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500M Gold Voucher x5
Almandine Garnet x19
Amber x25
Animated Panda Emoji Package (Equipped)
Aquamarine x11
Azurite x3
Blood Darksteel x1000
Blood Gem of the Archfiend x46
Celestial Clouds x5
Celestial Energy
Celestial Essence
Celestial Hound Soul x183
Chicken Beef x38
Corrupted Fragment x5000
Daily Login Megaphone x20
Darklord Token x1000
Darklord’s Relic x250
Darklord’s Seal x2000
Divine Fragment x4
Divine Ornament
Divine Soul x2
Dove Feather x12
Dragon Fragment x500
Emerald x25
Essence Of Darklord x428
Essence Of Light
Essence of Nulgath x1090
Essence Of The Abyss x488
Fierce Player
Galactica Singularity x96
Golden Fragment x10
Golden Galactica Singularity x16
Grimlord's Token x20
Helm Fragment
Infernal Skull Energy x2
Isekai Fragment x6
Jade x25
Krenosa Fragment x59
Laf Treasure Key x25
Laf Treasure Piece C
Light Crystal Fragment x26
Light Elemental Essence x6
Light Fragment x5
Light Token x2118
Lost Soul x257
Loyalty Token x30
Merge-LQS Purchase Pass x8
Musical Fragment x77
Nation Draconian Soul x4
Nation Scripture
Nation Token x3379
Nightmare Shard x15
Orthoclase x24
Pumpkin Fragment x10
Pumpkin Lord Soul
Pyrope Garnet x7
Quibble Fragment x5
Ruby x19
Sacred Relic x3
Sapphire x23
Serpentine x5
Shadow Dust x151
Small Meat x392
Soul of a God x719
Soul Of Evil x489
Soul Of Evil Fragment x4
Soul of Nulgath x33
Soul Shard x430206
Sphene x22
Spodumene x22
Stareater Fragment x134
Swindle Approval
Swindle Bag x2
Swindle Recipe
Taro Soul
Undead Relic x54
Well Key
Xithricita Fragment x112
Xyv's Blue Card
Xyv's Purple Card
Xyv's Star Card
CLASS Boost! (1 hour) x25
EXP Boost! (1 hour) x40
GOLD Boost! (1 hour) x25
REPUTATION Boost! (1 hour) x25
Angelic Sword
Apple Star Sword
Balor's Hatred
Balrog Blade
Blade of Glorious Victory
Champion Blade of Nulgath
Cursed Masamune
Dark Astravian Rapier
Dark Repulser
Demon Samurai Katana
Demonic Sword
Doge's Manslayer
Fiendish Blood Blade
Ichigo Hell Katana
Lambent Light
Legion Legend Katana
Servant Solo Scythe Of Shadow Monarch
Singularity Sword
Spinal Debris Sword
Stella Empyrean Blade
Yaksha Kurikara
CC Axe of Darkness
Bright Astravian Rapiers
Chorupted DeathKnight Sword Polearm
Dual Flame Champion
Dual Quasar Piercer Spear
Dual Shadowscythe of Z Blade
Evolved Bloodletters of Nulgath
Infinity Energy
Legion Legend Katanas
Mana Crystals Dagger
Oni To Koji's Dagger
Quasar Crusher Maces
Stella Empyrean Blades
Gilded Gauntlets of Madness
Iron Hammer
Quasar Crusher Mace
Sack of Gems
Six Golden Hammer
Unarmed (Wearing)
Amenonuhoko (Equipped)
Dark Asgardian Scythe
Evolved Shadow Spear
Quasar Piercer Spear
Mutated Rebirth Staff
Selfie Stick
Gem Cane
Angelic Ninja Headphone
Blank Helm
CC Valefor's Hair
CC Vamp Baron Hat
Creature 10 Horns
Creature 10 Mask
Creature 10 Morph
Cyber Blood Helm
Enchanted BlackOut Morph
Festive Caroler Hood and Locks
Frieza's Head (Wearing)
Gem Crown
Golden Dragon Slayer Trophy
Immortal Summoner Hood
Legion Legend Horns
Meliodas Half Demon Transform Morph (Equipped)
Nigthmare Helm
No Helm
Oni To Koji's Hair
Oni To Koji's Locks
Paper Bag Head
Ranger Hat
Revontheus Aviators
Shadow Purgatory Vamp Helm
Black Red Cape
BladeMaster Cape
Cheese Pack Cape
Creature 10 Half Wing
Creature 10 Wings
Creature 10 Wings & Tail
Erebus Flame Cape
First Formal Chrono Mage Cape
Floating BladeMaster's Blades
Floating Pumpkins Cape
Giant Yokai Dokuro Cape
Hollow Astral DragonBlade
Human Clock Face
Hunting Knifes
Legion Legend Runes
Meliodas Half Demon Claw Wing (Equipped)
Nulgatharian Knight
Port-A-Pwnzor Cloak
Purgatory Bats
Sack of Gems Cape
Splash of Victory (Wearing)
Enchanted Constellation Rune
Leanan Sidhe's Mist (Equipped)
Void Portal of Zatheus
Asfargo's Third Eye Ring
King Drago's Ring (Equipped)
Brutal Servant Pet
Golden Cute Octopus (Equipped)
Oblivion Blade Of Nulgath Quest Pet
Pixel Bank Pet
Sneevil Nulgath
Soul Harvester Pet
Classes & Armors
Arcane Commander, Rank 10
Dwarf Champion, Rank 10 (Equipped)
Astronaut in the Rocket
CC Pandy Hoodie
Chthonian Rider
Ebilcorp Standard Player
Emo Shocker
Enchanted BlackOut Armor
Floating Witch
Frieza (Wearing)
Grunge Gangsta
Ichigo Hell Armor
Invisible Armor
Leanan Sidhe
Legion Legend Armor
Nightmare Armor
Pandy Hoodie
Shadow Purgatory Vamp
Toxic Nano Blader
Underworld Sacrificer
Vamp Baron
Warlord of Void (Equipped)

Castles & Houses
Akiban Onsen (Equipped)
Brightfall Fotress
Djinn Wedding Venue
Gold M4tr1x of Swordhaven
Love House
M4tr1x Castle of Nulgath
Moglin Hut
Paragon Helm House
Technocaster House
Winter Dragon Cave
Zazul's House
Floor & Wall Items
7th Head of Orochi
Altar of Caladbacon
Altar Of Caladbolg
Altar Of Ragnarok
Altar Of Sanguine
Bowl full of Jelly
Coffee Pot
Crab Conga Line
Creepy Baby House Item
Dark Caster's Tome
Djiini Guard I (Left)
Djiini Guard I (Right)
Djiini Guard II (Right)
Djiini Guard III (Left)
Djiini Guard IV (Left)
Djiini Guard V (Left)
Djiini Guard V (Right)
Dr. Worm
Eternal Dragon's Treasure Pile
Fragment of Doom Statue (L)
Fragment of Doom Statue (R)
Human Clock
Human Clock Nostalgia
Jaan al Ard
Jaan al Bahar
Lesser Groglurk House Item
Love Shrub
Magenta Couch II
Major Mushroom Guard (L)
Mood Slime
Nation Draconian House Item
Pepper Shaker
Shadows Of Doom
Smaras House Item
Star Festival Feast Table
Stray Foam
Taro House Item
Void Elemental
Void Fiend House Item
Void Makai
Void Monk
Void Wyrm
Wandering Soul I
Wooden Stakes
Deady Sign II
Human Clock Face House Item