About LQS (Limited Quantity Shop)

1. When will it be release?

This is the most common time when releasing item.

1st Stock at 6:30pm Server Time* (Friday)

2nd Stock (Restock) at 6:30am Server Time* (Saturday)

Join the discord community ( https://laf.world/?discord ), check at #news channel and see when will be the next LQS day and time.

Check the Server Time pressing "O" in your keyboard (In-game only) or check this site: http://www.timeanddate.com/worldclock/brazil/brasilia

*Need help converting the Server Time to your Local Time? Use this site: http://www.timebie.com/tz/timezonesearch.php

2. How to get it?

Because items have a limited amount, you must be online by the time LQS is released to players and be quick to obtain it. Or you can buy it from players who own it for items or jewelry (usually more expensive).

3. How it works?

Players are the one that will buy the items that are added. Players wait for the shop to be released (Check stock times) and then buy items in it until the amount runs out. The amount of items left is next to your name. "Name of Item xQty"

4. Where to find the shop?

The shop is located at faroff HomeTown type /Join HomeTown then walk at the right side then you will find a Smugglers Sneevils and click the exclamation mark.

5. Limited Rare Rarity? 

Yes, all of them are Rare and will not be never released again.

Check the item of print in wiki: https://wiki.laf.world/?v=xETO00TblRXa


This guide was created by xRomiex (Hero#3103)