Items |
2 Years Playing Title |
3 Years Playing Title |
4 Years Playing Title |
5 Years Playing Title |
Advanced Thunderball |
Almandine Garnet x19 |
Amber x20 |
Ancient Cohort Conquered x103 |
Approval of Nulgath x14 |
Aquamarine x25 |
Archfiend Soul x2 |
Archfiend's Favor x398 |
Artificial Soul x2 |
Aura of Happiness x9 |
Aura of Pleasure x219 |
Azkorath Soul |
Azurite x15 |
Bag of Abyss x2700 |
Basic Fruits |
Beast Hunter Approval |
Bequeathed Lord Soul Shard x4 |
Black Destiny Core |
Black Knight Essence x13 |
Blood From the Void x100 |
Blood Gem of the Archfiend x2 |
Blood Titan x7 |
Bone Shard x33 |
Bone Sigil x54 |
Bravery Medal x40 |
Broken Bones x97 |
Brutus Card |
Chaos Token x139 |
Chaotic Token x74 |
Chicken Beef x11 |
Christmas Title |
Citrine x7 |
Cleric's Cross x313 |
Cloth x30 |
Condensed Void |
Crystal Gem x13 |
Crystal Gem of Nulgath x117 |
Crystal of Balance x6 |
Crystal of Legion x6 |
Cycle Token x50 |
Daimond of Klunk x14 |
Dark Makai Defeated x60 |
Dark Remnants x29 |
Darkblood Cohort Conquered x660 |
Darkness Contract |
Death x3 |
Deimos's Soul Fragment x6 |
Demon Chalice |
Demon Heart x4 |
Demon Soul x172 |
Diamond of Nulgath x21 |
Divine Cloth |
Divine Ornament |
Dolaas's Fire x2 |
Doomed Token x31 |
Doomwood Cohort Conquered x140 |
DOX Penguin Defeated x4 |
Dragon Cohort Conquered x220 |
Dragon Heart |
Dual Wield Fragment |
Dwarfhold Master Key |
Dwarven Secret |
Element Sac x5 |
Emerald x25 |
Essence of Geryon x35 |
Essence of Luxuria |
Essence of Nulgath x162 |
Essence of Slime x91 |
Essence of the Albino x6 |
Essence Of Unknown x5 |
Exalted Legion Token x131 |
Exalted Lord Token x10 |
EXP Elixir for Pet x73 |
Fear Toxic Blood x5 |
Forger x276 |
Frag. Crystal x100 |
Frag. Crytal Purple x3 |
Fragment Of Iron x2 |
Fragment of the Gods x6 |
Fragments of Items x2 |
Full Pet Elixir |
Futurelegion Clear |
Gem of Nulgath x294 |
Glacial x4 |
Golden Destiny Core |
Golden Fragment x10 |
Golden Ticket x45 |
Grim Cohort Conquered x2 |
Grimlord Blood x3000 |
Grimlord's Token x20 |
Groglurk Blood |
Hatir's Fire x3 |
Heart of the Dragon x9999 |
Hellshadow Dust |
High Golden Ingot x964 |
High Mithril Ingot x848 |
Holy Fire x38 |
Holy Umbra x36 |
Hometown Key |
Infernal Dust x61 |
Infernal Fragment x477 |
Infernal General Defeated x80 |
Infernal Stone x47 |
Insect Cupcake x5 |
Jade x25 |
Key of Abyss |
Krenosa Fragment x51 |
Lapis Lazuli x19 |
Legion Essence x1100 |
Legion Token x588000 |
Lingering Flame x478 |
Lost Soul x27 |
Maculated Energy x25 |
Magician Essence x20 |
Matter of the Dead x3 |
Mega Circle Medal x3 |
Megaphone x6 |
Mercutio Token x500 |
Mirror Cohort Conquered x50 |
Molten Shadow |
Mythical Fragment of Soul x64 |
Nation Draconian Soul x2 |
Nation Dragon Scales x6 |
Nation Scripture |
Neo Debris x80 |
Nulgath's Approval x27 |
Orthoclase x23 |
Oversoul Fiend Shard x2 |
Paladin Armament x53 |
Paragon Essence x75 |
Penguin Slayer x30 |
Pirate Cohort Conquered x4 |
Port Token x6 |
Potion of Dodge x4 |
Potion of Mana |
Potion of Power x3 |
Power Stone |
Pridecore x6 |
Puregold Bar x4 |
Purple Destiny Core |
Pyrope Garnet x14 |
Red Destiny Core |
Restless Key |
Ruby x25 |
Sailor Coin x19 |
Sanguine Of Darkness x8 |
Sapphire x25 |
Scrap of Cloth x25 |
Serpentine x5 |
Shadow Doom Soul |
Shadow Dust x160 |
Shadow Eternal Essence |
Shadow Fragment x35 |
Shadow Guardian Defeated |
Shadow Key |
Shadow Legend Soul x2 |
Shadow Orb |
Shadow Ore |
Shadow Power x9 |
Shadow Relic x459 |
Shadow Soul |
Shadow Warrior Soul |
Shadowfire Gem x2 |
Shadowstone |
Silver Destiny Core |
Small Meat x12 |
Smaras Soul x116 |
Soul Collector |
Soul King Fragment x8 |
Soul of a God x4 |
Soul of Amara x3 |
Soul Of Evil x4 |
Soul Of Evil Fragment |
Soul of Nation |
Soul of Olympus x44 |
Soul of Underworld Keeper x123 |
Soul Orb x1016 |
Soul Relic x58 |
Soul Shard x9206 |
Soul Stone |
Sphene x10 |
Spirit Cohort Conquered x40 |
Spirit of Revontheus x10 |
Spodumene x15 |
Star Ruby x7 |
Stone of Nulgath x35 |
Tainted Gem x456 |
Taro Soul x12 |
Tethered Soul x2819 |
Thanatos's Dark Energy x2 |
The Secret 5 x17 |
Thunder Emerald x869 |
Token of Olympus x440 |
Token of Star x1000 |
Top Hat |
Totem Shard of Nulgath x1000 |
Trox Heart x17 |
Ultimate Thunderball x2 |
Ultra Blood Titan |
Ultra Kitsune x2 |
Ultra Wolfwing x6 |
Undead Relic x116 |
Undead Soul x300 |
Undead's Soul |
Undefined 1 x20 |
Undefined 10 x20 |
Undefined 11 x212 |
Undefined 2 x20 |
Undefined 3 x166 |
Undefined 4 x175 |
Undefined 5 x200 |
Undefined 6 x6 |
Undefined 7 x26 |
Undefined 8 x20 |
Undefined 9 x224 |
Underworld Aliance x100 |
Underworld Key x100 |
Uridrax Scales x35 |
Vertigo Soul x52 |
Vial of Violence x3 |
Vibranium x9 |
Void Box of a Hundred Evilness x2 |
Void Debris x70 |
Void Fiend Soul x26 |
Void of Nulgath Token x552 |
Void Shard x70 |
Void Soul x5 |
Void's Coin x11689 |
Vordred Soul x23 |
Wailed Frozen x200 |
Well Key |
Xithricita x3 |
Xithricita Fragment x4 |
You got Trolled! |
CLASS Boost! (1 hour) x25 |
EXP Boost! (1 hour) x60 |
GOLD Boost! (1 hour) x25 |
REPUTATION Boost! (1 hour) x23 |
FireBlood Armor Enhancement |
Abyssal Katana |
Alchemical Onyx Katana (Wearing) |
CC Assassin's Katana of Shadows |
Kogane no Katana |
Lambent Light |
Mirrored Werepyre's Star Sword |
Necronium Sword |
Overlord's DoomBlade |
Prismatic Swords of Beast Slayer |
Royal Blade of Z |
Draconic Cardbroadswords |
Dual Black Dimensional Katana |
Dual Cursed Energy |
Dual Flame Champion (Equipped) |
FrostWolf Daggers |
Mujin Blades |
Assault Mode Meliodas Bow |
Happy Birthday Hammer |
Nobara's Hammer |
Unarmed |
Oblivion Of Highlord Spear |
Ghostly Staff |
Alchemical Soundwaves Hair |
Bido Birthday Morph |
Bido’s Birthday Hat 2019 |
Camarguets's Face |
CC Deadly Assassin's Mask and Scarf (Wearing) |
CC Deadly Assassin's Scarf |
Emo Shocker Hair |
Enchanted BlackOut Morph |
Helm of the Highlord |
Knight's Total Eclipse Solar Glasses |
Male Fuzzy EarMuffs |
Maleurous Mask |
Meliodas Half Demon Transform Morph (Equipped) |
Satoru Gojo's Mask |
Toxic Alchemist Hair |
Toxic Diviner Pupper Hair |
Trapped Dragone Morph |
Wolf Hunter Hood |
Worshipper Face of Nulgath |
God's Wrath (Equipped) |
Shining! |
Simple Shadow Ground |
Asfargo's Third Eye Ring (Equipped) |
Pineapple Ring |
PvP Necklace +1500 |
PvP Necklace +2000 |
4KKO Chest Pet |
Arcane Soul Paragon |
Brutal Servant Pet |
Dark Makai of Nulgath |
Golden Blood Bank Pet |
Golden Cute Octopus (Equipped) |
Legion Wizard Pet |
Nulgath's Prize Quest |
Oblivion Blade Of Nulgath Quest Pet |
Sneevil Nulgath |
Social Evil Drakath |
Soul Harvester Pet |
Taro Blademaster Guardian |
Ultimate Paragon Servant |
Undead Pirate BattlePet |
Classes & Armors |
Archer Hunter, Rank 10 |
Chaosweaver, Rank 10 |
Dark Caster, Rank 10 |
Darkblood Stormking, Rank 10 |
Darkside, Rank 10 |
DragonLord, Rank 10 |
Frozen Knight, Rank 10 |
Insurgent Knight, Rank 10 |
Legendary Hero, Rank 10 |
Legion DarkLord, Rank 10 (Equipped) |
Musician, Rank 10 |
Popstar Hatsune Miku, Rank 5 |
Blazing Naval Commander |
Brilliant Naval Commander |
Carnage Voids of Nulgath |
Chaotic Summer Leisure Wear |
Emo Shocker |
Enchanted BlackOut Armor |
Eternal Dragon of Rhyme |
Eternally Trapped Hero |
Frosty Cheerleader |
Galactic LightCaster |
Infinity Titan |
Infinity Titan's Throne |
Revontheus Armor |
Satoru Gojo |
Scarlethorn Revontheus (Equipped) |
Sequined New Year's Armor |
Shadow Fiend |
Soul Harvester |
Toji |
Toxic Alchemist (Wearing) |
Void Highlord Armor |
Castles & Houses |
Dreadnaught House (Equipped) |
Floor & Wall Items |
Altar of Caladbacon |
Apple Pie |
Archfiend Klunk House Item |
Bowl full of Jelly |
Bread |
Candle |
Lesser Groglurk House Item |
Major Mushroom Guard (R) |
Nation Draconian House Item |
Oversoul Fiend Vampire House Item |
Paragon House Item |
Salt Shaker |
Smaras House Item |
Sneevil Box Guardian House Item |
Sneevil Box House Item |
Taro House Item |
Tea Cup |
Tin Can |
Void Elemental |
Void Fiend House Item |