Revenant Class - Complete Farming Guide

Thanks a lot to stauner5 dk#8858 (Lahel) for creating this guide.

Last update date: 21/03/2021

Revenant class

Requirement: Complete all quests at /join darkforest and at /join underworld. Complete the story quests at /join darkbirthday. One Dark Caster Class (e.g., Immortal Dark Caster class). Reputation rank 10 in Undead Legion recommended.

First /join revenant and complete all the Legion Fealty quests.
Legion Fealty 1 (Complete x15 times)
- Aeacus Empowered x50 (kill Ultra Aeacus at /join revenant)
- Tethered Soul x50 (kill Forgotten soul at /join revenant)
Reward: Revenant’s Spellscroll x1

Legion Fealty 2 (Complete x3 times)
- Grim Cohort Conquered x500 (x2-5 drops from all mobs at /join battleundera)
- Ancient Cohort Conquered x500 (kill Shadow of the Past x10 at /join graveyard)
- Pirate Cohort Conquered x500 (kill Alpha Pirate x6 and Undead Pirate x10 that spawn randomly at /join pirateisland. Note: monsters drop a lot of items)
- Battleon Cohort Conquered x500 (kill Ravenous Maw x20 drops and the monsters x10 in the previous room at /join tutorial)
- Mirror Cohort Conquered x500 (kill any monster drop x10 at /join battleunderb)
- Darkblood Cohort Conquered x500 (kill the Primarch drops x30 or Chaonslaught Warrior INN x20 or the other monsters x3, x5, x10 at /join falguard)
- Vampire Cohort Conquered x500 (kill Luca second form at /join bloodrun)
- Spirit Cohort Conquered x500 (kill any of the monsters drop x5 at /join djinnguard)
- Dragon Cohort Conquered x500 (kill dragons drop x20 at /join dragonchallenge)
- Doomwood Cohort Conquered x500 (kill Undead Beserker drops x10 at the end of the map at /join maul)

Legion Fealty 3 quest (Complete x5 times)
- Legion Tokens x2.500
- Bone Sigil x1.000
Reward: Exalted Crown x1

Amount needed for Legion Fealty 3 Quest
- Bone Sigil x5.000
- Legion Token x12.500
- Legion Tokens x250 for Dark Caster Class + Darkside Class
- IF you use the Arcane Soul Paragon Pet it costs x250 Legion tokens

Legion Fealty 4
- Legion tokens x4.000
- Revenant’s Spellscroll x15
- Conquest Wreath x3
- Exalted Crown x5
Reward: Elite of the Underworld Legion x1 + Key of Abyss x1

Total required Legion Token and Bone Sigil at /join revenant:
- Legion Token x16.500 + x250 (Dark Caster & Darkside class)
- Bone Sigil x5.000

Now that you have the Key of Abyss and the Elite of the Underworld Legion your next destination is at /join abysslair. Open the Dage Birthday! Shop.
Legion Revenant misc.
- Legion token x1000
- Dark Caster Class
- Timeless Dark Caster Class (quest at NPC Dage the Evil /join darkbirthday )
o (Armor: LT x2.000 + x1.000 Bone Sigil)
o (Class: LT x200 + x100 Bone Sigil)
- Immortal Dark Caster Class
o (Armor: LT x2.000 + x1.000 Bone Sigil)
o (Class: LT x200 + x100 Bone Sigil)
- Infinite Dark Caster Class
o (Armor: LT x2.000 + x1.000 Bone Sigil)
o (Class: LT x200 + x100 Bone Sigil)

The Soul Forge Hammer (Unlock SoulForge)
- Elemental Rock Hammer x1 (/join dwarfprison and buy from the Treasure of Dwarf shop. Must be Rank 3 in Dwarf. Note: must complete the Geirsson Quests at /join innwar.)
- Zardman’s StoneHammer x1 (drop from Zardman Grunt at /join forest)
- Iron Hammer x1 (drop from monsters at /join battleunderb)
Note: the easy way: buy the Soul Forge Hammer from another player and skip all the quests and the Dwarf reputation.

Revenant Class
- Legion Token x50.000
- Elite of the Underworld Legion x1 (reward from /join revenant)
- Coldfire Gem x100 ('Battle Abyssal Guards' quest at /join abysslair)
- Abyssal Scale x100 ('Battle the Underbeasts' quest at /join abysslair)
- Legion Revenant (Misc) x1
- Abyssal Medallion x50 ('Defeat the Devourer of Souls' quest at /join abysslair)

Congratulation you’re done farming! Now merge your brand-new Revenant class.


Total amount – Bone sigil
- x8.300 (x7.200 if you already own a dark caster class)
Total amount – Legion Token
- x74.350 (x72.150 if you already own a dark caster class)
- x74.600 (if you farm for the Arcane Soul Paragon pet)


How to farm Bone Sigil
/join underworld and get the two classes Darkside Class and Dark Caster Class.
- Darkside class (quest req: LT x50 + kill Fenrir x20)
- Dark Caster Class (quest req: buy the Dark Caster armor LT x200 + kill Thanatos x10 )
Farm Bone Sigil at /join legionarena and complete the quest 'First Class Entertainment' by killing the Legion Fiend Rider. It’s a 75% drop. Once you get the drop turn in the quest and repeat.

How to farm Legion Tokens
Option 1: /join underworld and complete the quest Punishing the Bad Cells Leader by killing the High Legion Inquisitor. Reward Legion Token x30.
Option 2: (2nd fastest) You need the reputation rank 10 in Undead Legion. /join darkbirthday and click on the Dage Birthday House and buy the Altar of Caladbolg for 5k gems. Put the altar in your house complete the quest 'Altar of Token' by killing the Diabolical Warlord (50% drop chance) at /join underworld. You will receive one of the following rewards: x40, x50, x60, x70, x80, x90, x100. And at random x250 Legion Token (10% chance).
Option 3: /join underworld and buy the Arcane Soul Paragon pet from the Legion Shop. You will need 30 Paragon Essence and x250 Legion tokens. Take the quest “Punishing ALL the Bad Cells” while you kill Paragon. Complete the quest 'Souls and Hearts!' at /join lair. You will receive one of the following rewards: x20, x30, x40, x50, x60, x70, x80, x90, x100. And at random x250 Legion Token (10% chance).
Option 4: (fastest) This option is for the old player or the rich player who got UIODA (Ultimate Item of Donated Awesomeness) and somehow acquired the now RARE Ultimate Paragon Servant pet. You can complete the quest by killing Binky and get the drop Binky’s Uni-horn (25% drop chance) at /join binky. Reward: x500 Legion Token. And at random x50 (40% chance) and x100 (20%.