[Map Quest Guide] - /join InfernalVolcano

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Infernal Rock
(1st Quest of the Saga Number 213)

- Get Infernal Rock Fragment (80%) defeating Infernal Rock at /join infernalvolcano

Little Ones Of The Fire
(2nd Quest of the Saga Number 213)

- Get Dragoblin Shell (80%) defeating Lava Dragoblin at /join infernalvolcano

Infernal Volcano Guardians
(3rd Quest of the Saga Number 213)

- Get Infernal Guardian Defeated (100%) defeating Infernal Guardian Draconian at /join infernalvolcano

Infernal Corruption
(4th Quest of the Saga Number 213)

- Get Infernal Draconian Defeated (100%) defeating Infernal Draconian at /join infernalvolcano

Infernal Protection
(5th Quest of the Saga Number 213)

- Get Infernal General Defeated (100%) defeating Infernal General Draconian at /join infernalvolcano

(6th Quest of the Saga Number 213)

- Get Malxas Soul (60%) defeating Malxas at /join infernalvolcano

(7th Quest of the Saga Number 213)

- Get Uridrax Scales (10%) defeating Uridrax at /join infernalvolcano
- Get Uridrax Scales (100%) defeating Uridrax at /join infernalvolcano
- Get Uridrax Scales (50%) defeating Uridrax at /join infernalvolcano

Infernal Fragment
(8th Quest of the Saga Number 213)

- Get Infernal General Defeated (100%) defeating Infernal General Draconian at /join infernalvolcano
- Get Uridrax Scales (10%) defeating Uridrax at /join infernalvolcano
- Get Uridrax Scales (100%) defeating Uridrax at /join infernalvolcano
- Get Uridrax Scales (50%) defeating Uridrax at /join infernalvolcano

Infernal Dust
(9th Quest of the Saga Number 213)

- Get Dragoblin Shell (80%) defeating Lava Dragoblin at /join infernalvolcano
- Get Infernal Guardian Defeated (100%) defeating Infernal Guardian Draconian at /join infernalvolcano

Infernal Stone
(10th Quest of the Saga Number 213)

- Get Infernal Rock Fragment (80%) defeating Infernal Rock at /join infernalvolcano

Last Update of this Guide: 2024-07-30 12:18:03