Items |
Archfiend Soul Essence x100 |
Armor Fragment x40 |
Blood Gem of the Archfiend x7 |
Blood Of Wings x100 |
Candy Corn x500 |
Cape Fragment x100 |
Celestial Clouds x100 |
Celestial Coins x26 |
Chaos Card |
Chest Token x15 |
Chicken Beef x76 |
Chocolate Bar x500 |
Cloth of Amenonuhoko Divinity x10 |
Commander Token x200 |
Conquest Wreath x5 |
Daily Login Megaphone x20 |
Damnation Bag x25 |
Damnation Crystal x1000 |
Dark Crystal Shard x1946 |
Darkness Contract |
Darkness Token x114 |
Demon Chalice |
Despair Blood x100 |
Despair King Heart x967 |
Diamond of Nulgath x1140 |
Divine Ornament |
Doomed Token x5608 |
Dracolich Bones x100 |
Dwarfhold Master Key |
Eminence of Shadows's Title |
Empowered Voidstone x209 |
Essence Of Darkness x5 |
Essence of Nulgath x7486 |
Essence of Shadow x300 |
Essence of Slime x14 |
Essence Of The Abyss x171 |
Evolved Darkness Token x23 |
Exalted Lord Token x50 |
Fallen Warlord Demon Heart x5 |
Fortune Ticket x504 |
Fragment of Color Custom x150 |
Fragment Of Warlord x287 |
Free Megaphone x100 |
Frost Gem Fragment x16 |
Frostbound Crystal |
Frostbound Token x250 |
Futuristic Legion x500 |
Gem of Nulgath x490 |
Golden Galactica Singularity x5 |
Hollow Soul x317 |
Hometown Coin x10000 |
Immeasurable Purgatory Energy x100 |
Jequis Chest Fragment x300 |
Jequis Chest Token x5 |
Jequis's Token x20 |
Kage Scroll x500 |
Kel'Zhaax Imprisioned Soul x4 |
Key of Abyss |
Klunk Defeated x1126 |
Krenosa Fragment x121 |
Legion Token x7550 |
Lich Stone x125 |
Light Hope x1855 |
Light Token x500 |
Lollipop x500 |
Lost Soul x632 |
Loyal Player |
Loyalty Token x21 |
Mercutio Token x500 |
Mysteries Of Miltonius x252 |
Nation Dragon Scales x101 |
Nation Scripture |
Nation Token x1430 |
Nostine Defeated x80 |
Overlord Essence x329 |
Purgatory Essence x250 |
Purgatory Ornament x12 |
Ral Token x2639 |
Rare Candy |
Revenant's Spellscroll x41 |
Roentgenium Of Archfiend x15 |
Rotten Steel x769 |
Rotten-Flesh x999 |
Rusted Iron Chunks x1000 |
Sacred Relic x100 |
Sailor Coin x431 |
Sanity Lure x32 |
Scrap of Necromancer's Cloth x767 |
Shadow Eterium x500 |
Shadow Extract x72 |
Shadow Ore x500 |
Shadow Soul x195 |
Shadowstone x500 |
Silk Cloth Roll x223 |
Sir Gawain's Gratitude x1725 |
Six Approval x250 |
Small Candle Piece x100 |
Small Meat x3119 |
Smaras Soul x74 |
Snow Token x2112 |
Soul Collector |
Soul King Fragment x656 |
Soul of a God x170 |
Soul Of Evil x130 |
Soul Of Evil Fragment x6 |
Soul of Nulgath x25 |
Soul Shard x62735 |
Spider Wires x541 |
Spirit of Revontheus x200 |
Stareater Fragment x320 |
Stareater Sphere x21 |
Swindle Bag x5 |
Swindle Recipe x5 |
Tainted Gem x1820 |
Taro Soul x110 |
Tenebris Soul Orb x318 |
Token of Naval x443 |
Token of Star x161 |
Ultra Blood Titan x144 |
Ve Approval x1099 |
Vertigo Soul x37 |
Very Important Player Title |
Void Debris x492 |
Void Shadow Essence x1000 |
Void Shard x100 |
Void Sphere x100 |
Voidstone x50 |
Voucher of Nulgath x49 |
Weapon Fragment x98 |
Wer Divine Flame Shade x2 |
Xithricita x63 |
Xyv's Blue Card |
Xyv's Green Card |
Xyv's Purple Card |
Xyv's Star Card |
Yakagawa Forest Purified |
Yakuza Permitted Contract |
CLASS Boost! (1 hour) x25 |
EXP Boost! (1 hour) x147 |
GOLD Boost! (1 hour) x25 |
REPUTATION Boost! (1 hour) x25 |
Buffed Nezuko Kamado Katana |
CC Lagger Sword |
CC Necrotic Sword of Doom |
Cursed DragonSlayer Sword |
Cursed Masamune |
Custom Singularity Sword |
DemonLord Blade |
Empowered Insurgent Knight Sword |
Enchanted Infernal Underworld Sheathed Katana (Wearing) |
Flame Phoenix Blade |
Flametaro |
Frost Dragon Sword |
Gold Bane |
Gothmog Sword |
Hanzo's Blade |
Hollowborn Oblivion Blade |
Ilusion Galaxy Excelsus |
Legendary Manslayer of Cicus |
Mali's Wake |
Masamune |
NarwhalSlayer Rapier |
Nation DoomBlade Sword |
Necronium Sword |
Necrotic Of Nulgath Sword (Equipped) |
Prismatic Frost Singularity |
Shadowscythe of Z Blade |
StarEater Sword |
Taro of Purgatory |
True Excelsus |
Ultima Astral Sword |
Ultima Oboro |
Victory Of Ragnarok |
Yakuza Admiral Katana |
Yakuza Admiral Katana Sheathed |
Snowy Replica of Destiny |
Adrift Hunter's Flintlocks |
Chained Revontheus Swords |
Christmas Dark Sword |
Dark Frost Fang Katana and Sheathe |
DemonLord Dual Blade |
Doom Dual Shadow-letter |
Dual CC Poke It |
Dual Custom Singularity Saw |
Dual Empowered Insurgent Knight Sword |
Dual Evolved Ultimate Wailed Soul Katana |
Dual Flame Champion |
Dual Flametaro |
Dual Frost Dragon Sword |
Dual Gothmog Sword |
Dual Lancelot's Sword |
Dual Natch Faust's Grimorie |
Dual Necronium Sword |
Dual Onyx DragonBlade |
Dual Specialist Katana Cutter |
Dual Wolf Hunter Axe |
Evil Essence Power |
Kitana of The Unwelcome |
Lost Bayonets |
NarwhalSlayer Rapiers |
Putrid Creature Weapons |
Skull Bombs |
Snowy Replicas of Destiny |
The End |
Ultima Singularity Sword |
Honax Claws |
Granger Lightborn Gun |
Enchanted Sky Paladin Bow |
Platinum Dragon Slayer Bow |
Buffed Love Hammer |
CC Voltaire's Chalice |
Iron Hammer |
Possessed Pirate's Grog |
Shadowkage Shuriken |
Six Golden Hammer |
Skull Bomb |
Skullpunch Parang |
Zardman's StoneHammer |
Abyssal Crystal Spear |
Agony Spear |
Amenonuhoko |
Apollo's Light |
Azures of Polearm Slayer |
Black Ultimate Oblivon Polearm |
CC Death's Scythe |
Coreiseuse |
Custom harvest spear |
Emissary Void Dragon Scythe |
Exclusive Frozensoul Queen's Scythe |
Ghostly Hollowborn Spear of Abyss |
Kukri Devilus Spear of Agony |
Lance Of The Eternal Night |
Love Vampire Legion Scythe |
Lovesick Soul Scythe |
Nervous Pump Scythe-Spear |
Oblivion Of Highlord Spear |
Raven Queen Scythe |
Scar Spear |
Time Dimension Scythe |
Ultimate Hollowborn Oblivious Spear |
Ultimate Oblivion Spear of Nulgath |
Warlord Fiend Spear |
CC Poke It |
Darkness Scythe |
Elementalist Lux Staff |
Baphomet Slayer Spear |
Nulgath EvoSpear |
Winter Revelry Scepter |
Anonythic Hood |
Bright Star's Visage |
CC Gambler Hair |
CC Horned Knight Helm |
CC Insurgent Hair |
Ceremonial Yeti Mask |
Crowned Zhilo Hair |
Crystallis Adjudicator Collar Morph |
Dark-tic DragonSlayer Helm |
Darkness Hat |
Demon Crown |
Enchanted Akiba-kei Crown |
Enchanted Infernal Underworld Battle Morph |
Frost Skywalker Hood |
Horned Mystical Warrior Coif |
Horns Hair (Wearing) |
I'm seeing Gnomes... |
Infernal Fallen Horns |
Khriot's Hair |
One-Eyed Drow Helm |
Scarlethorn Revontheus Scarf |
Shadow Purgatory Vamp Helm |
Supremo Deciple Hat |
Warlord Of Void Guard (Equipped) |
Anonythic Wings |
Balmud Divine Cape |
Bloody Cape |
Bright Star's Gleaming Accoutrements |
Bright Star's Halo |
Camera 1 |
CC Evolved Imp Tail |
CC Kaze Cape of Shinobi |
CC Pierce Wings |
Chained Portal |
Cloak Of The Temporary Mage |
Colorfull CrystalCyro |
Creator's Arsenal |
Cursed Portal |
Darkness Angel Glory Wings |
Dual Onyx DragonBlade Cape |
Emissary Void Dragon Portal |
Enchanted Infernal Underworld Runed Wings |
Floating BladeMaster's Blades |
Floating Caladbolgs |
Floating Golden Lion Blade |
Floating Onyx DragonBlade Cape |
Frost Dragon Wings |
Frost Skywalker Cape |
God's Wrath |
Hizu Kaze Apollo's Blight |
Hizu Kaze Apollo's Darkness |
Invansion of The Apocalypse |
Iori Yagami Aura Cape |
Necronium Fire Cape |
Overfiend BackBlades of Nulgath |
Purgatory Bats |
Rotating Caladbolgs |
Rotating Phoenix |
Shadowflame Warrior Flames |
Sheathed Apollo's Blight |
Sheathed Apollo's Light |
Supreme Laf's Katanas Power (Equipped) |
Supreme Scarlethorn Weapons |
Vali Wings Prismatic (Wearing) |
Wings Of The Demon Lord |
Wolf Hunter Cloak |
Prismatic Dracolich Lord Aura |
Asfargo's Third Eye Ring |
Very Important Player Ring (Equipped) |
Brutal Servant Pet |
Cespect Battlepet |
Conductor Darkon BattlePet |
Confusion Rainbow |
Dark Sprites |
Frostval Chest |
Gems Assistant |
Gneta Kart Pet |
HyperRaindow |
Icy Vordred |
Inty Pet |
Jequis Merge Chest (RARE) |
Jequis's Chest Pet |
Necrotic Of Nulgath Sword Pet |
Oblivion Blade Of Nulgath Quest Pet |
Sneevil Nulgath |
Soul Harvester Pet |
Treasure Egg |
Ultimate Paragon Servant |
Xanta's Chilly Rat |
Classes & Armors |
Abyssal Crystal, Rank 10 |
Asta Demon, Rank 10 |
Berserker Hunter, Rank 10 |
Chaosweaver, Rank 10 |
Dark Caster, Rank 10 |
Darkside, Rank 10 |
Demon Lord, Rank 10 |
DoomKnight Overlord, Rank 10 |
Dragon of Time, Rank 10 |
Dwarf Champion, Rank 10 |
Eminence Of Shadows, Rank 10 (Wearing) |
Evolved Exalted Fiend, Rank 10 |
Fire Guardian, Rank 10 |
Frozen Mage, Rank 10 |
Legion DarkLord, Rank 10 |
Legion Symbiote, Rank 10 |
Lord of Destiny, Rank 10 (Equipped) |
Paladin, Rank 10 |
Revenant, Rank 10 |
Shadow Hatsune Paragon, Rank 10 |
Stareater, Rank 10 |
Timeless Of Nulgath, Rank 10 |
Vampire Of Purgatory, Rank 10 |
Anonythic Naval Commander |
Ao Tsuki |
CC Gambler Jacket |
CC Laf T-Shirt |
Christmas Red Winter |
Darkness Flame Revenger |
Darkness Tuxedo |
Demon Lord Armor |
Demon Samurai |
Dimensional HighLord Armor |
Dimensional OverLord Armor |
Emissary Void Dragon Cloak |
Exclusive Frozensoul Queen's |
Exclusive Frozensoul Queen's Armor |
Floatin' Bananaboater |
Frost Skywalker |
Future Warrior |
Golden Ox Hakama |
HailToTheKing's T-Shirt |
Infernal Revontheus |
IronMan Mafia Coat |
Licht Bach Armor |
Malani Warrior |
Nation Vampire |
Outbreaker Revontheus |
Raven King and Queen |
Scarlethorn Revontheus |
Skull Slayer Armor |
Stylish Revontheus (Wearing) |
Swordsman |
Swordsman Sheathed Battle Boss |
Tattooed Victorian Mafia Coat |
Void Galaxy Caster |
Warlord of Void (Equipped) |
Young Revontheus Armor |
Castles & Houses |
#00FFFF Simulated Astravian Castle |
#78C475 Simulated Astravian Castle |
#FF0000 Simulated Astravian Castle |
2D Moistverse House |
Astravia Castle Past II |
Astravia Castle Present II |
Chaos Pirate Ship |
Chroma Theatre |
Darkovian Lycan Castle |
Ghostly Pirate Ship |
Gingerbread House |
Golden Pirate Ship |
Icy Pirate Ship |
Infinity Titan Base |
Inverted House |
Legion Retreat |
Lightovian Lycan Castle |
Moglin Hut |
Moon Base |
Paragon Helm House |
Pumpkin House |
Secret Pyramid Houses |
Shadowscythe Pirate Warship |
Spaceport |
Tree House |
Vacation Castle of Nulgath (Equipped) |
Voltaire's Hat |
Winter Dragon Cave |
Yulgath's Inn |
Zazul's House |
Floor & Wall Items |
00-X Spray Cans |
Altar of Caladbacon |
Altar Of Caladbolg |
Ambitious EbilCorp Zorbak |
Ancient Treasure Chest (R) |
Apple Pie |
Archfiend Klunk House Item |
ARTX Dome |
Badger Brigade Guard |
Balsamic Vinegar |
Battle Track Jukebox |
Blue-Eyes Dragon House Item |
Bread |
Candle |
Cerberus Pup House Item |
Cherry |
Chibi Zazul House Item |
Coffee Pot |
Commander Gallaeon House Guest |
Commander Gallaeon Statue |
Conductor Darkon House Item |
Cork |
Cosplayer 1 House Item |
Cosplayer 2 House Item |
CRC Power Armor House Item |
Creepy Baby House Item |
Cursed Curio House Item |
Cursed Doll-Head House Item |
Cursed Spirit Alejandro House Item |
Dark Caster's Tome |
Dark Dragon Summoner Guard |
Dark Dragon Summoner's Portal |
Dark Frostval Tree |
Dark Frostval Tree + Gifts |
Dark Magician Girl Aura House Item |
Darkon House Item |
Darkpath Fire Rune |
Deal Bot 2.0 House Item |
Dinner Plate |
Dready Bear House Item |
Drifting Twin Phantoms |
Drifting Twin Phantoms |
Drumsticks |
Encore Darkon House Item |
Eternal Dragon's Treasure Pile |
Executive Assistant V House Item |
Fa Gamer House Item |
Fa House Item |
Fa's Bean Bag |
Festive Krampus Guard (L) |
Festive Krampus Guard (R) |
Fragment of Doom Statue (L) |
Fragment of Doom Statue (R) |
Galactic Shadow Trooper Guard (L) |
Galactic Shadow Trooper Guard (R) |
Gothic Chest House Item |
Grade A Bully House Item |
Gravy Boat |
Gravy Slick |
Harmless Choir House Item |
Holographic Futuristic Laken |
Holographic Futuristic Shogun |
Huggy-Bear |
Hydra Crew House Item |
Hydra Swabbie House Item |
Infinity Titan Gauntlet |
Jaan al Bahar |
Jaan al Nair |
Kewpid |
Krimpler House Item |
La House Item |
La's Bean Bag |
Legion Evocator House Item |
Legion Knight House Item |
Lesser Groglurk House Item |
Love Shrub |
Mahoraga House Item |
Major Anomaly House Item |
Major Mushroom Guard (L) |
Major Mushroom Guard (R) |
Maleagant House Item |
Mashed Potatoes |
Master Duelist Cape House Item |
Meanest Girl House Item |
Medullos the Drummer |
Mi's Bean Bag |
Mini-Heart of Odium |
Moglonator House Item |
Monstrous Easter Egg House Item |
Mood Slime |
Mourner House Item |
Mysterious Stranger Bank Vault |
Napkin on Plate |
Nation Draconian House Item |
Northlands Deer House Guard (L) |
Northlands Deer House Guard (R) |
Nulgath House Item |
Oil |
OMGodZilla House Item |
Opera Glasses House Item |
Orange |
Overdriven Evocator House Item |
Overdriven Knight House Item |
Overfiend Blade House Item |
Oversoul Fiend Vampire House Item |
Paragon House Item |
Pepper Shaker |
Pizza |
Plate with Knife |
Police Anomaly House Item |
Radish House Guard (R) |
Re House Item |
Re's Bean Bags |
Ring Of Creation (Activated) |
SalaryMan 1 House Item |
SalaryMan Anomaly House Item |
Salt Shaker |
Santa Ferret's Tree |
Scalebeard House Guard (L) |
Scalebeard House Guard (R) |
Shades House Item |
Shadows Of Doom |
Sleeping Pixel (L) |
Sleeping Pixel (R) |
Smaras House Item |
So House Item |
Stray Foam |
Super Prince House Guard (L) |
Super Prince House Guard (R) |
Taro House Item |
Tea Cup |
Technocaster Rogue House Item |
The Jailer (L) |
The Jailer (R) |
Tin Can |
Titan DoomKnight Statue |
Titan DoomKnight's Blade Statue |
Titan Paladin Statue XL |
Titan Paladin's Blade Statue |
Titan Vindicator Statue |
Titan Vindicator Statue XL |
Titan Vindicator's Axe Statue |
Turkey Plate |
Valky NPC |
Vegetable Prince House Guard (L) |
Vegetable Prince House Guard (R) |
Void Elemental |
Void Fiend House Item |
Void Makai |
Void Witch’s Summoning Circle |
Watermelon |
00-X Signature |
2024 New Year's Ball |
Cr1tikal Meme Poster |
Deady Sign I |
Deady Sign II |
Floating DoomStar |
I LUV Beleen Painting |
Micro DIE Fighter (L) |
Micro DIE Fighter (R) |
Mounted Skull Metal Solo |
Pink Pomeranian IN SPACE! |
Pirate Commander Gallaeon Painting |
Pirate Commander Gallaeon Portrait |
Shizu's Portrait |
Underworld Prophecy Mural |