion Clear |
Galactica Singularity x31 |
Galaxy Core |
Gem Fragment x33 |
Gem of Nulgath x462 |
Golden Blood of Nulgath |
Golden Destiny Core |
Golden Fragment x10 |
Grievous Dark Blood x5 |
Grimlord's Token x20 |
Hatir's Fire x5 |
Heart of the Dragon x9999 |
High Golden Ingot x547 |
High Mithril Ingot x526 |
Hometown Key |
Horc Aliance! |
Infernal General Defeated x98 |
Infernal Skull Energy x5 |
Jade x22 |
Jade Powder x12 |
Key of Abyss |
Key of Vorefax |
Laf Treasure Key x5 |
Lapis Lazuli x21 |
Legion Token x649212 |
Light Crystal Fragment x2 |
Light Fragment x71 |
Lollipop x66 |
Lost Soul x107 |
Loyalty Token x42 |
Maculated Energy x25 |
Marvel Emoji Package |
Master Legion Token x450 |
Mega Circle Medal x10000 |
Megaphone x5 |
Mercutio Token x500 |
Milk Bear Animated Emoji Package |
Miltonius Soul |
Mind Stone |
Mysteries Of Miltonius x62 |
Mythical Soul x30 |
Neo Debris x5 |
Nulgath’s Archfiend Crest |
Paragon Essence x75 |
Penguin Slayer x30 |
Penitent Essence x1026 |
Pepe Emoji Package |
Phoenix Energy x89 |
Potion of Darkness x3 |
Potion of Dodge x5 |
Potion of Health x5 |
Potion of Mana x5 |
Potion of Power x4 |
Potion of Redness x5 |
Potion of Speed x5 |
Power Stone |
Prove Your Loyalty #1 |
Prove Your Loyalty #2 |
Prove Your Loyalty #3 |
Puregold Bar x5 |
Purgatory Essence |
Purple Queen's Potion x5 |
PvP Trophy x2 |
Pyrope Garnet x22 |
Rabid Lion |
Rare Essence x200 |
Reality Stone |
Red Destiny Core |
Revenant's Spellscroll |
Room Identificator |
Ruby x22 |
Sapphire x22 |
Satania & Vigne Emoji Package |
Serpentine x16 |
Shadow Doom Soul x20 |
Shadow Dust x171 |
Shadow Key |
Shadow Legend Soul x5 |
Shadow Ore |
Shadow Undead Defeated |
Shadow Warrior Soul |
Shadowstone |
Sinned Energy x1000 |
Sinned Ink x1450 |
Sir Gawain's Gratitude x25 |
Small Meat x2922 |
Sneegath Soul Shard x2 |
Soul Collector |
Soul of a God x603 |
Soul Of Evil x276 |
Soul Of Evil Fragment x20 |
Soul of Guardian x5 |
Soul of Nulgath x2 |
Soul of Underworld Keeper x21 |
Soul Orb x4600 |
Soul Shard x2459 |
Soul Stone |
Space Stone |
Sphene x22 |
Spodumene x23 |
Star Death x400 |
Star Ruby x22 |
Star Token II |
Stone of Nulgath x33 |
Student Title |
Styx Shard x30 |
Tainted Gem x1350 |
Taro Soul x25 |
Tethered Soul x135 |
Thanatos's Dark Energy |
The Secret 5 x21 |
Thunder Emerald x527 |
Time Essence x184 |
Time Stone |
Token of Olympus x125 |
Totem of Void x5 |
Totem Shard of Nulgath x1000 |
Treasure Token x262 |
Troll Aliance! |
Ultimate Item of Donated Awesomenes |
Undead Relic x4 |
Undead Soul x20 |
Undefined 1 x20 |
Undefined 10 x20 |
Undefined 11 x78 |
Undefined 2 x20 |
Undefined 3 x18 |
Undefined 4 x4 |
Undefined 5 x106 |
Undefined 6 x286 |
Undefined 7 x200 |
Undefined 8 x20 |
Undefined 9 x300 |
Underworld Key x100 |
Unknown Energy x9 |
Valuable Box x5 |
Very Important Player Title |
Vibranium x25 |
Void Box of a Hundred Evilness x10 |
Void Crystal A |
Void Crystal B |
Void Crystal Shard x295 |
Void Debris x16 |
Void Energy X x24913 |
Void Energy Y x2636 |
Void Fiend Soul x4 |
Void Master Blood x53 |
Void of Nulgath Token x1000 |
Void Shadow Essence x5 |
Void Shard x100 |
Void Soul x11 |
Void Soul x18 |
Void's Coin x28974 |
Wailed |
Wailed Frozen x200 |
Warlord Of Void Fragment |
Well Key |
Xithricita x28 |
Xyv's Blue Card |
Xyv's Green Card |
Xyv's Purple Card |
Xyv's Star Card |
You got Trolled! |
CLASS Boost! (1 hour) x25 |
EXP Boost! (1 hour) x250 |
GOLD Boost! (1 hour) x25 |
REPUTATION Boost! (1 hour) x25 |
FireBlood Armor Enhancement |
FireBlood Armor Enhancement |
FireBlood Cape Enhancement |
FireBlood Cape Enhancement |
FireBlood Helm Enhancement |
FireBlood Weapon Enhancement |
Ancalagon Demise |
Cursed Masamune |
Custom Singularity Sword |
Default Sword |
Grimlord Blade of Nulgath |
Icy Vordred Sword |
Masamune |
Necrotic Of Nulgath Sword (Equipped) |
Rhapsody Of The Purgatory |
Shadowscythe of Z Blade |
Ultima Balmud |
Frost Ironborn Axe |
Random Item of Laf |
Goalie Gloves |
Skypiercer Sparking Minigun |
Custom Hammer |
Ghostly Football Mace |
Trick R Treater |
Unarmed (Wearing) |
Amenonuhoko |
Void Avenger Scythe |
Ageless Necromancer Hood |
Blank Helm (Wearing) |
CC Angelic Hat |
CC Inquisitor's Longhair Hat |
Contract Enforcer Horns |
Contract Enforcer Morph |
Crimson GunSlinger Hat |
CryptKeeper Plague Doctor |
Deidara Hair |
DracoLich Crown |
Exalted Fiend Helm |
Frost Skywalker Hood |
Grimlord Face of Nulgath |
Head of the Legion Beast (Equipped) |
Lightning Emperor Morph |
Obsidian Centaur Barbarian's Beard |
Rev Skull Mask |
Sasori Hair |
Sith Lord Helmet |
Sky Walker Morph |
Skypiercer Helm |
Straight-Up Cap |
Void Oni Samurai Morph |
Void Oni Sedge Hat |
Void Oni Sedge Hat Morph |
Zetsu Helm |
Ancalagon Shadow |
Anomalous Spirit of the M4tr1x |
Frigid Aurora |
Frost Skywalker Cape |
Grimlord Cloak of Nulgath |
Grimlord Mane of Nulgath |
Indonesia Spirit Scarf |
Shadow Commander Cape |
Skypiercer Artillery |
Skypiercer Jetpack |
Skypiercer Mounted Minigun |
Supreme Laf's Katanas Power (Equipped) |
Ultimate Divine Cape |
Neon Stage |
Prismatic Dracolich Lord Aura |
Shining! |
Asfargo's Third Eye Ring |
Pineapple Ring |
PvP Necklace +2000 |
Simple Ring of Legion |
Very Important Player Ring (Equipped) |
Ancalagon Demise Pet |
Brutal Servant Pet |
Celestial Dream Pet |
Ghostly Football Pet |
HyperRaindow |
Inty Pet |
Legion Wizard Pet |
Necrotic Of Nulgath Sword Pet (Equipped) |
Oblivion Blade Of Nulgath Quest Pet |
Sneevil Nulgath |
Soul Harvester Pet |
Ultimate Paragon Servant |
Warlord Of Void Pet |
Classes & Armors |
ArchVoid Of Nulgath, Rank 10 |
Chaosweaver, Rank 10 |
Demon Lord, Rank 10 |
Dwarf Champion, Rank 10 |
Eminence Of Shadows, Rank 10 |
Lord of Destiny, Rank 10 (Equipped) |
Soul King, Rank 10 |
Stareater, Rank 10 |
Stellar Singularity, Rank 10 |
Timeless Of Nulgath, Rank 10 |
Vampire Of Purgatory, Rank 10 |
Voidfallen Overlord, Rank 10 |
Akatsuki Cloak |
Akatsuki Cloak CC |
Carnage Voids of Nulgath |
CC Flaming Black Skeleton |
CC Gambler Jacket |
Chiquita & Zep |
Crimson BoneLord |
Cyber Deathrider |
Dark Crystallis Delinquent |
Dark Doctor What |
Despair King |
Enchanted Skypiercer Costume |
FCC Chaotic Warlord (Equipped) |
Football Goalie Uniform |
Football Stripes Uniform |
Football Uniform |
Frost Skywalker |
Grimlord of Nulgath |
Infinity Titan |
Invisible Armor (Wearing) |
Mystical Holiday Jester |
Onyx Unicorn Crooner |
Prismatic SpaceMage Armor |
Reality Breaker |
Satisfied Kitty Armor |
Shadowalker |
Soul Harvester |
Ultimate Void Dragon |
Void Knight |
Void Oni Samurai |
Castles & Houses |
2D Moistverse House (Equipped) |
Akumi Bounty Hunter's Ship |
Ghostly Pirate Ship |
Infinity Titan Base |
Joglo House |
Loremaster Cottage |
Paragon Helm House |
Pumpkin House |
Secret Pyramid Houses |
Seraphic Fortress |
Vacation Castle of Nulgath |
Winter Dragon Cave |
Floor & Wall Items |
Altar Of Caladbolg |
Apple Pie |
Badger Brigade Guard |
Blue-Eyes Dragon House Item |
Cemani Dricken House Item |
Coconut Treeant House Item |
Covered Table with Cake |
Covered table with Gifts |
Dark Magician Girl Aura House Item |
Eternal Dragon's Treasure Pile |
Flowering Bush House Item |
Golden Celestial Templar Guardian |
Gravy Boat |
Infinity Titan Gauntlet |
Jelangkung House Item |
Kala House Item |
King's Throne |
Large Stove |
Lesser Groglurk House Item |
Major Mushroom Guard (L) |
Master Duelist Cape House Item |
Mysterious Stranger Bank Vault |
Napkin on Plate |
Nation Draconian House Item |
Oil |
Overfiend Blade House Item |
Oversoul Fiend Vampire House Item |
Paragon House Item |
Pepper Shaker |
Pile of Presents!!! |
Royal Bed |
Royal Couch |
Salt Shaker |
Scalebeard House Guard (L) |
Smaras House Item |
Smoothie Bar |
Smoothie Stock Cellar |
STEMWare OS Computer |
Table of Food |
Taro House Item |
Void Fiend House Item |
2024 New Year's Ball |
Flag of Indonesia |
Indonesian Flag |