[Map Quest Guide] - /join Revenant

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Legion Fealty 1
(16th Quest of the Saga Number 90)

- Get Aeacus Empowered (100%) defeating Ultra Aeacus at /join revenant
- Get Tethered Soul (10%) defeating Forgotten Soul at /join revenant
- Get Tethered Soul (100%) defeating Forgotten Soul at /join revenant
- Get Tethered Soul (20%) defeating Forgotten Soul at /join revenant

Legion Fealty 2
(17th Quest of the Saga Number 90)

- Get Ancient Cohort Conquered (50%) defeating Banshee Mallora at /join graveyard
- Get Ancient Cohort Conquered (50%) defeating Ghost at /join graveyard
- Get Ancient Cohort Conquered (50%) defeating Shadow of the Past at /join graveyard
- Get Ancient Cohort Conquered (50%) defeating Vertigo at /join graveyard
- Get Darkblood Cohort Conquered (100%) defeating Chaonslaught Caster at /join falguard
- Get Darkblood Cohort Conquered (100%) defeating Chaonslaught Cavalry at /join falguard
- Get Darkblood Cohort Conquered (100%) defeating Chaonslaught Warrior Inn at /join falguard
- Get Darkblood Cohort Conquered (100%) defeating Chaonslaught Warrior at /join falguard
- Get Darkblood Cohort Conquered (100%) defeating Primarch at /join falguard
- Get Doomwood Cohort Conquered (100%) defeating Cyzerombie at /join maul
- Get Doomwood Cohort Conquered (100%) defeating Queen's ArchSage at /join maul
- Get Doomwood Cohort Conquered (100%) defeating Queen's Sage (Random Spawn) at /join maul
- Get Doomwood Cohort Conquered (100%) defeating Undead Berserker at /join maul
- Get Dragon Cohort Conquered (100%) defeating Akril at /join dragonchallenge
- Get Dragon Cohort Conquered (100%) defeating AkrilUltra (Random Spawn) at /join dragonchallenge
- Get Dragon Cohort Conquered (100%) defeating Dread Dragon (Random Spawn) at /join dragonchallenge
- Get Dragon Cohort Conquered (100%) defeating FireStorm Dragon (Random Spawn) at /join dragonchallenge
- Get Dragon Cohort Conquered (100%) defeating Ultra Desoloth (Random Spawn) at /join dragonchallenge
- Get Grim Cohort Conquered (100%) defeating Angry Undead Giant (Random Spawn) at /join drakonnan
- Get Grim Cohort Conquered (100%) defeating Bone Terror at /join battleundera
- Get Grim Cohort Conquered (100%) defeating Lich (Random Spawn) at /join drakonnan
- Get Grim Cohort Conquered (100%) defeating Skeletal Ice Mage (Random Spawn) at /join drakonnan
- Get Grim Cohort Conquered (100%) defeating Skeletal Soldier at /join battleundera
- Get Grim Cohort Conquered (100%) defeating Skeletal Viking (Random Spawn) at /join drakonnan
- Get Grim Cohort Conquered (80%) defeating Undead Berserker (Random Spawn) at /join drakonnan
- Get Mirror Cohort Conquered (100%) defeating Kid of Darkness at /join battleunderb
- Get Mirror Cohort Conquered (100%) defeating Skeleton Fighter (Random Spawn) at /join battleunderb
- Get Mirror Cohort Conquered (100%) defeating Skeleton Warrior at /join battleunderb
- Get Mirror Cohort Conquered (100%) defeating Undead Champion at /join battleunderb
- Get Pirate Cohort Conquered (100%) defeating Alpha Pirate at /join pirateisland
- Get Pirate Cohort Conquered (100%) defeating Undead Pirate at /join pirateisland
- Get Spirit Cohort Conquered (100%) defeating Air Spirit at /join djinnguard
- Get Spirit Cohort Conquered (100%) defeating Earth Spirit at /join djinnguard
- Get Spirit Cohort Conquered (100%) defeating Fire Spirit at /join djinnguard
- Get Spirit Cohort Conquered (100%) defeating Flaming Harpy at /join djinnguard
- Get Spirit Cohort Conquered (100%) defeating Fluvial Lamia at /join djinnguard
- Get Spirit Cohort Conquered (100%) defeating Image of Crulon at /join djinnguard
- Get Spirit Cohort Conquered (100%) defeating Jaan al Bahar at /join djinnguard
- Get Spirit Cohort Conquered (100%) defeating Jaan al Hawa at /join djinnguard
- Get Spirit Cohort Conquered (100%) defeating Jaan al Nair at /join djinnguard
- Get Spirit Cohort Conquered (100%) defeating Loamy Lamia at /join djinnguard
- Get Spirit Cohort Conquered (100%) defeating Water Spirit at /join djinnguard

Legion Fealty 3
(18th Quest of the Saga Number 90)

- The item Bone Sigil is a Reward From Another Quest, please refer to the wiki: https://wiki.laf.world/?v=!!QO0UjMx0TblRXa
- The item Hooded Legion Cowl is a Shop Item and/or a Merge Shop Item, please refer to the wiki: https://wiki.laf.world/?v=!!ANyUzNx0TblRXa
- The item Legion Token can be obtained through Quest and Monster Drop, we recommend visiting the wiki to you choose the best way to get it: https://wiki.laf.world/?v=5MjMx0TblRXa

Legion Fealty 4
(19th Quest of the Saga Number 90)

- The item Conquest Wreath is a Reward From Another Quest, please refer to the wiki: https://wiki.laf.world/?v=!!wMxUzNx0TblRXa
- The item Exalted Crown is a Reward From Another Quest, please refer to the wiki: https://wiki.laf.world/?v=!!QNyUzNx0TblRXa
- The item Legion Token can be obtained through Quest and Monster Drop, we recommend visiting the wiki to you choose the best way to get it: https://wiki.laf.world/?v=5MjMx0TblRXa
- The item Revenant's Spellscroll is a Reward From Another Quest, please refer to the wiki: https://wiki.laf.world/?v=!!gMxUzNx0TblRXa

Last Update of this Guide: 2024-07-30 12:24:22