Items |
Amber x5 |
Archfiend's Favor x1270 |
Armor Fragment |
Artificial Soul x9 |
Aura of Happiness x1000 |
Aura of Pleasure x1000 |
Basic Emoji Package |
Baxel Flames x44 |
Black Knight Orb |
Blood From the Void x5 |
Blood Gem of the Archfiend x13 |
Bones x21 |
Bronze Trophy Title |
Celestial Coins x7 |
Celestial Energy x3 |
Celestial Hound Soul x494 |
Championfiend's Soul x263 |
Chaos Card |
Chicken Beef x53 |
Claw of Poison |
Commander Token x150 |
Crimson Shadow Energy |
Cursed Box Fragment x3 |
Daily Login Megaphone x20 |
Daimond of Klunk x100 |
Damnation Bag x17 |
Dark Crystal Shard x180 |
Dark Makai Defeated x500 |
Darkness Contract |
Darkness Token x6 |
Demon Bones Fragment |
Demon Chalice |
Despair King Heart x600 |
Diamond of Nulgath x1166 |
Diamond of Void x44 |
Divine Cloth x8 |
Divine Ornament |
Emblem of Nulgath x5000 |
Eminence of Shadows's Title |
Energy Of The Dead x10 |
Essence Of Darklord x81 |
Essence of Luxuria x1999 |
Essence of Nulgath x20000 |
Essence of Shadow x2 |
Exalted Artillery Title |
EXP Elixir for Pet x335 |
Fierce Player |
Fragment Of Warlord x4 |
Frost Leather x5 |
Frostbound Crystal |
Frostbound Token |
Futurelegion Clear |
Galactica Singularity x65 |
Galaxy Core |
Gem of Nulgath x2000 |
Gem of Void x224 |
Grimlord Blood x2980 |
Grimlord's Token x20 |
Happiness Potion x2 |
Heart of the Dragon x9999 |
Hometown Key |
Horc Aliance! |
Immeasurable Purgatory Energy x7 |
Infernal Skull Energy |
Infernal Sneegath Claw x4 |
Laf Treasure Key x13 |
Last Treasure Token |
Legion Token x852725 |
Light Golem Energy x24 |
Lingering Flame x20 |
Lost Soul x76 |
Loyalty Token x58 |
Mega Circle Medal x10000 |
Milk Bear Animated Emoji Package (Equipped) |
Miltonius Soul |
Mining Strength x7 |
Mysteries Of Miltonius x100 |
Mythical Soul x20 |
Nulgath's Approval x20 |
Nulgath’s Archfiend Crest x6 |
Old Dwarf Class Ticket |
Olympus Sigil x6 |
Orthoclase x14 |
Penitent Essence x218 |
Port Token x158 |
Potion of Darkness x5 |
Potion of Dodge x5 |
Potion of Health x5 |
Potion of Mana x5 |
Potion of Power x5 |
Potion of Redness x5 |
Potion of Speed x3 |
Project: Dimensional Key |
Pumpkin Fragment x10 |
Pumpkin Lord Soul |
Purgatory |
Purple Queen's Potion x5 |
Rabid Lion |
Restless Key |
Sailor Coin x201 |
Sandye x445 |
Sanguine Of Darkness x101 |
Scrap Metal |
Shiba Emoji Package |
Small Meat x442 |
Sneegath Soul Shard |
Soul Collector |
Soul King Fragment x242 |
Soul of a God x645 |
Soul Of Evil x51 |
Soul Of Evil Fragment x4 |
Soul of Nulgath x10 |
Soul of Olympus x26 |
Soul Orb x9999 |
Soul Shard x449900 |
Stack of Souls x12 |
Star Token I |
Stone of Nulgath x100 |
Survivor of Friday 13th |
Tainted Gem x715 |
Taro Soul x20 |
The Secret 1 |
The Secret 3 |
The Secret 5 x50 |
Token of Olympus x260 |
Totem of Void x5 |
Totem Shard of Nulgath x1000 |
Ultimate Item of Donated Awesomenes |
Undefined 1 x20 |
Undefined 10 x20 |
Undefined 2 x20 |
Undefined 6 x300 |
Undefined 7 x200 |
Undefined 8 x20 |
Undefined 9 x300 |
Underworld Aliance x100 |
Underworld Key x3 |
Vertigo Heart x300 |
Very Important Player Title |
Vibranium x13 |
Void Box of a Hundred Evilness x6 |
Void Crystal A |
Void Crystal B x11 |
Void Crystal Shard x753 |
Void Energy X x27389 |
Void of Nulgath Token x1000 |
Void Spell x2 |
Voidstone x15 |
Voucher of Nulgath x2 |
Warlord Of Void Fragment x23 |
Water for Pet x32 |
Well Key |
Xithricita x22 |
Xithricita Fragment x19 |
Xyv's Blue Card |
Xyv's Green Card |
Xyv's Yellow Card |
You got Trolled! |
CLASS Boost! (1 hour) x25 |
EXP Boost! (1 hour) x250 |
EXP Boost! (5 min) |
GOLD Boost! (1 hour) x25 |
REPUTATION Boost! (1 hour) x25 |
FireBlood Helm Enhancement |
Caladfiend Reaver (Equipped) |
CC Blade of Z |
CC Mana Energy Sword |
Chronicles Electric Blade |
Cursed Masamune |
Demonic Shadow Blade |
Masamune |
Rhapsody Of The Purgatory |
Royal Blade of Z |
Shadowscythe of Z Blade |
Chronicles Electric Blades |
DarkVoid Paladin Katana |
Dramatic Long Swords |
Dual Digital Phoenix of Nulgath |
Dual Empowered Insurgent Knight Sword |
Dual Star Sword Breaker |
Enchanted DragonMage’s Daggers |
Mana Crystals Dagger |
Honax Claws |
Star-Eater's Void Flare |
Iron Hammer |
Unarmed (Wearing) |
CC Dragon Scythe |
Abyssal Pyromancer's Hair + Morph |
Beastly Iron Fang Scarf Morph |
Blank Helm |
CC Paper Head |
Ceremonial Yeti Mask |
Divine Tundra Warlock's Hooded Gaze |
Emo Shocker Hair |
Fantasia Fairy Morph |
Frost Dragon Horns |
Gothic Neko Collar Morph |
Grand Pirate King Spiked Hair |
Steampunk Valentine Locks (Wearing) |
Warlord Of Void Guard (Equipped) |
White Chronicles Hat |
Ageless Necromancer Cape |
Aleatory Color Wings |
ArchFiend Stormbringer Cape |
Bido's Fireflies |
Black Matrix cape of Revontheus |
Devil on Your Back |
Dragon Phantasm (Wearing) |
Enchanted Mutou Hong Guardian |
Eternal Flame of StarLight |
Evolved CardClasher Cape |
Hollowborn Dragon Guardian Wings |
Lae + Thay Eternal Flame |
Multiverse Combustion Wings |
Mystical Holiday Jester's Hounds |
Oblivion Juggernaut Cape (Equipped) |
Permafrost Moon Crystals |
Rotation Chronicles Electric Blades |
The Sea's Adoration |
Twilight Victory Laurel |
Twinkling Snowfall |
Vengeance Pactdealer |
WarSeeker's Burning Skull Cape |
Dark DoomWood DragonKnight Rune |
Dark Waters |
Domain of the Imugi |
Holiday Snowglobe Stage |
Neon Stage |
Shining! |
Asfargo's Third Eye Ring |
King Drago's Ring |
Very Important Player Ring (Equipped) |
Ally Drone |
Brutal Servant Pet |
Frostval Chest |
HyperRaindow |
Icy Christmas Sneevil |
Icy Vordred |
Inty Pet |
Legion Wizard Pet |
Maniac Minidage |
Necrotic Of Nulgath Sword Pet (Equipped) |
Nulgath Birthday Gift |
Oblivion Blade Of Nulgath Quest Pet |
Pixel Bank Pet |
Revontheus Baby Rewards |
Sneevil Nulgath |
Social Evil Drakath |
Ultimate Paragon Servant |
Warlord Of Void Pet |
Classes & Armors |
Demon Lord, Rank 10 (Equipped) |
Dragon of Time, Rank 10 |
Eminence Of Shadows, Rank 10 |
Exalted Fiend, Rank 1 |
Lord of Destiny, Rank 10 (Wearing) |
Vampire Of Purgatory, Rank 1 |
Alpha Pirate Armor |
Battle Track Suit |
Blood Caster |
CC Legion Vampire |
Darkness Tuxedo |
Emo Shocker |
Grand Pirate King |
HollowBorn Evoker |
Hollowborn Treasure Hunter |
Invisible Armor |
Last Christmas Clothes (Wearing) |
Manashaper Mage |
Nax's Robes |
Netherworld Comedian |
Space-Mage Armor |
Trox Plate |
Vamp Baron |
Warlord of Void (Equipped) |
White Suit Chronicles |
Castles & Houses |
Legion Retreat |
Loremaster Tent |
Love House (Equipped) |
Paragon Helm House |
Technocaster House |
Floor & Wall Items |
7th Head of Orochi |
Altar Of Caladbolg |
Amber Crystal |
Apocalypse Mecha OMGZilla Guard |
Aquarium |
Archfiend Klunk House Item |
Badger Brigade Guard |
Chibi Zazul House Item |
Dark Caster's Tome |
Dark Dragon Summoner Guard |
Dark Dragon Summoner's Portal |
Dark DragonKnight Guard |
Eternal Dragon's Treasure Pile |
Famine House Item |
FrostBlood House Guardian |
Hibernating Mecha OMGZilla |
Huggy-Bear |
Jaan al Bahar |
Jaan al Hawa |
Love Shrub |
Mahoraga House Item |
Mood Slime |
OMGodZilla House Item |
Overfiend Blade House Item |
Oversoul Fiend Vampire House Item |
Parked Cyber DeathRider Bike |
Scales of Greed House Item |
Stray Foam |
Tantalocust House Item |
The Sea's Adoration House Guard |
Void Elemental |
Void Fiend House Item |
Void Knight |
Void Makai |
Void Monk |
Wandering Soul I |
Wandering Soul II |