Items |
Animated Pepe Emoji Package |
Beast Hunter Approval |
Blood From the Void x85 |
Bones x29 |
Chaosweaver Fragment x500 |
Chaotic Token x151110 |
Chicken Beef x21 |
Claw of Energy |
Claw of Fire |
Claw of Good |
Claw of Ice |
Claw of Light |
Claw of Metal |
Claw of Nature |
Claw of Oceans |
Claw of Poison |
Claw of Stone |
Claw of Wind |
Corrupted Fragment x5000 |
Crystal Gem of Nulgath x4 |
Daimond of Klunk x50 |
Darklord Token |
Darklord’s Seal x4 |
Darkness Contract |
Darkness Token x59 |
Demon Bones Fragment x3 |
Divine Cloth x6 |
Divine Ornament |
Dragon Sliver Head x18 |
Essence Of Light x305 |
Essence of Nulgath x432 |
EXP Elixir for Pet x104 |
Fear Toxic Blood x39 |
Grievous Dark Blood x2 |
Grimlord Blood x42 |
Horc Aliance! |
Infernal Dragon Conquered |
Infernal Dust x3 |
Infernal Fragment x25 |
Infernal General Defeated x67 |
Infernal Skull Energy |
Infernal Stone x461 |
Legion Token x451420 |
Loving Title |
Loyalty Token x20 |
Megaphone x92 |
Penitent Essence x299 |
Pepe Emoji Package (Equipped) |
Purgatory Essence x36 |
Rests of Ghost x10 |
Sanguine Of Darkness x29 |
Sanity Lure x1494 |
Scrap Metal x195 |
Shadow Fragment |
Shadow Guardian Defeated x2 |
Shadow Relic |
Shadow Soul |
Small Meat x100 |
Soul of a God x13 |
Soul Of Evil x57 |
Soul Relic x120 |
Soul Shard x117329 |
Star Death x500 |
Star Token I |
Star Token II |
Stareater Fragment |
Stareater Sphere x40 |
Stellar Code |
Stone of Nulgath x60 |
The Secret 5 x39 |
Ultimate Darkness Token x25 |
Undead Relic x42 |
Uridrax Scales x3 |
Vertigo Soul x111 |
Very Important Player Title (Equipped) |
Village Token x305 |
Void Box of a Hundred Evilness x68 |
Void Energy Y x7 |
Void Fiend Soul x3 |
Void Reaper Heart x200 |
Void Spell x60 |
Well Key |
Xithricita x4 |
Xyv's Blue Card |
Xyv's Green Card |
Xyv's Yellow Card |
CLASS Boost! (1 hour) x25 |
EXP Boost! (1 hour) x243 |
GOLD Boost! (1 hour) x25 |
REPUTATION Boost! (1 hour) x25 |
Azure Balrog Blade |
Bright Astravian Rapier |
Burning Sword of Doom |
Chronomancer Infinity Blade (Wearing) |
Cursed Masamune |
Dark Astravian Rapier |
Divine Lightning Hero |
Glacial Berserker DragonBlade |
Ilusion Galaxy Excelsus |
Mecha Mediator Blade |
Necrotic Sword of the Legion (Equipped) |
Riftbreaker |
Spinal Debris Sword |
Void Of Shadow Sword |
Lunar Sand Axe |
Bright Astravian Rapiers |
Dark Astravian Rapiers |
Dual Grunge Gangsta Bat |
Dual Necrotic Sword of the Legion |
Evolved Bloodletters of Nulgath |
Evolved DemonLord Shadow Swords Dual |
Smol Dreambound Unicorn Toys |
Spinal Debris Swords |
Ultima Singularity Sword |
Gilded Gauntlet of Madness |
Gilded Gauntlets of Madness |
Mahorc-Uraga Honored Knives |
Mahorc-Uraga Spike |
Diabolical Skull Cane |
Dreambound Unicorn Plushie XL |
Dreambound Unicorn Toy |
Grunge Gangsta Bat |
Iron Hammer |
Red Spirit |
Smol Dreambound Unicorn Toy |
Unarmed |
Zardman's StoneHammer |
Amenonuhoko |
Evolved Hekyll and Jyde |
Scalpula Debris Scythe |
Unnecessarily Ornate Weapon |
Corugath Skull Staff Of Z |
Dreambound Unicorn Staff |
Mutated Rebirth Staff |
Dreambound Unicorn Wand |
Grand Necromancer's Morph + Locks |
Guts Morph |
Lord of Time Hair |
Mahorc-Uraga Bandaged Visage |
Mahorc-Uraga Visage |
Mahorc-Uraga Warlord Morph |
Meliodas Half Demon Transform Morph (Equipped) |
Revontheus Hair (Wearing) |
Sassy Melon Locks |
Zorbak SUS Morph |
Supreme Laf's Katanas Power (Equipped) |
Ultimate Divine Cape |
Ghost! |
Ghost! (Black) |
Ghost! (White) |
Very Important Player Ring (Equipped) |
Little Eternal Dragon Bank |
Mini Death (Equipped) |
Classes & Armors |
Acolyte, Rank 10 |
Archer, Rank 10 |
Armored Lycan, Rank 10 |
Blood Vampire, Rank 10 |
Chaotic Fiend of Nulgath, Rank 10 |
Chronomancer, Rank 10 (Wearing) |
ClawSuit, Rank 1 |
Divine Soul Hero, Rank 2 |
Dwarf Champion, Rank 10 |
Evolved Panda, Rank 10 |
Fallen Angel, Rank 10 |
General Cavemancer, Rank 10 |
No Class, Rank 10 |
Ranger, Rank 10 |
Soul King, Rank 10 (Equipped) |
Stareater, Rank 10 |
Astrium Armor |
Burgundy Maul |
Creature 10 |
Divine Soul Hero Armor |
Eden Formal Outfit |
Enchanted Timeseeker |
FCC Chaotic Warlord |
Infernal Revontheus |
Invisible Armor |
Joey Duelist |
Mahorc-Uraga Acolyte |
One-Eyed Team Armor |
Proper Victorian Garb |
Yuji Itadori |
Castles & Houses |
#78C475 Simulated Astravian Castle |
#FF0000 Simulated Astravian Castle |
2D Moistverse House |
Akiba Tea House |
Bright Fortress |
Carnaval House |
Dreadnaught House |
Enchanted Nulgath Nation House |
Haunted House |
Infinity Titan Base |
Inverted House |
Keep |
Legion Retreat |
Love House |
Moglin Hut |
Paragon Helm House |
Purple M4tr1x of Swordhaven |
Seraphic Fortress (Equipped) |
Snowman House |
Technocaster House |
Tree House |
Tudor |
Vacation Castle of Nulgath |
Villa |
Winter Dragon Cave |
Yulgath's Inn |
Floor & Wall Items |
00-X Spray Cans |
Altar of Caladbacon |
Altar Of Caladbolg |
Altar Of Saladbolg |
Altar Of Sanguine |
Anti-Negg |
ARTX Dome |
Blue-Eyes Dragon House Item |
Caramel Egg |
Chaos Egg |
Cherry |
Chibi Zazul House Item |
Chocolate Egg |
Cosplayer Anomaly 1 House Item |
Cosplayer Anomaly 2 House Item |
CRC Power Armor House Item |
Creme Egg |
Dark Caster's Tome |
Dark Magician Girl Aura House Item |
Darkpath Fire Rune |
Faerie Forest Tree |
Fragment of Doom Statue (R) |
Galactic Shadow Trooper Guard (R) |
Gold Undead Statue |
Golden Celestial Templar Guardian |
Golden Egg |
Golden Moglin Statue |
Hours Minutes Seconds |
Huggy-Bear |
Human Clock |
Human Clock Decay |
Human Clock Erosion |
Human Clock Nostalgia |
Human Clock Oscillator |
Infinity Titan Gauntlet |
Jaan al Bahar |
Judgemental Spectator Guard |
King's Throne |
Klawaii Machine House Item |
KotaBear 023M |
KotaBear 023XL |
Legion Evocator House Item |
Love Shrub |
Master Duelist Cape House Item |
Mini-Heart of Odium |
Mood Slime |
Nation Draconian House Item |
Orbital Doom Strike Pillar II |
Overdriven Evocator House Item |
Oversoul Fiend Vampire House Item |
Peace Was Never An Option |
Police Anomaly House Item |
Portal To The Unknown |
Rainbow Egg |
SalaryMan 2 House Item |
Shadow Egg |
Shadowseer House Guard |
Stray Foam |
Super Prince House Guard (L) |
Teleporter pad |
The Almighty One |
The Angered Entity |
This is Fine |
Valky NPC |
Vampire Commander's Guard Bat I |
Vampire Commander's Guard Bat II |
Void Elemental |
Void Fiend House Item |
Void Makai |
Void Monk |
Void Witch’s Summoning Circle |
00-X Signature |
2024 New Year's Ball |
ARTX Shelf |
Cr1tikal Meme Poster |
Eye of Chaos |
Guncraft Commander's Wall Art I |
Human Clock Face House Item |
Micro DIE Fighter (L) |
The Crying Warrior Painting |