Items |
500M Gold Voucher x5 |
Almandine Garnet x19 |
Amber x25 |
Animated Panda Emoji Package (Equipped) |
Aquamarine x11 |
Azurite x3 |
Blood Darksteel x1000 |
Blood Gem of the Archfiend x46 |
Celestial Clouds x5 |
Celestial Energy |
Celestial Essence |
Celestial Hound Soul x183 |
Chicken Beef x38 |
Citrine |
Corrupted Fragment x5000 |
Daily Login Megaphone x20 |
Darklord Token x1000 |
Darklord’s Relic x250 |
Darklord’s Seal x2000 |
Divine Fragment x4 |
Divine Ornament |
Divine Soul x2 |
Dove Feather x12 |
Dragon Fragment x500 |
Emerald x25 |
Essence Of Darklord x428 |
Essence Of Light |
Essence of Nulgath x1090 |
Essence Of The Abyss x488 |
Fierce Player |
Galactica Singularity x96 |
Golden Fragment x10 |
Golden Galactica Singularity x16 |
Grimlord's Token x20 |
Helm Fragment |
Infernal Skull Energy x2 |
Isekai Fragment x6 |
Jade x25 |
Krenosa Fragment x59 |
Laf Treasure Key x25 |
Laf Treasure Piece C |
Light Crystal Fragment x26 |
Light Elemental Essence x6 |
Light Fragment x5 |
Light Token x2118 |
Lost Soul x257 |
Loyalty Token x30 |
Merge-LQS Purchase Pass x8 |
Musical Fragment x77 |
Nation Draconian Soul x4 |
Nation Scripture |
Nation Token x3379 |
Nightmare Shard x15 |
Orthoclase x24 |
Pumpkin Fragment x10 |
Pumpkin Lord Soul |
Pyrope Garnet x7 |
Quibble Fragment x5 |
Ruby x19 |
Sacred Relic x3 |
Sapphire x23 |
Serpentine x5 |
Shadow Dust x151 |
Small Meat x392 |
Soul of a God x719 |
Soul Of Evil x489 |
Soul Of Evil Fragment x4 |
Soul of Nulgath x33 |
Soul Shard x430206 |
Sphene x22 |
Spodumene x22 |
Stareater Fragment x134 |
Swindle Approval |
Swindle Bag x2 |
Swindle Recipe |
Taro Soul |
Undead Relic x54 |
Well Key |
Xithricita Fragment x112 |
Xyv's Blue Card |
Xyv's Purple Card |
Xyv's Star Card |
CLASS Boost! (1 hour) x25 |
EXP Boost! (1 hour) x40 |
GOLD Boost! (1 hour) x25 |
REPUTATION Boost! (1 hour) x25 |
Angelic Sword |
Apple Star Sword |
Balor's Hatred |
Balrog Blade |
Blade of Glorious Victory |
Champion Blade of Nulgath |
Cursed Masamune |
Dark Astravian Rapier |
Dark Repulser |
Demon Samurai Katana |
Demonic Sword |
Doge's Manslayer |
Fiendish Blood Blade |
Ichigo Hell Katana |
Lambent Light |
Legion Legend Katana |
Masamune |
Servant Solo Scythe Of Shadow Monarch |
Singularity Sword |
Spinal Debris Sword |
Stella Empyrean Blade |
Yaksha Kurikara |
CC Axe of Darkness |
Bright Astravian Rapiers |
Chorupted DeathKnight Sword Polearm |
Dual Flame Champion |
Dual Quasar Piercer Spear |
Dual Shadowscythe of Z Blade |
Evolved Bloodletters of Nulgath |
Infinity Energy |
Legion Legend Katanas |
Mana Crystals Dagger |
Oni To Koji's Dagger |
Quasar Crusher Maces |
Stella Empyrean Blades |
Gilded Gauntlets of Madness |
Iron Hammer |
Quasar Crusher Mace |
Sack of Gems |
Six Golden Hammer |
Unarmed (Wearing) |
Amenonuhoko (Equipped) |
Dark Asgardian Scythe |
Evolved Shadow Spear |
Quasar Piercer Spear |
Mutated Rebirth Staff |
Selfie Stick |
Gem Cane |
Angelic Ninja Headphone |
Blank Helm |
CC Valefor's Hair |
CC Vamp Baron Hat |
Creature 10 Horns |
Creature 10 Mask |
Creature 10 Morph |
Cyber Blood Helm |
Enchanted BlackOut Morph |
Festive Caroler Hood and Locks |
Frieza's Head (Wearing) |
Gem Crown |
Golden Dragon Slayer Trophy |
Immortal Summoner Hood |
Legion Legend Horns |
Meliodas Half Demon Transform Morph (Equipped) |
Nigthmare Helm |
No Helm |
Oni To Koji's Hair |
Oni To Koji's Locks |
Paper Bag Head |
Ranger Hat |
Revontheus Aviators |
Shadow Purgatory Vamp Helm |
Black Red Cape |
BladeMaster Cape |
Cheese Pack Cape |
Creature 10 Half Wing |
Creature 10 Wings |
Creature 10 Wings & Tail |
Erebus Flame Cape |
First Formal Chrono Mage Cape |
Floating BladeMaster's Blades |
Floating Pumpkins Cape |
Giant Yokai Dokuro Cape |
Hollow Astral DragonBlade |
Human Clock Face |
Hunting Knifes |
Legion Legend Runes |
Meliodas Half Demon Claw Wing (Equipped) |
Nulgatharian Knight |
Port-A-Pwnzor Cloak |
Purgatory Bats |
Sack of Gems Cape |
Skeletanoo |
Splash of Victory (Wearing) |
Enchanted Constellation Rune |
Leanan Sidhe's Mist (Equipped) |
Void Portal of Zatheus |
Asfargo's Third Eye Ring |
King Drago's Ring (Equipped) |
Brutal Servant Pet |
Golden Cute Octopus (Equipped) |
Oblivion Blade Of Nulgath Quest Pet |
Pixel Bank Pet |
Sneevil Nulgath |
Soul Harvester Pet |
Classes & Armors |
Arcane Commander, Rank 10 |
Dwarf Champion, Rank 10 (Equipped) |
Astronaut in the Rocket |
CC Pandy Hoodie |
Chthonian Rider |
Ebilcorp Standard Player |
Emo Shocker |
Enchanted BlackOut Armor |
Floating Witch |
Frieza (Wearing) |
Grunge Gangsta |
Ichigo Hell Armor |
Invisible Armor |
Leanan Sidhe |
Legion Legend Armor |
Nightmare Armor |
Pandy Hoodie |
Shadow Purgatory Vamp |
Toxic Nano Blader |
Underworld Sacrificer |
Vamp Baron |
Warlord of Void (Equipped) |
Castles & Houses |
Akiban Onsen (Equipped) |
Brightfall Fotress |
Djinn Wedding Venue |
Gold M4tr1x of Swordhaven |
Love House |
M4tr1x Castle of Nulgath |
Moglin Hut |
Paragon Helm House |
Technocaster House |
Winter Dragon Cave |
Zazul's House |
Floor & Wall Items |
7th Head of Orochi |
Altar of Caladbacon |
Altar Of Caladbolg |
Altar Of Ragnarok |
Altar Of Sanguine |
ARTX Dome |
Bowl full of Jelly |
Coffee Pot |
Crab Conga Line |
Creepy Baby House Item |
Dark Caster's Tome |
Djiini Guard I (Left) |
Djiini Guard I (Right) |
Djiini Guard II (Right) |
Djiini Guard III (Left) |
Djiini Guard IV (Left) |
Djiini Guard V (Left) |
Djiini Guard V (Right) |
Dr. Worm |
Eternal Dragon's Treasure Pile |
Fragment of Doom Statue (L) |
Fragment of Doom Statue (R) |
Huggy-Bear |
Human Clock |
Human Clock Nostalgia |
Jaan al Ard |
Jaan al Bahar |
Lesser Groglurk House Item |
Love Shrub |
Magenta Couch II |
Major Mushroom Guard (L) |
Mood Slime |
Nation Draconian House Item |
Oil |
Orange |
Pepper Shaker |
Shadows Of Doom |
Smaras House Item |
Star Festival Feast Table |
Stray Foam |
Taro House Item |
Void Elemental |
Void Fiend House Item |
Void Makai |
Void Monk |
Void Wyrm |
Wandering Soul I |
Watermelon |
Wooden Stakes |
Deady Sign II |
Human Clock Face House Item |