[Map Quest Guide] - /join Shadowrealm

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Are you Useful?

- Get Shadow Makai Slain (100%) defeating Shadow Makai at /join shadowrealm

Get the Seeds

- Get Darkseed (100%) defeating Gargrowl at /join shadowrealm


- Get Creeping Shadow Captured (100%) defeating Creeping Shadow at /join shadowrealm
- Get Shadow Living Fire Captured (100%) defeating Shadow Living Fire at /join shadowrealm
- Get Shadow Makai Captured (100%) defeating Shadow Makai at /join shadowrealm

Flex it!

- Get Shadow Medallion (100%) defeating Shadow Guardian at /join shadowrealm

Hollowborn Paladin

- Get Pieces of a Paladin Armor (100%) defeating Paladin Fiend (Random Spawn) at /join fiendshard
- Get Pieces of Skexis's Guardian (50%) defeating Skexis's Guardian (Random Spawn) at /join tercessuinotlim
- Get Shimazu's Soul (100%) defeating Shimazu at /join shimazu
- The item Blinding Light of Destiny is a Shop Item and/or a Merge Shop Item, please refer to the wiki: https://wiki.laf.world/?v=!!AMz0TblRXa
- The item Dolaas's Fire requires a deeper inquiry on how to obtain it, please refer to the wiki: https://wiki.laf.world/?v=!!wM0gzNy0TblRXa
- The item Hatir's Fire requires a deeper inquiry on how to obtain it, please refer to the wiki: https://wiki.laf.world/?v=!!gM0gzNy0TblRXa
- The item Paladin is a Shop Item and/or a Merge Shop Item, please refer to the wiki: https://wiki.laf.world/?v=!!gNx0TblRXa

Hollowborn DoomKnight

- Get Doom Axe Collected (50%) defeating Doom Axe at /join valleyofdoom
- Get Doom Knight Armor's Energy (100%) defeating Doom Knight Armor at /join valleyofdoom
- Get Doom Scythe Collected (50%) defeating Doom Scythe at /join valleyofdoom
- Get Doom Star Collected (50%) defeating Doom Star at /join valleyofdoom
- Get Pieces of Skexis's Guardian (50%) defeating Skexis's Guardian (Random Spawn) at /join tercessuinotlim
- Get Sepulchure's Armor (20%) defeating Dark Sepulchure at /join darkforest
- Get Sepulchure's Undead Blade (7%) defeating Dark Sepulchure at /join darkforest
- Get Shimazu's Soul (100%) defeating Shimazu at /join shimazu
- Get Simple Sepulchure's Helm (20%) defeating Dark Sepulchure at /join darkforest
- Get Vordred Soul (10%) defeating Vordred at /join vordred
- Get Vordred Soul (100%) defeating Vordred at /join vordred
- Get Vordred Soul (20%) defeating Vordred at /join vordred
- The item Dolaas's Fire requires a deeper inquiry on how to obtain it, please refer to the wiki: https://wiki.laf.world/?v=!!wM0gzNy0TblRXa
- The item Hatir's Fire requires a deeper inquiry on how to obtain it, please refer to the wiki: https://wiki.laf.world/?v=!!gM0gzNy0TblRXa
- The item Soul of a God can be obtained through Quest and Monster Drop, we recommend visiting the wiki to you choose the best way to get it: https://wiki.laf.world/?v=xEjM40TblRXa
- The item Soul Shard can be obtained through Shop, Quest and Monster Drop, we recommend visiting the wiki to you choose the best way to get it: https://wiki.laf.world/?v=4ITOy0TblRXa

Gifts of the Cryomancer

- Get Ice Crystal Shard (100%) defeating Ice Elemental at /join chaosnorth

Last Update of this Guide: 2024-07-30 12:37:06