Items |
5 Years Playing Title |
6 Years Playing Title |
Almandine Garnet x2 |
Aluminum x4 |
Anti-Lenci |
Aura of Happiness x1000 |
Aura of Pleasure x1000 |
Bag of Abyss x30 |
Base Fragment x11 |
Basic Emoji Package |
Black Knight Orb |
Blood From the Void x20 |
Bravery Medal x10 |
Cataclysm Power x2 |
Celestial Coins x4 |
Chaos Token x165 |
Chaotic Token x62 |
Chicken Beef x12 |
Christmas Title |
Cloth x19 |
Condensed Void x456 |
Crystal Gem of Nulgath x36 |
Crystal of Balance x6 |
Crystal of Legion x6 |
Cxcix x199 |
Cycle Token x8 |
Daily Login Megaphone x19 |
Daimond of Klunk x3 |
Dark Makai Defeated x251 |
Demon Chalice |
Demon Heart x3 |
Demon Soul x31 |
Diabolical's Token x10 |
Diamond of Void x71 |
Dispel Power x8 |
Divine Cloth |
Divine Fragment x10 |
Divine Ornament |
Doomed Token x306 |
Draconian Heart x14 |
Draconian of Time Head x202 |
Dragon Fragment x500 |
Dragon of Time Scales |
Dragon of Time Token x6 |
Dragon Platinum Head x8 |
Dragon Sliver Head x99 |
Emblem of Nulgath x300 |
Enchanted Stone x160 |
Entity Orb x14 |
Essence of Luxuria x1999 |
Essence of Nulgath x315 |
Exalted Legion Token x239 |
Exalted Lord Token x37 |
EXP Elixir for Pet x70 |
Fragment of Mirror Realm x100 |
Galaxy Core |
Gem Fragment |
Gem of Nulgath x155 |
Gem of Void x94 |
Golden Destiny Core |
Golden Fragment x10 |
Green Whisp Core x200 |
Green Whisp's Soul x24 |
Grimlord Blood x2277 |
Grimlord's Token x20 |
Hatir's Fire |
Holy Unstable Energy |
Hometown Coin x400 |
Hometown Coin x495 |
Hometown Key |
Ice Token x16 |
Ix x9 |
Klunk Defeated x178 |
Korn VIP Backstage Pass |
Krenosa Fragment x25 |
Legion Essence x445 |
Lisker's Approval x3 |
Lord of Order Token x100 |
Lost Soul x86 |
Loyalty Token x12 |
Maculated Energy x25 |
Master Legion Token x2 |
Mega Circle Medal x10000 |
Megaphone x3 |
Mercutio Token x432 |
Mirror Realm Token x479 |
Monster Christmas Token x11 |
Mystic Gold x87 |
Mythical Soul x13 |
Nightmare Shard |
Nulgath's Approval x50 |
Nulgath's Recipe |
Olympus Sigil x100 |
Paragon Essence x35 |
Penguin Slayer x30 |
Penitent Essence x1000 |
Pepe Emoji Package (Equipped) |
Potion of Darkness x5 |
Potion of Dodge x5 |
Potion of Health x5 |
Potion of Mana x5 |
Potion of Power x5 |
Potion of Redness x5 |
Potion of Speed x5 |
Purple Destiny Core |
Purple Queen's Potion x5 |
Restless Key |
Revenant Token x3 |
Revenant's Spellscroll |
Rose Emblem x9 |
Rusted Iron Chunks x223 |
Sand x313 |
Sand Elemental Soul x30 |
Sapphire x25 |
Scales x431 |
Scrap of Cloth x19 |
Serpentine x5 |
Shadow Dust x161 |
Shadow Key |
Silver Destiny Core |
Sinned Energy x943 |
Small Meat x40 |
Snow Token x119 |
Soul Collector |
Soul King Fragment |
Soul of a God x12 |
Soul Of Evil x3 |
Soul of Olympus x27 |
Soul of Soul x2 |
Soul Relic x63 |
Soul Shard x79471 |
Souls of Xlight x69 |
Sphene x9 |
Spire Thunderball x9 |
Spirit of Christmas x48 |
Stack of Souls x100 |
Star Ruby |
Stone of Nulgath x48 |
Strogia Token |
Student Title |
Survivor of Friday 13th |
The Secret 5 x30 |
Thunder Gem x6 |
Time Essence x107 |
Token of Olympus x521 |
Totem of Void x2 |
Treasure Token x600 |
Trim Fragment x12 |
Ultimated Exalted Contract |
Undead Soul x5 |
Undead's Soul |
Undefined 1 x20 |
Undefined 10 x20 |
Undefined 11 x24 |
Undefined 2 x20 |
Undefined 3 x22 |
Undefined 4 x20 |
Undefined 5 x30 |
Undefined 6 x20 |
Undefined 7 x20 |
Undefined 8 x20 |
Undefined 9 x30 |
Underworld Aliance |
Underworld Key x100 |
Valsarian Scales x23 |
Vertigo Heart x20 |
Vertigo Soul x150 |
Vial of Violence x108 |
Void Crystal Shard x243 |
Void Reaper Heart x20 |
Void Soul x14 |
Void Sphere x15 |
Voidstone x3 |
Vordred Soul x3 |
Wailed Frag x100 |
Wailed Frozen x200 |
Well Key |
Xithricita x3 |
Xix x19 |
Xixcmxcix x19999 |
Xyv's Blue Card |
Xyv's Green Card |
Xyv's Yellow Card |
CLASS Boost! (1 hour) x25 |
EXP Boost! (1 hour) x146 |
GOLD Boost! (1 hour) x25 |
REPUTATION Boost! (1 hour) x25 |
Black PrimalDread Saw |
Blazebringer Molten Blade |
Blinding Light of Destiny |
Burning Phoenix Blade |
CC Blade of Awe |
CC Candy Cane Of Pain |
CC Tarazed Sword |
Chaotic Destruction DB |
Cicus April Fools Sword |
ColdNii Sword |
Custom Astral Singularity |
Custom Singularity Sword (Equipped) |
Cysero's Star Sword |
Default Sword |
Dream Slay |
Edge Of The Void |
Futuristic Default Sword |
Grimlord Blade of Nulgath |
Jagged Demon Katana |
Katana of Void |
Krenosa Soul Katana |
Oblivion Blade of Nulgath |
Paridot katana |
Paridot Sword |
Void Knight's Blade |
Crescent Axe |
Doom Celestial Sand Axe |
CC Mr. Balloon |
CC Pom-Pom |
Cherry Bomb |
Dual Ascended Bloodletters of Nulgath (Wearing) |
Dual Black Katana |
Dual Dragon Flame |
Dual Jagged Demon Katana |
Emerald Druid Reavers |
Random Item of Laf |
Versatiles Daggers |
Whitehot Rings Of Fire |
Super Squirter |
Birthday Cake Mace |
Cake LPv2 |
Chalice of Olympus |
Iron Hammer |
Reaper's Hourglass |
Reaper's Time-Turner |
Unarmed |
Zardman's StoneHammer |
Coreiseuse |
Replica of Amenonuhoko |
Shadow Spear of Nulgath |
ShadowEater Lance |
Spear of Reality |
The Reaper's Scythe |
Twilight's Arcana PoleArm |
Unicornman Lance |
CC Cherry Wood Cane |
CC Poke It |
Emerald Druid Staff |
Emerald Druid Wand |
Apocalyptic Hair |
Arcane Locks Morph |
Blood Dragon Helm |
Bright Halo Locks |
Crowned Zhilo Hair |
Darkon Streetwear Lock's Cap |
Demon Crown (Wearing) |
Djinn Lich's Helm |
Elegant Unicornman Head |
Emerald Druid Hair |
Emerald Druid Locks |
Exalted Fiend Helm |
Festive Ushanka |
Festive Ushanka + Locks |
Golden Dragon Slayer Trophy (Equipped) |
Grimlord Face of Nulgath |
I'm Fine Morph |
Jagged Hat |
Jagged Masked Hat |
Jagged Masked Horn |
LifeGuard Cap + Locks |
Love Vampire Legion Visage |
Monster Priest's Locks |
Prismatic Royal Crown |
Reaper's Morph |
Reaper's Scream |
Sepulchure Helm CC |
ShadowEater Samurai Helm |
Straight-Up Morph + Locks |
SunFlower Locks |
Thundershocked Bangs |
Unicornman Head |
Void Knight's Helm |
Assault Mode Meliodas Wings (Equipped) |
Black Pentagram |
BlackDoom Cape |
CC Astral Wings |
CC Shadow Flame Wings |
Colorfull CrystalCyro |
Dark RVoid Cape |
Demonic Ritual Cape |
Emerald Druid Cape |
Emerald Druid Globe Cape |
Exalted Fiend Cape |
Exalted Fiend Vines |
Gasu Gasu Cape |
Grimlord Cloak of Nulgath |
Grimlord Mane of Nulgath |
Harry the Cupid Wings |
Jagged Demon BackBlade |
Jagged Shadow Demon Cape |
Multiple Dragon Heads |
Red Cape |
Star |
Void Knight's Cape |
Shining! |
Simple Shadow Ground |
Asfargo's Third Eye Ring (Equipped) |
PvP Necklace +2000 |
Sheevra Necklace |
Sheevra Ring |
Vampire Lord Necklace |
Envolved Lucky Hammer Pet |
HyperRaindow (Equipped) |
Light Matter BattlePet |
Nulgath In The Dage Bike |
Pearl of Light Lantern Pet |
Pepe Pet |
Sneevil Box Guardian BattlePet |
Soul Harvester Pet |
Classes & Armors |
Darkblood Stormking, Rank 10 |
Darkside, Rank 10 |
Evolved Singularity, Rank 10 |
Frozen Knight, Rank 10 |
Legion DarkLord, Rank 10 (Equipped) |
Legion Time Master, Rank 10 |
Lord Of Order, Rank 1 |
Paladin, Rank 6 |
Popstar Hatsune Miku, Rank 1 |
Singularity, Rank 10 |
Soul Servant, Rank 10 |
Beast Summoner |
Birthday Cake Armor |
Black Royal Knight |
BlackDoom Warrior |
Blessing Naval |
Carnage Voids of Nulgath |
Classier Rabbit |
Classy Bunny |
ClawSuit Naval Commander |
Dage x Faith Wedding Outfit |
Danarino Primal Carnaval Costume |
Dark Denim Destroyer |
Darkon Streetwear |
Elite Shadowslayer |
Emerald Druid |
Festive Party Outfit |
Flirty Nulgath |
Formal Dark Caster |
Frog |
Frozen Fury |
Grenwog Worshipper |
Grimlord of Nulgath |
Harlequin Warrior |
Hollowborn Shadow Shaper |
Infinity Titan |
Invisible Armor |
Italian Rose Blood Void |
Jagged Demon |
LifeGuard |
Love Vampire Legion |
M4tr1x Naval Commander |
Noxus Armor |
Prismatic Cool Girl |
Prismatic Emo Rocker |
Prismatic Girly Girl |
Prismatic Moon Girl |
Prismatic Summer Rave |
Prismatic Sunshine Girl |
Royal Shadowslayer |
Sky Walker |
Soul Harvester |
Stormborn Battlegear |
Sunflower Outfit |
Symbiote arco-íris |
Thunderborn Battlegear |
Urban Assassin |
Void Knight |
Void Warlord Rev |
Warlord of Void (Equipped) |
Castles & Houses |
Infinity Titan Base |
Legion Retreat |
Paragon Helm House |
Villa (Equipped) |
Floor & Wall Items |
Altar Of Caladbolg |
Bush |
Desk of Doom |
Fragment of Doom Statue (L) |
Fragment of Doom Statue (R) |
Rotating Floor Map |
Royal Bed |
Shadows Of Doom |
Shadowseer House Guard |
Sneevil Box Guardian House Item |
Void Witch’s Summoning Circle |
Deady Sign II |