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1 Year Playing Title
2 Years Playing Title
3 Years Playing Title
Amber x25
Anti-Lenci x3
Artificial Soul x10
Balloon Shard x1073000
Basic Emoji Package (Equipped)
Beach Token x3
Blood From the Void x100
Bloody Crystal
Blue Whisp Core x5
Blue Whisp's Soul x100
Bone Shard x2
Bone Sigil x75
Bones x97
Caesaris the Dark Medal
Cataclysm Power x8
Cearense Head x27
Chaotic Token x24
Chicken Beef x3
Chrono Essence x28
Citrine x7
Cleric's Cross x5
Cloth x30
Cold Token x7
Colorizer x14
Conquest Wreath
Crystal Gem x14
Crystal of Balance x6
Crystal of Control
Crystal of Good x2
Crystal of Legion x6
Crystal of Power x6
Crystal of Storm
Cyber Token x4
Cycle Token x50
Daily Login Megaphone x2
Daimond of Klunk x2
Dark Makai Defeated x500
Diabolical Preparation x3
Diabolical Token x2
Diabolical's Token x7
Divine Cloth x6
Divine Fragment x13
Divine Ornament
Doomed Token x2
Draconian Heart x300
Draconian of Time Head x1000
Dragon Fragment x500
Dragon Heart
Dragon of Time Scales x11
Dragon of Time Token x42
Dragon Platinum Head x101
Dragon Sliver Head x310
Element Sac x5
Empowered Voidstone x9
Essence of Slime x19
Essence of the Albino x2
Exalted Crown
Exalted Legion Token x9
Exalted Lord Token x31
Fear Toxic Blood x7
Ff Elemental Defeated x35
Ff Flame Spirit Defeated
Ff Spirit Defeated x6
Fire Dragon Conquered
Fire Token x2
Frag. Crystal x9
Frag. Crystal Fire x3
Fragment of the Gods x18
Free Megaphone x18
Futurelegion Clear
Galactica Singularity x8
Gem of Nulgath x2
General Defeated x1032
Gold Bar x6
Golden Fragment x10
Green Whisp Core x22
Green Whisp's Soul x250
Grimlord Blood x1836
Grimlord's Token x20
Head of the Wolf Boss x3
Heart of the Dragon x7
Holy Fire
Holy Umbra
Hometown Key
Hot Token x3
Ice Token x12
Infernal Dragon Conquered
Infinity Fragment
Krenosa Fragment x1457
Kurama Chakra x20
Legion Brutus Medal
Legion Essence x60
Legion Token x1422
Lich Stone x59
Lost Soul x56
Loyalty of Nulgath x636
Loyalty Token x21
Maculated Energy x15
Matter of the Dead x4
Mercutio Token x103
Merge-LQS Purchase Pass
Metal Fragments x25
Mind Stone
Mirror Cohort Conquered x110
Musical Fragment x2
Mythical Soul x10
Nation of Nulgath
Neo Debris x30
Nostine Defeated x44
Nulgath's Approval x50
Olympus Sigil x100
Orthoclase x24
Paragon Essence x46
Penitent Essence x1068
Potion of Dodge
Potion of Health
Potion of Mana
Potion of Speed
Pride Thunderball x7506
Puregold Bar x5
Purgatory Essence x4
Restless Key
Revenant's Spellscroll x3
Rusted Iron Chunks x104
Saitama Power!!! x5
Sand x362
Sand Elemental Soul x150
Sand Frask x4
Scales x3
Scrap of Cloth x25
Sesakid x8
Shadow Key
Small Meat x47
Soul Collector
Soul King Fragment x65
Soul of a Dragon
Soul of a God x40
Soul of Blight x10
Soul of Olympus x48
Soul of Purgatory x2
Soul of Underworld Keeper x6
Soul Orb x61
Soul Relic x66
Soul Shard x91159
Soul Stone
Spirit of Revontheus
Spodumene x20
Stack of Souls x2
State Thunderball
Steampunk Grenwog Trophy
Strogia Token x3
Teasure Kathool x5
Tethered Soul x29
Thunder Gem x6
Time Essence x250
Token of Olympus x449
Token of Star x304
Tomb Drifter x6
Tomb Shark x7
Top Hat
Ultimate Thunderball
Undead Energy x20
Undead Relic x42
Undead Soul x7
Undead's Soul
Undefined 1 x3
Undefined 10
Undefined 2 x6
Undefined 7
Undefined 8 x8
Underworld Key x3
Valsarian Scales x3457
Vertigo Soul x17
Very Important Player Title (Equipped)
Void of Nulgath Token x82
Void Shard x85
Void Soul x1030
Void Token x24
Wailed Frag x68
Wailed Frozen x200
Well Key
CLASS Boost! (1 hour) x25
EXP Boost! (1 hour) x17
GOLD Boost! (1 hour) x17
REPUTATION Boost! (1 hour) x25
FireBlood Armor Enhancement
CC Infernal Blade
ColdNii Sword
Custom Singularity Sword
Enuma Elish
Galactic Awe
Grimlord Blade of Nulgath
Infernal Blade of Malice
Katana Of Oni (Equipped)
Legendary Magma Sword
Manslayer of Taro
Oni To Koji's Sheated Katana
Overfiend Sword Of Corulgath
Shadowscythe of Z Blade
Summoned Caladbolg
The Blade of Apparition
Patriotic Light of Destiny
Runed Patriotic Light of Destiny
Dual RedLow Transcedent Katanas
Oni Flame Gauntlet's
Elegaic Mage's Gauntlet
Elegaic Mage's Gauntlets
Voracious Gauntlet
Voracious Gauntlets
Reaper's Crossbow
ARTX 3090 Controller
Chalice of Olympus
Festive Scythe
Cruel Staff of the Fallen
Darkside Staff
Death Stave
Elegaic Mage's Broom
Ghostly Staff
Mystical Elegy Staff
Void Avenger Scythe
CC Captain Cool Hat
CC FrostWolf Helm
CC Pirate Captain Female Helm
CC Pirate Captain Male Helm
Darkness Hat (Equipped)
Elegaic Hair
Elegaic Hair + Chibi Scarf
Elegaic Locks
Elegaic Locks + Chibi Scarf
Elegaic Morph + Hair
Elegaic Morph + Locks
Elegaic Morph Hair + Chibi Scarf
Elegaic Morph Locks + Chibi Scarf
Elegaic Witch's Chibi Gear
Elegaic Witch's Chibi Hat
Elegaic Witch's Hat
Elegaic Witch's Hat + Scarf
Elegaic Witch's Morph + Chibi Gear
Elegaic Witch's Morph + Chibi Hat
Elegaic Witch's Morph + Hat
Elegaic Witch's Morph Hat + Scarf
Elegaic Wizard's Chibi Gear
Elegaic Wizard's Chibi Hat
Elegaic Wizard's Hat
Elegaic Wizard's Hat + Scarf
Elegaic Wizard's Morph + Chibi Gear
Elegaic Wizard's Morph + Chibi Hat
Elegaic Wizard's Morph + Hat
Elegaic Wizard's Morph Hat + Scarf
Fabyo Loso's Suglasses
Festive Ushanka
Festive Ushanka + Locks
Golden Dragon Slayer Trophy
Grimlord Face of Nulgath
I'm seeing Gnomes...
Lich King Helm
Noxus Helm
O Canada! Top Hat
Oni Hunter Blindfold Side Mask (Wearing)
Oni To Koji's Hair + Blind
Oni To Koji's Mask
Prismatic O Canada! Top Hat
Satoru Gojo's Hair
Assault Mode Meliodas Wings (Equipped)
Elegaic Mage's Monstrous Hat
Elegaic Rune
Elegaic Rune Crown
Grimlord Cloak of Nulgath
Grimlord Mane of Nulgath
Magical Creatures of Madness
Noxus Cape
Noxus Runes
Oni To Koji's Angry Guardian
Oni To Koji's Flame
Sepulchure Oni Soul
Shadow of Sepulchure
V. Loso on your Back
Oni To Koji's Ground Rune
Asfargo's Third Eye Ring
PvP Necklace +2000
Very Important Player Ring (Equipped)
8-Bit Hermes
Arcane Soul Paragon
Blood Eagle BattlePet
Cespect Battlepet (Equipped)
Dark Makai of Nulgath
Fairy Godmother
Monstrous Easter Egg BattlePet
Mysterious Skew Pet
Pearl of Light Lantern Pet
Rainbow Crocodile
Soul Harvester Pet
Undead Shadow BattlePet
Classes & Armors
Black Knight, Rank 10
Chaotic Fiend of Nulgath, Rank 10
Darkside, Rank 10
DragonLord, Rank 10
Evolved Singularity, Rank 10 (Equipped)
Fallen Angel, Rank 10
Immortal Dark Caster, Rank 10
Profane, Rank 5
TimeKiller, Rank 10
Void Highlord, Rank 10
Void Walker, Rank 10
8-BIT Mage
8-BIT Rogue
8-BIT Warrior
Carnage Voids of Nulgath
CC Pirate Captain
Crazy Clown
Cyclop Raider
Darkness Tuxedo (Equipped)
Elegaic Mage
Fabyo Loso's Look
Festive Party Outfit
Grimlord of Nulgath
Hollow Revenant
Inverted Elegaic Mage
Ken Kaneki
Meliodas Half Demon Transform
Normal Void Highlord
Noxus Armor
Oni Hunter (Wearing)
Soul Harvester

Castles & Houses
Dragonrune House (Equipped)
Floor & Wall Items
Galactic Shadow Trooper Guard (L)
Galactic Shadow Trooper Guard (R)
Karrot House Guard (R)
Orbital Doom Strike Pillar I
Super Prince House Guard (L)
Micro DIE Fighter (L)
Micro DIE Fighter (R)