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1 Year Playing Title
7 Years Playing Title (Equipped)
Almandine Garnet x25
Aluminum x51
Amber x20
Animated Pepe Emoji Package (Equipped)
Aquamarine x25
Aura of Happiness x6
Aura of Pleasure x16
Azurite x25
Bag of Abyss x374
Big Meat x153
Black Ink x647
Bones x4
Broken Bones x2
BrutalDage Soul x14
Celestial Coins
Celestial Energy x122
Chaotic Token x182
Chicken Beef x15
Citrine x11
Claw of Metal
Condensed Void x30
Corrupted Fragment x4945
Crystal Gem of Nulgath x9
Crystal of Reanimation x19
Daily Login Megaphone x2
Dark Remnants x82
Darkness Contract
Darkness Singularity Token x97
Darkness Token x5
Darkon's Impure Energy x22
Demon Chalice
Demon Heart
Demon Soul x51
Diamond of Nulgath x7
Dimensional Key [No Load]
Dispel Power x190
Divine Cloth x2
Divine Essence x3
Divine Fragment x8
Divine Ornament
Doomed Fiend Defeated (1%)
Doomed Oblivion Defeated (1%)
Draconian Heart x300
Draconian of Time Head x900
Dragon of Time Token
Dragon Platinum Head
Dragon Sliver Head x90
Element Sac x5
Emerald x25
Energy Of The Dead x3
Essence of Luxuria x12
Essence of Nulgath x283
Essence of the Albino x93
Essence Of Unknown x10
Exalted Legion Token x320
Exalted Lord Token x50
EXP Elixir for Pet x140
Favor Done x6
Gab Tenma Emoji Package
Golden Destiny Core
Greed Token
Grimlord Blood x351
Head of the Boss x2
Heart of the Dragon x9999
Holy Fire x51
Holy Umbra x49
Holy Unstable Energy
Hometown Coin x550
Honor Stone
Horc Aliance!
Infernal Dust
Infernal Fragment x110
Infernal Stone
Jade x25
Legion Brutus Medal x100
Legion Essence x230
Legion Token x32238
Love Token x135
Loyalty of Nulgath x6
Loyalty Token x2
Lucius Dungeon's Boss Key
Lucius Dungeon's Key
Maculated Energy x25
Marshmeowllows x4
Matter of the Dead x22
Mega Circle Medal x100
Megaphone x82
Mercutio Token x97
Milk Bear Animated Emoji Package
Mirror Realm Token x9
Moon Essence x100
Mythical Soul x18
Nightmare Shard x100
Ninjo x43
Oblivion's Gem x39
Orthoclase x23
Paladin Armament x66
Penguin Slayer x30
Penitent Essence x105
Project: Dimensional Key
Pyrope Garnet x25
Rests of Ghost x8
Rich Status
Room Identificator
Ruby x25
Sailor Coin x52
Sanguine Of Darkness x11
Scrap Metal x2
Serpentine x6
Shadow Dust x162
Shadow Key
Shadow Relic x929
Shimmering Scroll x3
Silver Destiny Core
Sinned Energy x1000
Small Meat x9
Soul of a God x52
Soul Shard x5789
Sphene x25
Spodumene x25
Star Death x105
Star Ruby x13
Star Token II
Star Token V
Stareater Sphere x5
Sun Essence x100
Tainted Gem x110
Token of Star x123
Totem of Void x9
Trigoras Essence x170
Undead Relic x36
Undead Soul x2
Undefined 1 x2
Undefined 10 x2
Undefined 11 x2
Undefined 2 x4
Undefined 4 x2
Underworld Key x44
Vertigo Soul
Very Important Player Title
Vibranium x25
Void Box of a Hundred Evilness x28
Void Crystal A
Void Crystal B
Void Crystal Shard x6
Void Debris x10
Void Energy Y x8
Void Ore
Void Shard x83
Void Soul x2
Void Soul x400
Void Spell x8
Void Sphere x5
Void's Coin x627
Voidstone x5
Water for Pet x8
Well Key
Xithricita x6
Xithricita Fragment x247
Xyv's Blue Card
Xyv's Purple Card
Xyv's Star Card
You got Trolled!
CLASS Boost! (1 hour) x25
EXP Boost! (1 hour) x199
GOLD Boost! (1 hour) x25
REPUTATION Boost! (1 hour) x21
Abyssal Reaver Katana
Angry Katana Valor
Apple Star Sword
Baal Katana
Backhanded Dragon's Breath Katana
Backhanded Enchanted Speirling Dagger
Black Anxiety
Byakuya Katana Light
CC Assassin's Blade of Shadows
CC Dragon Ninja Katana
CC Tarazed Sword
Cyber Necrotic Sword of Doom
Dark Repulser
Dark SnowAngel's FrostBlade
Dwarven Excalibur
Flexing Mertic
Obsidian Dragon Sword
Pyramid Head Sword
Shadow Void Katana
Sheathed Dragon's Breath Katana
Shusui Katana
Ultra Big 100k
133Spider's Katana and Flame
Backhanded Dragon's Breath Katanas
Dragon's Breath Katanas
Dual Continuum Chronomancer Blade
Dual Cursed Energy
Dual Ducky Naval Pistol
Dual Golden Vampire Scythe
Dual Kaminari Kunai
Dual Sin of Revontheus
Random Item of Laf
ChronoReaper Claw
ChronoReaper Claws
Debris 297 Claw
Eternal Manifestation Gauntlets
Nightmare Carnax's Claws
Shadowbound Claw (Wearing)
SoulDevourver Gauntlet
Ducky Naval Pistol
CC Mug
Custom Hammer (Equipped)
Enchanted Nation Ritualist's Swirling Sigils
Neko Spindle Staff
Six Golden Hammer
Blade of the Dead
Bloodmoon Faerie's Scythe
Dark Magician Girl Scepter
Dimensional Scythe
Golden Chronommancer Time Spear
Half-Doge's Havoc
Ultima Electrix CC
Undead Mage's Fire Staff
Alastor's Morph
Alucard's Hat
Blue Dragon Knight Helm
Camarguets's Face (Equipped)
CC Conical Hat (Wearing)
Ducky Cap Locks
Ducky Hair Cap
Fellow Player Cap
Golden Vampire Helm
Guard's Shag
Guts Post Eclipse
Lovely Rocker's Expressions
Meliodas Hair CC
Mertic Hair
Nekomancer Hair
Nekomancer Hood Morph Hair
Nekomancer Hood Morph Locks
Nekomancer Locks
Nekomancer Morph Hair
Nekomancer Morph Locks
One-Eyed Drow Helm
Revontheus Legacy Cut
SharkCaster Hair
SharkCaster Locks
Very Nice Hair
Void Commander Tusks
Worshipper Visage of Nulgath
Zeron Face
Altar of Abyss Underworld
Captain Wary's Cloak + Companion
CC Fire Bahamut Cape
CC Floating Phoenix Cape
CC Rainbow Revontheus Rune
Combat Sage's Divine BattleFury
Draconic Yokai Assassin Sheathed Katana
Ducky Back Flag
Enraged Pyromancer's Wrap
Fiend's Devouring Flame (Wearing)
Fiend's Unruly Flame
Fiendish Eternal Flame Cape
Fiendish Fury Eternal Flame
General Neesha's Majestic Wings
Golden Vampire Bats
Hizu Kaze Apollo's Blight
Hollowborn Thunderlord Lightning Cape
Legendary Mommma Hair Back
Legion Evocatus's Pinions
Mertic Wings
Nekomancer Tail
Portable Twilly Spin Cycle
Sanctified Wings
SharkCaster Bubbles
SharkCaster Fin
SharkCaster Fin Tail
SharkCaster Tail
Wings of Darkness
Asfargo's Third Eye Ring
Very Important Player Ring (Equipped)
Avarice Guard BattlePet
Ghoul BattlePet
Luxuria Guard BattlePet
Prism Energy Flameletter Pet
Soul Harvester Pet
Ultimate Paragon Servant
Undead Mage Fire BattlePet
Classes & Armors
Chaos Sovereign, Rank 10
Dragon of Time, Rank 10
Evolved Exalted Fiend, Rank 10
Golden Chronomancer, Rank 10
Legion DarkLord, Rank 10 (Equipped)
Alpha Pirate Armor
Alucard's Armor
Armed Draconic Yokai Assassin
Ascendent Paladin
Black Arts Shirt
Black Hoodie CC
Black Ninja Coat
CC Laf T-Shirt
CC Legion Vampire
CC Love Caster
CC Prometheus
Darker Caster X
Demon Samurai
Draconic Yokai Assassin
Fellow Gamer
Fellow Player
Golden Vampire
Mafia 2077
Mertic Of Shax
Obsidian Blademaster
Pink Diabolical Nulgath
Prisma Pop
Prismatic Mafia Coat
ShadowScythe DIE Fighter
Silent Night's Armor (Wearing)
Starry Swashbuckler
Trox Shirt
Warlord of Void (Equipped)

Castles & Houses
Astravia Castle House Small (Equipped)
Astravia Castle Past I
Carnaval House
Paragon Helm House
Seraphic Fortress
Shadow Family Quarters
Voltaire's Hat
Winter Dragon Cave
Floor & Wall Items
Crystallis K29
Fragment of Doom Statue (L)
Fragment of Doom Statue (R)
Gauden Hound House Item
Gold Crystallis K29
Magical Bonfire
Paragon House Item
Ring Of Creation
Rotating Floor Map
Shadows Of Doom
Sluagh Warrior House Item
Stitched Stag House Item
Undead Coffin
ARTX Shelf
Bubble Potion Shelf
Deady Sign I
Eye of Chaos