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Archfiend Soul x15
Basic Fruits x30
Black Friday Token x4
Blood Gem of the Archfiend x5
Celestial Clouds x27
Celestial Coins x39
Celestial Energy x56
Celestial Hound Soul x223
Chicken Beef x91
Cloth of Amenonuhoko Divinity x5
Cloth of Ultimate Divinity x2
Daily Login Megaphone x20
Divine Cloth x7
Divine Fire x114
Divine Fragment x4
Divine Ornament
Divine Soul x203
Eminence of Shadows's Title
Galactica Singularity x100
Godness Flame
Light Elemental Essence x4
Light Golem Energy
Light Token x4756
Loyal Player
Loyalty Token x59
Megaphone x143
Merge-LQS Purchase Pass x5
Milk Bear Animated Emoji Package (Equipped)
Mythical Soul x24
Nation Token x3750
Rich Status (Equipped)
Roentgenium Of Archfiend x7
Sacred Relic
Simple Cupcake x40
Small Meat x190
Soul of a God x166
Soul Of Evil x491
Soul Of Evil Fragment x3
Soul of Nulgath x6
Soul Shard x284498
Swindle Bag
Upholder Player Title
Well Key
Xyv's Blue Card
Xyv's Green Card
Xyv's Purple Card
Xyv's Yellow Card
CLASS Boost! (1 hour) x25
EXP Boost! (1 hour) x136
GOLD Boost! (1 hour) x25
REPUTATION Boost! (1 hour) x25
Bahamut Astral Katana
Black Dragon Samurai Sword
CC Dragon Fantasm Katana
CC Frost Worn
Champion Blade of Nulgath
Curse Ancient Sword
Devilish Sancity
Dokuso No Kyuzo
Doomknight Supreme Sword
Dr. Dryden Darkwood's Knife
Enchanted Legacy Nation Blade
Evo Promotheus Sword
Flaming Blood Katana
Frost Void Sword
Italian Rose Blood Katana
Laser Ragnarok
Lava Void Sword
Legacy Nation Blade
Necrotic Sword Of Doom
Overclocked MechFiend Blade
Primal Hanzo Void Katana
Red Flame Katana
Shadow Commander Blade
Shadow Demon Necrotic
Shadow Flame Katana
Shadowscythe of Z Blade
Soul Blade of the Kitsune
Tessaiga Blade
Ultimate DragonBlade (Equipped)
Vindicator Of They Blade
Wailed Soul Katana
Yasuo Spirit Blossom Katana
Azure Flaming Fists
Back Tenshi
CC Dragon Fantasm Katanas
Chaotic Samurai Breaker
Doom Dual Shadow-letter
Drakon Claws
Dual Black Katana
Dual Chaos WarriorSpear
Dual Dragon Flame
Dual Evolke DoomBlade
Dual Frostvale Singularity Sword
Dual Lava Void Sword
Dual Nation DoomBlade Sword
Dual Shadow Flame Katana
Enchanted Legacy Nation Blades
Evil Essence Power
Legacy Nation Blades
Legendary Broodfiend Talons of Nulgath
Noelle Drill Grimorie
Honax Claws
Rail Gun
Angelic Lightning
Carlim's Heinous Whip
Iron Hammer
Money Heist Duffle Bag
Pink Crystal
Playa Cane
Sack of Gems
Shadow Evil Axe
Unarmed (Wearing)
Christmas Soul Reaper
Custom harvest spear
Evolved Shadow Spear
Legion Double
Legion Polearm
Love Vampire Legion Scythe
Nulgath Soulreaper
Obsidian Legion Vampire Scythe
Raven Queen Scythe
Ripper Scythe Sickle
Royal DragonLord Glaive
Ultimate Hollowborn Oblivious Spear
Cyber Spear
Mystic Pencil of Endless Scribbles
Nightmare Stave
Rune Staff
Gem Cane
Bearded Classic Top Hat
Beastly Kinsman Scarred Morph
Black Dragon Samurai Hat
Blind Mystical Warrior Coif
CaPwn Hat
CC Conical Hat
CC Crown Locks
CC Fashioned Hat
CC Halo
CC Horned Fairy
CC Inquisitor's Longhair Hat
CC Neon Bahamut Helm
CC Voltaire Bearded
Christmas Infernal Face
Christmas Wylde Faerie
Dark Hood
Doom The Master Hat
Legacy Nation Hood Morph
Legacy Nation Locks
Legacy Nation Morph
Legacy Nation Skull Morph
Mogloween Mystical Coif
Mutant Helm
No Helm (Wearing)
One-Eyed Drow Helm
Orange Santa
Playa Hat
Prismatic Hunting Hood
Prismatic Royal Crown
Prismatic Umbirilla
Ranger of All Colors Helm (Equipped)
Rin Okumura Hair
Sad Bag
Savage Swordsman Zard
Seraphic Gunslinger Stetson
Style Revontheus Hair
Supremo Hat
Swag Hat
Treckoo Smillie
Waddles Helm
Webbed Locks
White Chronicles Hat
Winter Slayer Rune Scarf
Yokai Bandit Straw Hat
Akali Neon Emblem
Archfiend Nulgath in Attendance
Banana Cape
Black Gold Legacy of Nulgath Cape
Black Samurai Dragon Runes
Bloody Cape (Equipped)
Camera 1
CC Devil On Your Shoulder (Wearing)
CC Necrotic Sword of Doom Cape
CC Neon Bahamut Cape
CC Oversoul Rune
CC Spiraling Key Blade Cape
Cyromancer Snowing Cape CC
Death Knight Cape
Eternal Ankhseram Curse Runes
Floating Golden Caladbolg Cape
Frost Wings of Lily
Money Heist Sniper
Pirate Zard Family
Playa Cape
Rotation Chronicles Electric Blades
Scroll of Wave Control
Shadow Commander Cape
Shadow Flame Katana Cape
Shadow Spiral Cape
Sharigan Cape
Spiralling Keyblade Cape
The Boatman's Advent
Umitora's Grandeur
Vamp Baron Cape
Gold Coin Ground Rune
Leprechaun Necklace (Equipped)
Ally Drone
Black Shadow Copycat Pet
Brutal Servant Pet
CC Servant
DemonLord Shadow DB Pet
Evo Ragnarok Pet
Gneta Kart Pet
Icy Christmas Sneevil
Necrotic Of Nulgath Sword Pet
Prime Bank Pet
Rich Sneevil Pet (Equipped)
Sneevil Nulgath
Ultimate Paragon Servant
Classes & Armors
???, Rank 10 (Wearing)
Alpha Pirate, Rank 10
Arcane Arachnomancer, Rank 10
Arcane Swordsman, Rank 10
ArchVoid Of Nulgath, Rank 10
Asta Demon, Rank 10
Astera, Rank 1
Astero, Rank 10
Beta Berserker, Rank 10
Celebration, Rank 10
ChronoLord, Rank 10
ClawSuit, Rank 10
Dragon Rider, Rank 10
Dragonsworn, Rank 10
Dreadfiend of Nulgath, Rank 10
Dwarf Champion, Rank 10
Eminence Of Shadows, Rank 10 (Equipped)
Evolved Panda, Rank 10
Frozen Knight, Rank 10
Golden Chronomancer, Rank 10
Headless Horseman, Rank 10
Heavenly Archangel, Rank 10
Lord Of Order, Rank 10
Panda, Rank 1
Rainbow, Rank 10
Stareater, Rank 10
TimeKiller, Rank 10
Abyssal Flame Naval Commander
Agility Racer
Ancient Evil Commander
Aqua Naval Commander
Armadura Da Patria
Asta suit
Bahamut Shadow Naval
Battle Track Suit
Black Dragon Samurai
Black Gourdian
Black Hoodie CC
Black Panther Armor
Black Revenger
Black Star Necro
Blessing Naval
Blood Colorful Armor
Bounty Hunter
Byakuya Armor
Carpet Racer
CC Barber
CC Diabolical Costume Armor
CC Gambler Jacket
CC Komi
CC Neon Bahamut
CC Prometheus
CC Soul of a Hero
CC Tendou
CC Void of Nulgath
Celebration Armor
Chickenman Suit
Christmas Red Winter
Chronomancer Armor
Chthonian Naval Commander
ClawSuit Naval Commander
Core Manipulator
Crimson Wrath
Cupid Armor
Curse Of Aranx
Custom League Competitor's Emblazoned Garb
Cyber Atleon Transformation
Cyber Blood
Cyber Blood Gay
Cyber Void of Nulgath
CyberCore Composer
Dark Mage
Dark StarkCaster
Darker Caster X
Darkness Legion
Demon Samurai
Demonic Naval Commander
Diablo Honax
Diabolical Nulgath
Drow Marshal
Ducky Naval Commander
Enchanted Pirate
Energy Dark Caster
Evo Promotheus
Fallen Celestial Naval
Fallen Warlord
FCC Chaotic Warlord (Equipped)
Floating Witch
Forsaken Invoker
Frost Dragon Rev
Frost Elf
Frostval Naval CommanDEER
Frostvale Malani Warrior
Future Warrior
Galvanic Chronomancer
Golden Dragon Slayer
Golden Skull Naval Commander
Golden Void Naval
Granger Lightborn Armor
Green Crystal Naval Commander
Heretic Armor
Holly Jolly Elf
Honra Selvagem
Infernal Fallen Naval Commander
Interfector Deorum
Inverted Lord Justice of the ArchAngel
Invisible Armor (Wearing)
Italian Rose Blood Void
LoneWolf Samurai
Love Vampire Legion
Lucky Dark Caster
Mad Brown Horse (Male)
Mecha Mediator
Money Heist
Montresor Jester
Mutant Armor
My Dashing Pirate Commander
My Magical Pirate Commander
Nameless Warrior
Naval Cow-mander
Necro Witch Rev
NecroDoom Naval Commander
Nega Mummy
Neo Topus Naval
NeoToxic Naval Commander
Nulgath Naval Commander
Omega Costume
One-Eyed Formal
Oni To Koji's Armor
Onyx Naval
Orange Naval
PaladinSlayer Naval Commander
Pickle Rick Morph
Playa Bling
Pony Vader
Potato Sack
Prismatic Mafia Coat
Prismatic Poisonmaker's Apprentice
Prismatic Pomegranate Armor
Prismatic Rose Armor
Prismodian Guard
Pyroclastic Naval Commander
Reep Armor
Royal DragonLord of Erebus
Royal Romance Garb
Salaryman Mafia Coat
Salek Lifeform
Satisfied Kitty Armor
Servant Of Shadow Monarch
Sith Lord
Spectral Naval Commander
Stylish Revontheus
Summer Boy
Supreme Ninja Naval
Tanker Dark Champ
Tech Archer
The Boatman
The Order of Seeker
Tribal Mummy
Trigoras Naval Commander
Ugly Christmas Sweater
Undead Goat Commander
Vamp Baron
Vampire Naval Commander
Vindicator Naval Commander
Vindicator Of They Armor
Wind Weaver
Winters Dark Equinox
Wolf Naval Commander

Castles & Houses
Akiban Onsen
Bareboru Gym
Brightfall Fotress
Gold M4tr1x of Swordhaven
Love House
M4tr1x Castle of Nulgath
Paragon Helm House
Pumpkin House
Ski Lodge (Equipped)
Technocaster House
Vacation Castle of Nulgath
Zazul's House
Floor & Wall Items
7th Head of Orochi
Apple Pie
Archfiend Klunk House Item
Chibi Zazul House Item
Dark Frostval Tree
Dark Frostval Tree + Gifts
Darkpath Fire Rune
Decorated Frostval Tree
Festive Krampus Guard (L)
Festive Krampus Guard (R)
Galactic Shadow Trooper Guard (L)
King's Throne
Korn Drumset
Lesser Groglurk House Item
Love Shrub
Mashed Potatoes
Mood Slime
Napkin on Plate
Nation Draconian House Item
Overfiend Blade House Item
Oversoul Fiend Vampire House Item
Paragon House Item
Salt Shaker
Shadowseer House Guard
Smaras House Item
Smoothie Stock Cellar
Star Festival Feast Table
Stone Well
Tanabata Tree I
Tanabata Tree II
Tanabata Tree III
Taro House Item
The Jailer (L)
The Jailer (R)
Tin Can
Valky NPC
Void Elemental
Void Fiend House Item
Void Knight
Void Makai
Void Monk
Void Witch’s Summoning Circle
Wandering Soul I
Tanabata Fest Decoration