Items |
1 Year Playing Title |
2 Years Playing Title |
3 Years Playing Title |
4 Years Playing Title |
5 Years Playing Title |
6 Years Playing Title (Equipped) |
Aluminum x816 |
Approval of Nulgath x1000 |
Archfiend's Favor x1586 |
Aura of Happiness x143 |
Aura of Pleasure x324 |
Bag of Abyss x569 |
Beast Hunter Approval |
Black Ink x23 |
Black Knight Essence x17 |
Blood Titan x2 |
Bones x148 |
Chicken Beef x3 |
Christmas Title |
Cloth x30 |
Conquest Wreath |
Crystal Gem of Nulgath x115 |
Crystal of Balance x2 |
Crystal of Legion x6 |
Crystal of Power |
Cycle Token x50 |
Daily Login Megaphone x15 |
Dark Crystal Shard x3 |
Dark Makai Defeated x18 |
Dark Remnants x106 |
Deep Void Eye x2 |
Demon Chalice |
Demon Soul x10 |
Diamond of Nulgath x7 |
Diamond of Void x15 |
Divine Cloth x2 |
Divine Fragment x8 |
Divine Ornament |
Doomed Token x467 |
Dragon Fragment x200 |
Dragon Heart x3 |
Drakon Shadow Souls x3 |
Element Sac |
Emblem of Nulgath x90 |
Empowered Voidstone x894 |
Essence of Luxuria x150 |
Essence of Nulgath x12974 |
Essence of Slime x68 |
Essence Of The Abyss x15 |
Exalted Legion Token |
EXP Elixir for Pet x3 |
Fragment of Doom x35 |
Fragment of the Gods x50 |
Free Megaphone x98 |
Futurelegion Clear |
Gem Fragment x16 |
Gem of Nulgath x1175 |
Gem of Void x15 |
Golden Fragment x10 |
Golden Ticket x180 |
Green Whisp's Soul x14 |
Grimlord Blood x121 |
Grimlord's Token x20 |
Hatir's Fire |
Highlord's Gaze |
Holy Fire x34 |
Holy Umbra x29 |
Hometown Coin x20 |
Hometown Coin x20 |
Hometown Key |
Legion Essence x279 |
Legion Token x9779 |
Light Hope x50 |
Lord of Order Token |
Loyalty Token x3 |
Maculated Energy x25 |
Matter of the Dead x15 |
Mega Circle Medal x1397 |
Megaphone x5 |
Mercutio Token x11 |
Milk Bear Animated Emoji Package (Equipped) |
Mystic Gold x8 |
Nation of Nulgath x6 |
Paragon Essence x75 |
Part of Dragon Beef x10 |
Penguin Slayer x5 |
Penitent Essence |
Potion of Darkness x5 |
Potion of Dodge x5 |
Potion of Health x5 |
Potion of Mana x5 |
Potion of Power x5 |
Potion of Redness x5 |
Potion of Speed x5 |
Purple Queen's Potion x5 |
Revenant's Spellscroll |
Sanguine Of Darkness x2 |
Scrap of Cloth x25 |
Shackle |
Shadow Dust x200 |
Small Meat x43 |
Soul of a God x10 |
Soul Of Evil |
Soul Of Evil Fragment x2 |
Soul of Legion |
Soul Orb x9 |
Soul Shard x73331 |
Stone of Nulgath x49 |
Strogia Token |
Tainted Gem x5 |
The Secret 5 x40 |
Token of Star x212 |
Top Hat |
Totem of Void x180 |
Totem Shard of Nulgath x1000 |
Ultra Blood Titan x3 |
Ultra Wolfwing |
Undead's Soul |
Undefined 1 x15 |
Undefined 10 x15 |
Undefined 11 x240 |
Undefined 2 x15 |
Undefined 3 x300 |
Undefined 4 x295 |
Undefined 5 x210 |
Undefined 6 x300 |
Undefined 7 x200 |
Undefined 8 x20 |
Undefined 9 x300 |
Unshackle |
Vertigo Soul x4 |
Vial of Violence x4 |
Village Token x3 |
Void Crystal A |
Void Crystal B x2 |
Void Crystal Shard x63 |
Void Fiend Soul x147 |
Void of Nulgath Token x1000 |
Void's Coin x15308 |
Vordred Soul |
Wailed Frag |
CLASS Boost! (1 hour) x20 |
EXP Boost! (1 hour) x15 |
EXP Boost! (5 min) |
GOLD Boost! (1 hour) x20 |
REPUTATION Boost! (1 hour) x13 |
REPUTATION Boost! (10 min) |
FireBlood Weapon Enhancement |
Bloodgroove |
CC Infernal Blade |
Champion Blade of Diohgo |
CryoTime Judgement |
Doom Lord Vordred Sword |
Evolved Champion of Order Blade |
Golden Dragon Slayer Sword (Equipped) |
Grimlord Blade of Nulgath |
Guardian Shadow Weapon |
Infernal Blade of Malice |
Legendary Magma Sword |
Lord of Order Blade |
Necrotic Star Sword of DOOM! |
Nocturnal Blade of Malice |
Oblivion Blade of Nulgath |
Salvation Blade of Nulgath |
Snowborn Fae Blade |
SoulTaker Of Darkness CC |
The Blade of Apparition |
CC Axe of Darkness |
Blood Daggers of Diohgo |
Boreal Cavalier Accoutrements |
Darkness Talons |
Dual Beach(ure) 83 Ball |
Dual Frigid Wolf Spear |
Dual Ornate Emerald Cane |
FrostWolf Daggers |
Tiger Shark Plushies |
Underworld Soul Weaver's Armblades |
Eternal Manifestation Gauntlets |
Pufferfish Plushie |
Dragon Bow |
Dragonhand |
Shrieking Club |
Trick R Treater |
DragonFire Spear |
Frigid Wolf Spear |
Frost Dracolich Guard's Spear |
Heavenly Spear of Nulgath |
Lord of Order Polearm |
Paragon Polearm |
Elegant Bejeweled Cane |
Void Avenger Scythe |
Black Knight Overlord |
Boreal Cavalier Hood |
Cowl of Thanatos |
Dark Hunting Hood |
Dark Soul Weaver's Battle Garb + Dreads |
Doom Sorcerer's Apprentice Hat |
Doom The Master Hat |
FalconLord's Hood |
Fall ScareCrow's Pumpkin Hat |
FrostEdge Fae Locks |
FrostWolf Helm |
Golden Dragon Slayer Trophy (Equipped) |
Grimlord Face of Nulgath |
GryphonClaw Knight's Crested Helm |
Helm of the Highlord |
High Lord of Order Helm |
Horned King Crown |
Lich King Helm |
Lord of Order Helm |
Lord of Order Horns |
Meat Nubbin Morph |
Night Mare Helm |
Red Dragon Festival Helm |
Shadow Slayer Hair |
Shadow Slayer Hair 2 |
Shadow Slayer King Crown |
Soul Weaver's Battle Garb + Dreads |
Soul Weaver's Battle Garb + Hair |
Soul Weaver's Battle Garb + Shag |
Soul Weaver's Battle Mask + Locks |
Suki's Holiday Hair |
Twig SUS Morph |
Voltaire Hat + Monocle |
Zombie Top Hat (Skeleton) |
Blooded Guardian Cape |
Darkside Ascension Cloak |
Darkside Ascension Single Spike |
Evolved Champion of Order Cape |
FalconLord's Wings |
FrostWolf Cape |
Golden Duality Shield Wings |
Grimlord Cloak of Nulgath |
Grimlord Mane of Nulgath |
Guardian Shadow |
Highlord's Void Wrap |
KingSlayer's Cape |
Legion Seraph Rune Cape CC (Equipped) |
Lich King Cape |
Lord of Order Bladed Wrap |
Lord of Order Double Wings + Wrap |
Lord Of Order Wings |
Lord of Order Wings + Wrap |
Lord of Order Wrap |
Shadow of Sepulchure |
Sheathed Giftwrap Cape |
Soul Weaver's Skeleton Cape |
Tut Wings |
Underworld Leviathan |
Underworld Leviathan Wings + Tail |
Yeti's Snowsparkle Cape |
Sword Spirit Summon Circle (Equipped) |
Asfargo's Third Eye Ring |
PvP Necklace +1500 |
PvP Necklace +2000 |
Simple Ring of Legion (Equipped) |
Arcane Soul Paragon |
Asian Dragon |
Avarice Guard BattlePet |
Carnage BattlePet |
Cespect Battlepet |
Crag & Bamboozle |
Dage's Collection Chest 2018 |
Dark Makai of Nulgath |
Dark Wolf |
Drudgen the Assistant |
Imbalanced Knight BattlePet |
Kaiju Rider Quibble Bank |
Luxuria Guard BattlePet |
Nation Daimyo Battle Pet |
Nation Daimyo Pet |
Nibbleon Frostval Treeant |
Nulgath Birthday Gift |
Nulgath Larvae |
Oblivion Blade Of Nulgath Quest Pet (Equipped) |
Potato Dragon |
Sweatshirt Daimyo |
The Lich King Pet |
Treachery Guard BattlePet |
Undead Mage Fire BattlePet |
Underworld Daimyo Battle Pet |
Void Fiend BattlePet |
VoidCaster Orb Pet |
Wrath Guard BattlePet |
Classes & Armors |
Chaotic Fiend of Nulgath, Rank 10 |
Dark Caster, Rank 1 |
Darkside, Rank 1 |
DragonLord, Rank 10 |
Golden Chronomancer, Rank 8 |
Good Class, Rank 2 |
Immortal Dark Caster, Rank 10 |
Legion Time Master, Rank 10 (Equipped) |
No Class, Rank 1 |
Profane, Rank 1 |
Star Lord, Rank 2 |
Undead Sand, Rank 10 |
Void Walker, Rank 10 |
Blazing Naval Commander |
Carnage Voids of Nulgath |
Dark Shadow Knight |
Deathfiend of Nulgath |
Dragon Alchemist |
Evolved Champion of Order |
FalconLord Armor |
FrostWolf |
Golden Dragon Slayer (Equipped) |
Grimlord of Nulgath |
Lord Of Order Armor |
Normal Void Highlord |
Shadow Slayer Armor |
Soul Harvester |
Thanatos |
The Lich King Armor |
Trox Shirt |
Void Highlord Armor |
Void Naval Commander |
Castles & Houses |
Floor & Wall Items |
ARTX Dome |
Fragment of Doom Statue (R) |
Paragon House Item |
Void Elemental |
Void Fiend House Item |
Void Knight |
Void Makai |
Void Monk |
Wandering Soul I |
Wandering Soul II |
Deady Sign I |
Deady Sign II |