Items |
Accessory Fragment x33 |
Animated Pepe Emoji Package (Equipped) |
Bag of Abyss x4427 |
Base Fragment x27 |
Basic Emoji Package |
Bravery Medal x465 |
Chaos Token x278 |
Chicken Beef x3 |
Crystal Gem of Nulgath x4 |
Cycle Token x50 |
Dark Makai Defeated x500 |
Diamond of Void x3 |
Divine Fragment x13 |
Draconian of Time Head x463 |
Dragon of Time Scales x4 |
Dragon of Time Token x35 |
Dragon Platinum Head x675 |
Dragon Sliver Head x269 |
Element Sac x5 |
Emerald x7 |
Essence of Slime x19 |
Exalted Lord Token x18 |
Gem Fragment x55 |
Gem of Nulgath x20 |
Green Whisp's Soul x155 |
Grimlord Blood x15 |
Holy Fire x2 |
Holy Umbra x2 |
Island Token x5 |
Jade x8 |
Lisker's Approval x71 |
Love Token x23 |
Loyalty Token x10 |
Maculated Energy x15 |
Master Musical Fragment x3 |
Mega Circle Medal x13 |
Megaphone x21 |
Milk Bear Animated Emoji Package |
Mirror Cohort Conquered x500 |
Musical Fragment x56 |
Mystic Gold x41 |
Nostine Defeated x74 |
Nulgath's Recipe |
Potion of Darkness |
Potion of Redness |
Ray Undead Skull x5 |
Sand x600 |
Sanguine Of Darkness x6 |
Shadow Dust x10 |
Shiba Emoji Package |
Soul of a God x9 |
Soul Shard x6822 |
Sphene x5 |
Tenebris Soul Orb x19 |
Tomb Shark x15 |
Totem of Void x3 |
Trim Fragment x24 |
Undefined 1 x14 |
Undefined 10 x8 |
Undefined 11 x5 |
Undefined 2 x8 |
Undefined 3 x11 |
Undefined 4 x3 |
Undefined 5 x16 |
Undefined 6 x7 |
Undefined 7 x11 |
Undefined 8 x5 |
Undefined 9 x10 |
Upholder Player Title |
Void Crystal Shard x3 |
Void's Coin x4369 |
Voidstone x3 |
Wailed Frag x100 |
Xithricita Fragment x7 |
Xyv's Yellow Card |
CLASS Boost! (1 hour) x25 |
EXP Boost! (1 hour) x112 |
EXP Boost! (5 min) |
GOLD Boost! (1 hour) x25 |
REPUTATION Boost! (1 hour) x25 |
Abyssal Black Key |
Backhanded Dragon's Breath Katana |
Black Chronomancer Infinity Blade |
CC Dragon Ninja Katana |
CC Lagger Sword |
Cursed Masamune |
Dramatic Long Sword |
Enchanted Blade of Gaheris |
Enchanted Speirling Gaheris Blade |
Lancelot's Sword |
Legion Legend Katana |
Masamune |
Mecha Dragon Commander Blade |
Oni To Koji's Sheated Katana |
Oni To Koji's Spirit Katana |
Sapphire Wish Blade |
Servant Solo Scythe Of Shadow Monarch |
Toxic Alchemist's Suspension Blade |
Polished Blinding Light of Destiny |
Ancient Nightmare's Reavers |
Backhanded Dragon's Breath Katanas |
CC Navy Yokai Kitsune Katana's (Equipped) |
Chained Revontheus Swords |
Chorupted DeathKnight Sword Polearm |
Daggers of Maddened Will |
Dragon's Breath Katanas |
Dramatic Long Swords |
Dual Abyssal BeastMaster's Great-Axe |
Dual Awakened Death's Requiem Scythe |
Dual CC Doritos |
Dual Enchanted Fiendish Monkey Staff |
Dual Fiendish Monkey King Staff |
Dual Fire and Ice Blades |
Dual Flaming Naval Sword |
Dual Golden Vampire Scythe |
Dual Grand Antaeus Spear |
Dual Kaminari Kunai |
Dual Katana of The Secret Slayer |
Dual Malefic Necrotic |
Dual Mutated Blade of the Truth |
Dual Necrowave Axe |
Dual Possessed Spiritual Axe |
Dual Sharktooth Scimitar |
Dual Slashers of Nulgath |
Dual Sorcerer Sun Hunter Bow |
Dual Spear of the Archangel |
Enchanted Blades of Gaheris |
Enchanted Speirling Gaheris Blade |
Fiery Ignition |
Hollowborn Treasure Hunter Necklaces |
Legion Legend Katanas |
Mecha Dragon Commander Blades |
Mystical Warrior's Katanas |
Oni To Koji's Dagger |
Oni To Koji's Katanas |
Servant Dual Scythe Of Shadow Monarch |
The Harvester's Katanas |
Underworld Wrangler's Rifles |
Frostval Krampus Claw |
Frostval Krampus Claws |
Paladin Ascendant Energyblades |
Tuba Cannon |
Underworld Wrangler's Rifle |
Crimson Shotgun |
Dusky Shark Disembowler |
Enchanted Dragon's Favor Fan |
Enchanted Necrayaya's Guitar |
Enchanted Sharkfin Surfboard |
Fero Attack Plushie |
Grunge Gangsta Bat |
Hollowborn Beast's Rage |
Natch Faust's Grimorie |
Snowvers Plushie Mace |
Unarmed |
Abraxos Scythe |
Azures of Polearm Slayer |
CC Airticus Staff |
CC Evolved Necromancer's Scythe |
Dark Dragon Reaper Scythe |
Desert Star Spear |
Enchanted Fiendish Monkey Staff |
Fiendish Monkey King Staff |
Golden Vampire Scythe |
Half-Doge's Havoc |
Reversed Malignant Death Scythe |
Alastor's Staff |
Royal Hope of Brightfall |
Angelic Halo |
Angelic Ninja Headphone |
Aspirational Rocker's Expressions |
Aurelio Voltaire's TopHat + Beard |
Black Revenger's Head |
Bro Morph |
Canadian Top Hat |
CC Crown Locks |
Christmas BlueShard Frostval |
Christmas Wylde Faerie |
Classic Cysero Morph |
Cosmic Philosopher Hair |
Dark Dracolich Flame Wreath |
Dark Dracolich Lord Helm |
Dark Dracolich Lord's Horned Helm |
Dark Manifestation Helm |
Dark Manifestation Morph |
Dark Skeletal Dragon Bone Mask |
DarkFrost Commander Visage |
Dawn Duelist's Hat + Hair |
Dawn Duelist's Locks + Morph |
Demon Samurai Hair |
Diabolical CC Hair |
Dzeza Magus Hair |
Dzeza Magus Locks |
Dzeza Magus Morph |
Dzeza Magus Visage |
Elated Rocker's Expressions |
Elemental Summoner Hair and Scarf |
Enchanted Electrowave Scholar Patch |
Enchanted Necrayaya's Hat + Morph |
Enchanted Skye Warden's Cowled Locks |
Festive Bull Mask |
Frostbringer's Long Hair + Morph |
Frostval Krampus Hood |
Frostval Krampus Mask |
Goblin King's Spikes + Hat |
Golden Horns Hair |
Golden Vampire Helm |
Grunge Gangsta Clipped Locks |
Grunge Gangsta Hair |
Hollowborn Treasure Hunter Hat |
Honax Diablo Morph |
Horned Mystical Warrior Coif |
Ichigo Hell Skull Mask |
Khriot's Hair |
Legion Legend Horns |
Lovely Rocker's Expressions |
Natch Faust's Hair |
Necronium Naval Hat |
Necronium Naval Locks Hat |
Nigthmare Helm |
Oni To Koji's Hair |
Oni To Koji's Hair + Blind |
Oni To Koji's Locks |
Oni To Koji's Locks + Blind |
Oni To Koji's Mask |
Samurai Hair Mask |
Servant Of Shadow Monarch Head |
Spiritual Chiromancer Hair |
Supremo Hitman's Flaming Hair |
Top Brass Helm (Equipped) |
Tropical Vacationer Hair |
Underworld Wrangler's Hat |
Underworld Wrangler's Rage Morph |
Underworld Wrangler's Skull |
Akali Neon Emblem |
Altar of Abyss Underworld |
Anomalous Lick Cape |
Aranx Wings |
Autumnal Red Panda |
Big Brass Blast |
Black ChronoCommander Analog Clock |
Black ChronoCommander Digital Clock |
Black Chronomancer Cloak Cape |
Black Red Cape |
Black Sun Bloodletter Deity |
Bladed Cloak Of Eminence |
Bloodletter Sacrifice Portal |
Bloodmoon Faerie Backblade |
Bloodmoon Faerie Double Wings |
Bloodmoon Faerie Scythe Cape |
Bloodmoon Faerie's Wings |
CC Paragon Cape |
Celestial Water Spirit |
Chthonian Fiend Slayer Cape |
Cursed Djinn Aura |
Dark Dracolich King's Crown |
Dark Dracolich Lord Wings |
Dark Dracolich Tail |
Dark Dragon's Winged Cape |
Dark Manifestation Spikes |
Dark Manifestation Wings |
Dark Ossesus the Dracolich King |
Deathly Prophecy Altar |
Demon Shadow Darkness Cape |
Djinn Realm Aura |
Doge Aura Cape |
Dracolich King's Crown |
Dracolich Lord Wings |
Dracolich Tail |
Draconic DoomKnight Wings |
Dragon's DoomKnight BackBlades |
Dramatic Royal's Wings |
Dzeza's Parasitic Tail |
Enchanted Kitsune Rune Circle |
Enchanted Mutou Hong Guardian |
Enchanted Tora Guardian |
Enraged Pyromancer's Wrap |
Eternal Doomlight Cloak |
Eternal Manifestation Spikes |
Eternal Manifestation Wings |
Evolved Power Pumpkin Cape |
Fiendish Monkey King Spirit |
Floating BladeMaster's Blades |
Floating Molten Lava Orb |
Floating Sand Buddy Cape |
Floating Scarlet Flame Guardian |
Formal Eternal Flame |
Frostbringer's Spirit |
Golden Time Runes |
Golden Vampire Bats |
Illuminati Cape |
Ink Mutou Hong Guardian |
Krampus' Sack of Gifts |
Legion Legend Runes |
MiltonPool Cloak |
Mirror of the Galactic Grail |
Mutou Hong Guardian |
Mystical Warrior's Cosmic Entity |
Nemean Soul |
Oni To Koji's Angry Guardian |
Oni To Koji's Flame |
Oni To Koji's Guardian |
Orochi Way of The Viper |
Portable Twilly Spin Cycle |
Pyroclastic Necromancer's Minion |
Shadow Star Rune |
Sinof Dragon Wrath CC |
Storm of Kunai |
Supremo Hitman's Demon Cape |
The Harvester's Mud Crown |
Tomes and Scroll Cape |
ULTRA Summoned Tiger Spirit |
Umitora's Grandeur |
Underworld Sacrificer Wraiths |
Underworld Wrangler's Crossed Rifles |
Yassine Is Gay Cape |
Zealous Seraphim Cape |
Dark Prismatic Rune |
Grounds of Mayhem |
Little Island Retreat |
Oni To Koji's Ground Rune |
Relentless Pursuit Circle |
Asfargo's Third Eye Ring |
PvP Necklace +2000 (Equipped) |
Blood Red Fire Flies |
Hollowborn Battle Bodyguard |
Hollowborn Bodyguard Companion |
Islander Quibble Bank Pet |
Jake The Dog |
Krampus Clawsuit Minion |
Maniac Minidage |
Pearl of Light Lantern Pet |
Pepe Pet |
Reincarnated Fiend's Orb Pet |
Scarlet Flame Guardian |
ShadowFlame OverFiend Pet |
Waderps |
Classes & Armors |
Chaotic Fiend of Nulgath, Rank 5 |
Dark Caster, Rank 6 |
Evolved Singularity, Rank 10 (Equipped) |
Frozen Knight, Rank 10 |
Golden Chronomancer, Rank 10 |
Loyal Commander, Rank 5 |
Popstar Hatsune Miku, Rank 5 |
PVP, Rank 10 |
Astravian Musician |
Autumnal Civilian |
Black Caster |
Black Gold Legacy of Nulgath |
Black Ice Wizard |
Black J5 |
Blessing Naval |
BotRK Armor |
CC Diabolical Costume Armor |
Clawsuit of Krampus |
Crimson Gunslinger Armor |
Dark Manifestation |
Dark SnowAngel |
Dark StarkCaster |
Darker CryptLord Armor |
Darkon Streetwear |
Doge Rev Armor |
Doomdragon's Master Mount |
Draconic DoomKnight |
Draconic Yokai Assassin |
Eden High Formal |
Enchanted Fiendish Monkey King |
Enchanted Lovely Rocker |
Enchanted Necrayaya Armor |
Enchanted Stylish Qipao |
Enchanted West Skye Warden |
Eren Outfit Shirtless |
Fellow Gamer |
Fellow Player |
Golden Chrono Rev |
Golden Vampire |
Hipster Sweatervest |
Hollowborn Bodyguard |
Hollowborn Raven |
Hollowborn Treasure Hunter |
Ichigo Hell Armor |
Imperial Infantry |
Kanataka Warrior |
Last Christmas Clothes |
Leanan Sidhe |
Legion Legend Armor |
NeoToxic Naval Commander |
Oni To Koji's Armor |
PaladinSlayer Naval Commander |
Pink Llama |
Pyroclastic Swimwear |
Rock Party Team |
Samurai Legion BladeMaster |
Servant Of Shadow Monarch |
Shadow Malani Warrior |
Spellsword Artifact Hunter |
Summer Casual Shirt |
Supreme Ninja Naval |
Tuba Lord Bard (Equipped) |
Underworld Wrangler |
Waterlogged Zombie |
Castles & Houses |
Bright Fortress |
Dragonrune House (Equipped) |
Love House |
Floor & Wall Items |
Altar of Caladbacon |
Eternal Dragon's Treasure Pile |
Huggy-Bear |
King's Throne |
Mood Slime |
Royal Couch |
Teleporter pad |
ARTX Shelf |