Items |
Approval of Nulgath x276 |
Archfiend's Favor x180 |
Basic Emoji Package (Equipped) |
Beast Hunter Approval |
Bone Sigil x29603 |
Bones x1000 |
Bravery Medal x500 |
Bunch of Bones x1500 |
Caesaris the Dark Medal x100 |
Chaos Token x1000 |
Chicken Beef x3 |
Christmas Coin x72 |
Christmas Token x50 |
Chrono Pass |
Cleric's Cross x12 |
Cold Token x303 |
Colorizer x77 |
Corrupted Legion Destroyer Medal x100 |
Crystal Gem x3 |
Crystal Gem of Nulgath x75 |
Crystal of Storm x11 |
Cursed Spirit Alejandro Shard x5 |
Cycle Token x29 |
Daily Login Megaphone x20 |
Dark Makai Defeated x348 |
Dark Remnants x16 |
Darkness Fire x3 |
Divine Fragment x4 |
Doom Purified x29 |
Doom Sigil x15 |
Dragon of Time Scales |
Dragon Platinum Head x21 |
Dragon Sliver Head x30 |
EbilCoin x100 |
Emblem of Nulgath x305 |
Empowered Voidstone x359 |
Escamas Da Cuca x5 |
Essence of Nulgath x12177 |
Essence of Slime x66 |
Essence of the Albino x179 |
Fire Dragon Conquered x212 |
Fire Drakel Conquered x209 |
Fire Token x407 |
Fragment of Doom x150 |
Fragment Of Iron x7 |
Fragment Of Titanium x5 |
Free Megaphone x65 |
Futuristic Legion x147 |
Futuristic Token x600 |
Gem of Nulgath x694 |
General Defeated |
Geno Boss Token |
Geno Token A x5 |
Geno Token B x5 |
Geno Token C x5 |
Genocide Token x150 |
Getchadolla x16 |
Grimlord's Token x20 |
Head of Fotia's x31 |
Heart of the Dragon x43 |
Holy Fire x3 |
Holy Umbra x4 |
Holy Unstable Energy |
Hometown Key |
Hot Token x500 |
Ice Token x500 |
Infernal Dragon Conquered x276 |
Korn VIP Backstage Pass |
Krenosa Fragment x14 |
Legion Brutus Medal x100 |
Legion Essence x33 |
Legion Token x114449 |
Love Token x441 |
Loyalty of Nulgath x574 |
Loyalty Token x6 |
Maculated Energy x25 |
Magician Essence x5 |
Master Musical Fragment x4 |
Matter of the Dead |
Mega Circle Medal |
Merge-LQS Purchase Pass x15 |
Miltonius |
Mirror Realm Token x267 |
Monster Christmas Token x100 |
Musical Fragment x74 |
Mystic Gold x65 |
Nulgath's Approval x3 |
Oddities Token x1122 |
Ossos Do Corpo-Seco x49 |
Paladin Armament x13 |
Paragon Essence x75 |
Part of Dragon Beef x341 |
Pink Potion x10 |
Poeira Do Saci x28 |
Pride Thunderball x12 |
Rainbow Gem x14 |
Rose Emblem x32 |
Rusted Iron Chunks x110 |
Sand x29 |
Shadow Token x235 |
Shinkansen Tickets x2 |
Small Meat x6 |
Snow Token x344 |
Soul of a God x11 |
Soul of Amara x2 |
Soul of Blight |
Soul of Soul x3 |
Soul Shard x29956 |
Spirit of Christmas x145 |
Stone of Nulgath x63 |
Strogia Token x2 |
Tainted Gem x8 |
Tanuki Token x59 |
The Secret 5 x36 |
Token of Star x68 |
Totem of Nulgath |
Totem Shard of Nulgath x274 |
Treasure Token x348 |
Troll Aliance! |
Ultimated Exalted Contract |
Ultra Blood Titan x2 |
Ultra Kitsune x3 |
Ultraxang x3 |
Undead Energy x500 |
Undead Essence x500 |
Undefined 1 x20 |
Undefined 10 x20 |
Undefined 11 x28 |
Undefined 2 x20 |
Undefined 3 x52 |
Undefined 4 x44 |
Undefined 5 x34 |
Undefined 6 x44 |
Undefined 7 x30 |
Undefined 8 x20 |
Undefined 9 x36 |
Valsarian Scales x2 |
Village Token x500 |
Vindicator Badge x30 |
Violet Crocus x300 |
Void of Nulgath Token x190 |
Vordred Soul x30 |
Voucher of Nulgath |
Xyv's Blue Card |
Zweinichthirsch's Horn x3 |
CLASS Boost! (1 hour) x25 |
EXP Boost! (1 hour) x86 |
GOLD Boost! (1 hour) x25 |
REPUTATION Boost! (1 hour) x25 |
REPUTATION Boost! (10 min) |
Binky's Uni-horn |
Black Lightning Katana |
CC Infernal Blade |
Chaotic Knight Blade (Equipped) |
Doom Lord Vordred Sword |
Doomed Fiend of Light Blade |
Edge Of The Void |
Enchanted Phoenix Golden |
Enchanted Phoenix Platinum |
Enchanted Phoenix Shadow |
Fiend of Light Blade |
Grimlord Blade of Nulgath |
Infernal Blade of Malice |
Katana of Shadows |
Kurogatana |
Legion Dragon Blade |
NecROMANCE Blade |
Necrotic Blade of Chaos |
Nocturnal Blade of Malice |
Onigatana |
Overfiend Sword Of Corulgath |
Raider Sword |
Salvation Blade of Nulgath |
Sepulchure's Undead Blade |
Shadow Ronin Katana |
Sinister Leech Blade of Nulgath |
SoulKeeper Blade |
Void Knight's Blade |
Abyssal Lighting Orbs of Nulgath |
Darkness Talons |
Dual Eye Of Astaroth Blades |
Dual Guardian of Energy Spear |
Dual Guardian of Energy Sword |
Dual Katana of Shadows |
Dual Shadow Ronin Katana |
Dual Shadow’s Guard Blade |
Dual Shadow’s Guard Polearm |
Fiend Dragon's Eyes Blades |
Fiend of Light Blades |
FrostWolf Daggers |
Kurogatana + Onigatana |
Supercharged Lightning Katana |
Crystals Of Love |
SoulForge Hammer |
Time Dimensional Hourglass |
Crystal Spear of Love |
Fallen Scythe of Vengeance |
FrostScythe's Cruelty |
Glacial FrostScythe Scythe |
Heavenly Spear of Nulgath |
Scorching Orb Polearm |
Shadow Ronin Naginata |
Darkside Staff |
Scorching Orb Staff |
The Lich King Stave |
Void Avenger Scythe |
Bearded Warlord Helm |
Blinded Guardian of Darkness |
Blood Masked Oni |
Chaotic Knight Helm (Equipped) |
Cowl of Thanatos |
Darkon's Debris 180 Head |
Darkside Helm |
Deathfiend Hood |
Doom Lord Vordred Helm |
Fa's Horn |
Festive Cap of the Northlands |
Festive Northern King's Crown |
Festive Northern Queen's Crown |
Fiend of Light Blinded Hair |
Fiend of Light Hair |
Fiend of Light Helm |
Fiend of Light Helm + Locks |
Fiend of Light Locks |
Fiend of Light Winged Hair |
Forest Guardian Mask |
FrostSpawn Horns |
Frostval Nutcracker Girl Morph |
Frostval Nutcracker Morph Hat |
FrostWolf Helm |
Glacial FrostScythe Helm |
Grimlord Face of Nulgath |
Guardian of Darkness Hair |
Guardian of Darkness Mask |
Guardian of Energy Hair |
Guardian of Energy Hair And Horns |
Guardian of Energy Helm |
Hollowed Oniga Helm |
Icy Santy Locks |
Kezeroth's Helm |
Lich King Helm |
NecROMANCE Locks |
New Minion Morph |
Nully Claws Morph |
Oni Shadow Ronin Hair |
Oni Shadow Ronin Locks |
Oniga Helm |
Pork Trible Helmet |
Raider Helmet |
Reaper's Morph |
Reaper's Scream |
Red Dragon Festival Helm |
Red Santy Hat |
Sassy Slime Helm |
Shadow Ronin Hair |
Shadow Ronin Hair + Hat |
Shadow Ronin Locks |
Shadow Ronin Locks + Hat |
ShadowBlade Samurai Hat |
ShadowBlade Samurai Mask |
Shogun of Shadows Helm |
Shogun of Shadows Morph |
Shrade Helm |
Simple Sepulchure's Helm |
Slime Dragon Rogue Helm |
Slime Helm |
Snorkling Wolf |
Stealth Guardian of Darkness Hair |
Steel Masked Oni |
Urban Samurai Hat |
Urban Samurai Mask |
Urban Samurai Mask + Locks |
Void Knight's Helm |
VoidCaster Helm |
Warlord Helmet |
Wolf On The Beach Morph |
Yami no Samurai Helm |
Yami no Samurai Oni Hair |
Yami no Samurai Oni Locks |
Zeke Battle Helm |
Zombie Terror Morph |
Chaotic Knight Cloak (Equipped) |
Cloak of Blizzard |
Cyber Burning Wings |
Doom Lord Vordred Cape |
Fiend of Light Backblades |
Fiend of Light Tail |
Fiend of Light Wings |
Fiend of Light Wings + Tail |
FrostWolf Cape |
Glacial FrostScythe Wings |
Glacial FrostScythe Wrap |
Goddess Of Love Rune Cape |
Grimlord Cloak of Nulgath |
Grimlord Mane of Nulgath |
Guardian of Energy Wings |
Guardian Shadow |
Heart Crusher Rune |
Kezeroth's Cape |
Lich King Cape |
Low Cespect Presence |
NecROMANCE Hip Sheath |
Orb Of Astaroth Cape |
Runes of Glacera |
Shadow Ronin Dual Katanas Hip |
Shadow Ronin Katanas Cape |
Shadow Ronin Parchment |
Shadow’s Guard Blade Cape |
Sheathed Kuro and Oni |
Sheathed Kurogatana |
Slime Cloak |
Slime Dragon Rogue Lann Cape |
SoulKeeper On your Back |
Terror Spikes Cape |
Tut Wings |
Urban Samurai Sheathed Swords |
Void Knight's Cape |
Wings Of Holiness |
Yami no Samurai Back Katanas |
Yami no Samurai Oni |
Yami no Samurai Oni Head |
Joy Explorer Rune |
Asfargo's Third Eye Ring |
Sheevra Necklace |
Sheevra Ring |
Simple Ring of Nation (Equipped) |
Battlescarred Ronin Moglin |
Chinchilla BattlePet |
Dark Makai of Nulgath |
Darkside Ascension Direwolf Battle Pet (Equipped) |
Fiend Dragon Blade Battlepet |
Fiend Dragon's Battle Pet |
Fiend Dragon's Companion |
Frostval Swindle |
Hexet Pet |
KDA Ahri's Gem (Prestige) |
Mini FrostScythe |
Mood Slime Pet |
Moonscar |
Mysterious Skew Pet |
Oblivion of Nulgath |
Pearl of Light Lantern Pet |
Quibble Bank Pet |
Shadow Samurai Moglin Pet |
SoulKeeper Sword Pet |
Stray Foam Pet |
Twilly Bank Pet |
Yami no Samurai Moglin |
Zorbak Bank Pet |
Classes & Armors |
Bikini, Rank 10 |
CardClasher, Rank 10 |
Chaos, Rank 10 |
Chunin, Rank 10 (Equipped) |
Darkside, Rank 10 |
DragonLord, Rank 10 |
Elemental Dracomancer, Rank 10 |
Immortal Dark Caster, Rank 10 |
Knight Warlord, Rank 10 |
Legion Symbiote, Rank 10 |
Necromancer, Rank 10 |
Paladin, Rank 10 |
Popstar Hatsune Miku, Rank 10 |
Profane, Rank 10 |
Abyssal Priest of Nulgath |
Carnage Voids of Nulgath |
Chaotic Knight (Equipped) |
Deathfiend of Nulgath |
Doom Lord Vordred |
DoomKnight Naval Commander |
Dragon Alchemist |
Fa's Attire |
Fiend of Light |
Forest Guardian Armor |
FrostWolf |
Galactic Naval Commander |
Golden Plate of the North |
Grimlord of Nulgath |
Guardian of Darkness |
Guardian of Energy |
New Minion Armor |
Polished Warlord |
Sepulchure's Armor |
Shadow Ronin |
Shadowalker |
ShadowBlade Samurai |
Shielded DragonKnight |
Shielded DragonLord |
Shogun of Shadows |
Shrade Armor |
Slime Dragon Rogue |
Soul Harvester |
Stripeless VoidCaster |
Thanatos |
The Fallen Mage |
The Lich King Armor |
Urban Samurai |
Vanta Blademaster |
Void Knight |
Yami no Samurai |
Castles & Houses |
Joglo House |
Legion Retreat |
Lovely Night House |
Lovely Noon House |
Floor & Wall Items |
7th Head of Orochi |
Ambitious EbilCorp Zorbak |
Black Imp House Item |
Burning Bombadier House Item |
Cemani Dricken House Item |
Coconut Treeant House Item |
Creepy Baby House Item |
Cursed Curio House Item |
Cursed Doll-Head House Item |
Dark Caster's Tome |
Dark DragonKnight Guard |
Despair Dancer House Guest |
Drumsticks |
Executive Assistant V House Item |
Fa Gamer House Item |
Festive Krampus Guard (L) |
Festive Krampus Guard (R) |
Flowering Bush House Item |
Fragment of Doom Statue (L) |
Fragment of Doom Statue (R) |
Frost Goblin House Item |
Frost Golem House Item |
Frost Yety House Item |
Gauden Hound House Item |
Gothic Chest House Item |
Grade A Bully House Item |
Gwen the Necromancer Guest |
Harmless Choir House Item |
Huggy-Bear |
Ice Wolf House Item |
Jaan al Bahar |
Jaan al Nair |
Jelangkung House Guard |
Jelangkung House Item |
Juror #1 |
Juror #2 |
Juror #3 |
Kala House Item |
Kewpid |
La House Item |
Legion Evocator House Item |
Leyak House Item |
Love Shrub |
Magma Blazebeard House Item |
Maleagant House Item |
Meanest Girl House Item |
Mood Slime |
Northlands Deer House Guard (R) |
Nulgath House Item |
Opera Glasses House Item |
Overdriven Evocator House Item |
Paragon House Item |
Red-Hot Raider House Item |
Sacred Pole House Item |
Shades House Item |
Shadows Of Doom |
Sluagh Mellori House Item |
Sluagh Warrior House Item |
Smaras House Item |
Stitched Stag House Item |
Stray Foam |
Taro House Item |
The Jailer (L) |
The Jailer (R) |
The Sea's Adoration House Guard |
Titan DoomKnight Statue |
Titan DoomKnight's Blade Statue |
Titan Paladin Statue XL |
Titan Paladin's Blade Statue |
Titan Vindicator Statue |
Titan Vindicator Statue XL |
Titan Vindicator's Axe Statue |
Tuyul House Item |
Umitora Guard (R) |
Void Elemental |
Void Knight |
Void Makai |
Void Monk |
Wandering Soul II |
Winter Table |
Boughs of Holly |
Boughs of Holly (Vertical) |
Deady Sign I |
Frostval Wreath |
I LUV Beleen Painting |
Indonesian Flag |
Liquified Lifeforce II |
Mounted Skull Metal Solo |